Paste #9158: Denizen Debug Logs From 6Sever currently booting, please wait to join.6This message will update wh

Date: 2014/09/02 14:19:17 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.7.0_51
CraftBukkit Version: git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks (MC: 1.7.10)
Active Plugins (10): GroupManager: 2.0 (2.12.1) (Phoenix), Vault: 1.2.27-b349, WorldEdit: 5.5.8-1.6.2, 
ProtocolLib: 3.4.0, Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b678, Essentials: Pre2.13.1.6, Citizens: 2.0.13-SNAPSHOT (build 1166), 
EssentialsChat: Pre2.13.1.6, Denizen: 0.9.5-SNAPSHOT (build 1518), EssentialsSpawn: Pre2.13.1.6,
Loaded Worlds (4): world, world_nether, world_the_end, new
Online Players (2): EquinoxDev(EquinoxDev), que1124(que1124)

16:19:26 [INFO]  FOUND! NPC is in EXITING range: 'Taehl' 
16:19:39 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@Taehl/p@EquinoxDev 
16:19:39 [INFO]  OKAY! '10 TAEHLSTEPS' meets requirements. 
16:19:39 [INFO]  
16:19:39 [INFO]  OKAY! Highest scoring script is TAEHLSTEPS. 
16:19:39 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Current step for this script is: 1 
16:19:39 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
16:19:39 [INFO] +- Parsing CLICK trigger: n@Taehl/p@EquinoxDev ---------+ 
16:19:39 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'ZENNNZNDNN'... 
16:19:39 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ZAP/p@EquinoxDev ---------+ 
16:19:39 [INFO] +> Executing 'ZAP': Player='p@EquinoxDev'  
                   script='TAEHLSTEPS(INTERACT)'  step='2' 
16:19:40 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@EquinoxDev ---------+ 
16:19:40 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='OBJECTIVE_REMOVE(TASK)' 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Adding definition %1% as Go see Teahl 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Adding definition %2% as 2 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'IIENZZZNNN'... 
16:19:40 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/p@EquinoxDev ---------+ 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'Go see Teahl'. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '2'. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
16:19:40 [INFO] +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='Removed Objective: Go 
                   see Teahl|number 2'  Type='ALL' 
16:19:40 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: SCOREBOARD/p@EquinoxDev ---------+ 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled definition %1% with 'Go see Teahl'. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled definition %2% with '2'. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'EquinoxDev'. 
16:19:40 [INFO] +> Executing 'SCOREBOARD': action='remove'  
                   id='EquinoxDev_objective'  objective='Tasks'  List='li@Go 
                   see Teahl' 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Completing queue 'IIENZZZNNN'. 
16:19:40 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@EquinoxDev ---------+ 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled tag <&b> with ''. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
16:19:40 [INFO]  Filled tag <&cm> with ','. 
16:19:40 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='[Taehl -> You]: Good, 
                   you're back! I got orders from the Elders to bring you to 
                   Master Ali right away.'  Targets='[p@EquinoxDev]'