Paste #73826: Denizen Debug Logs From

Date: 2020/08/03 17:40:47 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_252
Up-time: 1d 2h
Server Version: CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-9639cf7-0458f60 (MC: 1.16.1)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.90-SNAPSHOT (Build 715), CraftBukkit: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 5003-DEV)
Active Plugins (7): dynmap: 3.1-beta-2-389, TAB: 2.8.1, Citizens: 2.0.27-SNAPSHOT (build 2083), 
WorldEdit: 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT+5084-ecd7f0f, Denizen: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 5003-DEV), 
Insecurizen: 1.0, Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 643)
Loaded Worlds (3): Gielinor, Gielinor3, Dungeons
Online Players (1): xBxexhxr(Behr_Riley)
Offline Players: 2
Mode: offline (BungeeCord)

20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'EXCOMMAND_ThreadsWitFabric' Executing: (line 1) GIVE <proc[get_random_soul].context[2|2]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Adding definition 'rarity' as 2 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Adding definition 'level' as 2 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' with player 'Behr_Riley'... 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 347) DEFINE buffs <list> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list> with 'li@'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='buffs'  value='li@' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 348) DEFINE debuffs <list> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list> with 'li@'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='debuffs'  value='li@' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 349) DEFINE soul_type 
                   <script[item_system_global_data].list_keys[soul_names.<[rarity]>].random> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[rarity]> with '2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].list_keys[soul_names.2].random> with 'tortoise'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='soul_type'  value='tortoise' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 351) DEFINE NBT 
                   <list_single[soul/<map.with[type].as[<[soul_type]>].with[level].as[<[level]>]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[soul_type]> with 'tortoise'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[level]> with '2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <map.with[type].as[tortoise].with[level].as[2]> with 'map@ type / tortoise | level / 2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list_single[soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2|]> with 'li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2|'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='nbt'  value='li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2|' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 352) DEFINE NBT 
                   <[NBT].include_single[rarity/<[rarity]>].include_single[soul_level/<[level]>].include_single[active_soul/<[soul_type]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[rarity]> with '2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[level]> with '2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[soul_type]> with 'tortoise'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[NBT].include_single[rarity/2].include_single[soul_level/2].include_single[active_soul/tortoise]> with 'li@ 
                   soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='nbt'  value='li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | 
                   soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 353) FOREACH 
                   <script[item_system_global_data].data_key[soul_names.<[rarity]>.<[soul_type]>]> Key:Stat as:Type ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[rarity]> with '2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[soul_type]> with 'tortoise'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].data_key[soul_names.2.tortoise]> with 'map@ armor / buff | health / buff'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': map='map@ armor / buff | health / buff'  key_as='Stat'  as_name='Type' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 354) IF <[type]> == buff ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[type]> with 'buff'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(buff)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(buff)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 355) DEFINE buffs 
                   <[buffs].include_single[<map.with[<[stat]>].as[<script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[calculations.<[stat]>]>]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[stat]> with 'armor'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[stat]> with 'armor'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[level]> with '2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[calculations.armor]> with '2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <map.with[armor].as[2]> with 'map@ armor / 2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[buffs].include_single[map@armor/el@2|]> with 'li@ map@ armor / 2'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='buffs'  value='li@ map@ armor / 2' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:Type key:Stat ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 2 ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 354) IF <[type]> == buff ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[type]> with 'buff'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(buff)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(buff)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 355) DEFINE buffs 
                   <[buffs].include_single[<map.with[<[stat]>].as[<script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[calculations.<[stat]>]>]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[stat]> with 'health'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[stat]> with 'health'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[level].+[4]> with '6'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[]> with '6'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <map.with[health].as[6]> with 'map@ health / 6'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[buffs].include_single[map@health/el@6|]> with 'li@ map@ armor / 2 | map@ health / 6'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='buffs'  value='li@ map@ armor / 2 | map@ health / 6' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:Type key:Stat ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 358) IF !<[buffs].is_empty> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[buffs].is_empty> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 359) DEFINE NBT <[NBT].include_single[buffs/[<[buffs]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[buffs]> with 'li@ map@ armor / 2 | map@ health / 6'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[NBT].include_single[buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe|]> with 'li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | 
                   soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe|'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='nbt'  value='li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | 
                   soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe|' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 360) IF !<[debuffs].is_empty> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[debuffs].is_empty> with 'true'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 362) DEFINE flavor "<&d>Soul Item<&nl><&e>Combine with Armor or Weapons" ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&d> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&nl> with '
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='flavor'  value='Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 363) DEFINE NBT <[NBT].include_single[flavor/<[flavor]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[flavor]> with 'Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[NBT].include_single[flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons]> with 'li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | 
                   buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe| | flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='nbt'  value='li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | 
                   soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe| | flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 364) DEFINE Context <list_single[<item[Soul]>].include_single[<[NBT]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'flags' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Adjust mechanism 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <item[Soul]> with 'i@clay_ball[enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS|;script=SOUL]'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[NBT]> with 'li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | 
                   buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe| | flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag 
Combine with Armor or Weapons|]> with 'li@ i@clay_ball[enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS|;script=SOUL] | li@ 
                   soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe| | 
                   flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance'  definition='context'  value='li@ 
                   i@clay_ball[enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS|;script=SOUL] | li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | soul_level/2 
                   | active_soul/tortoise | buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe| | flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' Executing: (line 365) DETERMINE <proc[item_system_build_item].context[<[Context]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Context]> with 'li@ i@clay_ball[enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS|;script=SOUL] | li@ 
                   soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe| | 
                   flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Adding definition 'item' as i@clay_ball[enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS|;script=SOUL] 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Adding definition 'NBT' as 
Combine with Armor or Weapons| 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' with player 'Behr_Riley'... 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 409) DEFINE Item <[Item].with[nbt=<[NBT]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[NBT]> with 'li@ soul/map@type/el@tortoise|level/el@2| | rarity/2 | soul_level/2 | active_soul/tortoise | 
                   buffs/[li@map@armor/el@2&pipe|map@health/el@6&pipe| | flavor/Soul Item
Combine with Armor or Weapons'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag 
Combine with Armor or Weapons|]> with 'i@clay_ball[enchantments=luck_of_the_sea,1;hides=li@el@ENCHANTS|;script=SOUL]'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='item'  
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 412) IF <[item].has_nbt[soul_level]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].has_nbt[soul_level]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 416) DEFINE level 0 ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='level'  value='0' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 417) DEFINE level_stars <list.pad_right[5].with[<&7>?].unseparated> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list.pad_right[5].with[?].unseparated> with '?????'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='level_stars'  value='?????' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 420) IF 
                   <script[item_system_global_data].list_keys[defaults.damage].contains[<[item]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item]> with 'clay_ball'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].list_keys[defaults.damage].contains[clay_ball]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 423) DEFINE base 0 ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='base'  value='0' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 426) DEFINE nbt <list> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list> with 'li@'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='nbt'  value='li@' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 427) DEFINE nbt_attributes <list> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list> with 'li@'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='nbt_attributes'  value='li@' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 428) FOREACH <list[buffs|debuffs]> as:modifier ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list[buffs|debuffs]> with 'li@ buffs | debuffs'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ buffs | debuffs'  as_name='modifier' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 429) IF <[item].has_nbt[<[modifier]>]> && <[item]> != 
                   <script[soul].data_key[material]> && <[Item].nbt[<[modifier]>]> != none ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[modifier]> with 'buffs'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].has_nbt[buffs]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:modifier key:key ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 2 ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 429) IF <[item].has_nbt[<[modifier]>]> && <[item]> != 
                   <script[soul].data_key[material]> && <[Item].nbt[<[modifier]>]> != none ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[modifier]> with 'debuffs'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].has_nbt[debuffs]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:modifier key:key ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 445) IF <[Item].has_script> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Item].has_script> with 'true'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 446) DEFINE sn1 <[item]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item]> with 'soul'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='sn1'  value='soul' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 450) IF <[Item].has_nbt[rarity]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[Item].has_nbt[rarity]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 453) DEFINE rarity_color 
                   <script[item_system_global_data].data_key[settings.rarity_colors.0].parsed> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].data_key[settings.rarity_colors.0].parsed> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='rarity_color'  value='' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 456) IF <[item].has_nbt[active_soul]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].has_nbt[active_soul]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 459) DEFINE name <[rarity_color]><[sn1].replace[_].with[<&sp>].to_titlecase> 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[rarity_color]> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[sn1].replace[_].with[ ].to_titlecase> with 'Soul'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='name'  value='Soul' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 462) DEFINE lore 
                   <list.include[<script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[]> with 'li@ --------------------------'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list.include[li@el@--------------------------|]> with 'li@ --------------------------'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='lore'  value='li@ --------------------------' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 463) DEFINE lore 
                   <[lore].include[<script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[level_stars]> with '?????'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <empty> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[]> with 'li@ Level: ????? | '. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[lore].include[li@el@Level: ?????|el@|]> with 'li@ -------------------------- | Level: ????? | '. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='lore'  value='li@ -------------------------- | Level: ????? | ' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 464) IF 
                   <[item][<script[item_system_global_data].data_key[regex_type_check.weapon]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].data_key[regex_type_check.weapon]> with '(.*)_(axe|sword)'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item][(.*)_(axe|sword)]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 468) IF 
                   <[item][<script[item_system_global_data].data_key[regex_type_check.armor]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].data_key[regex_type_check.armor]> with '(.*)_(chestplate|leggings|boots|helmet|shell)'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item][(.*)_(chestplate|leggings|boots|helmet|shell)]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 472) FOREACH <list[buffs|debuffs]> as:modifier ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <list[buffs|debuffs]> with 'li@ buffs | debuffs'. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ buffs | debuffs'  as_name='modifier' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 473) IF <[item].has_nbt[<[modifier]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[modifier]> with 'buffs'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].has_nbt[buffs]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:modifier key:key ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 2 ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 473) IF <[item].has_nbt[<[modifier]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[modifier]> with 'debuffs'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].has_nbt[debuffs]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH  CALLBACK as:modifier key:key ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 480) IF <[item].has_nbt[flavor]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].has_nbt[flavor]> with 'false'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 483) DEFINE lore 
                   <[lore].include[<script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[settings.lore.bottom]>]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <script[item_system_global_data].parsed_key[settings.lore.bottom]> with 'li@ --------------------------'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[lore].include[li@el@--------------------------|]> with 'li@ -------------------------- | Level: ????? |  | 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='lore'  value='li@ -------------------------- | Level: ????? |  | 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 485) DEFINE NewItem 
                   <[item].with[display_name=<[name]>;lore=<[lore]>;flags=HIDE_ALL]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[name]> with 'Soul'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[lore]> with 'li@ -------------------------- | Level: ????? |  | --------------------------'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'flags' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[item].with[display_name=Soul;lore=li@el@--------------------------|el@Level: ?????|el@|el@--------------------------|;flags=HIDE_ALL]> 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='newitem'  
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 486) IF !<[nbt].is_empty> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[nbt].is_empty> with 'true'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 489) DEFINE NewItem <[NewItem].with[nbt=vanilla/true]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[NewItem].with[nbt=vanilla/true]> with 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem'  definition='newitem'  
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 491) IF !<[nbt_attributes].is_empty> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[nbt_attributes].is_empty> with 'true'. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' Executing: (line 494) DETERMINE <[NewItem]> ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <[NewItem]> with 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': 
                   ?????|el@|el@--------------------------|;nbt=li@el@vanilla/true|;script=SOUL]'  passively='false'  Queue='q@ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ITEM_SYSTEM_BUILD_ITEM_CruzCodeEminem' in 21ms. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag 
Combine with Armor or Weapons&pipe|]> with 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': 
                   ?????|el@|el@--------------------------|;nbt=li@el@vanilla/true|;script=SOUL]'  passively='false'  Queue='q@GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Completing queue 'GET_RANDOM_SOUL_EfDisputesGovernance' in 37ms. 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <proc[get_random_soul].context[2|2]> with 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'enchantments' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'hides' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'nbt' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO]  Applying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 
20:40:47 [INFO] +> Executing 'GIVE': Type='ITEM'  inventory='in@player[holder=p@4fbca51c-2c03-4d4f-b1fb-f2462609a058]'  quantity='1'  engrave='false'  
                   ?????|el@|el@--------------------------|;nbt=li@el@vanilla/true|;script=SOUL]]'  slot='1' 
20:40:47 [INFO] +- Queue 'EXCOMMAND_ThreadsWitFabric' Executing: (line 1) ~debug record submit ---------+ 
20:40:47 [INFO]  ...remembering this script entry as 'mylog'!