Paste #89670: Sample Item Quest

Date: 2021/11/06 11:01:11 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# | To use this script:
# /npc create Questy McQuestface
# /npc assignment --set item_questgiver_assign
# Then go to the destination area
# /npc create Thiefy McThiefface
# /npc assignment --set item_quest_goal_assign
# For beginner usage, you can simply copy/paste and fill in the details (item name, chat messages, etc)
# If using multiple times, be sure to rename each script container appropriately
# If you're testing the script and want to manually reset your cooldown, you can use:
# /ex zap item_questgiver_interact *
# Don't forget to add 'debug: false' on each container when you're done testing.

# First, we define a custom item for the quest to use
    type: item
    # Probably make it something the player wouldn't steal
    material: golden_hoe
    # Make it look important
    display name: <&b><bold>Priceless Heirloom
    - <&7>Questy McQuestface's priceless family heirloom.
    - <&6>[Must Return To Quest Town]
    # We can give a useless enchantment and hide it to add a glow effect to the item
    - lure:1
        hides: all

# Now, we make an assignment and interact script for the quest giver - the one that needs an item brought back
    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:click state:true
        - trigger name:chat state:true
        - trigger name:proximity state:true radius:10
    interact scripts:
    - item_questgiver_interact

    type: interact
        # The default step will be offering the quest to any passers by
            # First: when players walk close, say hi
            proximity trigger:
                    - chat "Hey! Over here! I need help!"
            click trigger:
                - chat "Hi <>! Can you help me? I lost my valuable item!"
                # Use on_click to make chat triggers easier, and on_hover to make it clear that the text is clickable
                - narrate "<&7>[<element[<&b>Yes I accept].on_click[yes].on_hover[Click to start quest]> or <element[<&b>No not right now].on_click[no].on_hover[Click to refuse quest]>]"
                # Jump to the possible acceptance step, with a duration limit to be safe (if the player does nothing for 5 minutes, reset to default step again)
                - zap wait_for_accept 5m
        # After clicking the NPC, this step is used to allow the player to accept or refuse the quest
            # If the player doesn't speak and just clicks the NPC again...
            click trigger:
                - chat "... Well? Yes or no?!"
                # Copy/paste the narrate.
                # In some cases it might be better to move this into a task script or a data key for reuse, but copy/pasta is quick and easy for just one duplicate.
                - narrate "<&7>[<element[<&b>Yes I accept].on_click[yes].on_hover[Click to start quest]> or <element[<&b>No not right now].on_click[no].on_hover[Click to refuse quest]>]"
            chat trigger:
                    # If the player says yes...
                    trigger: /Yes/ I accept
                    # Tell the player the quest
                    - chat "Great! Thiefy McThiefface has my item over in Destination Townshiplandplaceville."
                    - chat "It's a priceless family heirloom and I need it returned! I'll reward you well!"
                    - narrate "<&7>[Quest <&b><bold>Priceless Example Quest Of Generations<&7> accepted. Travel to Destination Townshiplandplaceville and speak to Thiefy McThiefface.]"
                    # Jump the goal NPC's script to correct step for when the quest is active
                    - zap item_quest_goal_interact can_give_item
                    # Jump this NPC to the waiting step
                    - zap wait_for_return
                    # But also the player can refuse...
                    trigger: /No/ not right now
                    - chat "Okay. Maybe somebody more cool and heroic than you will do my quest for me."
                    - narrate "<&7>[Quest refused]"
                    - zap *
            # If the player walks away after clicking the NPC, reset to default step
            proximity trigger:
                    - chat "Wow! Rude! Not even a simple 'no'? :("
                    - narrate "<&7>[Quest refused]"
                    - zap *
        # This step handles when the player has the quest, but has not yet returned the item
            click trigger:
                # If the player has the item,
                    trigger: my_item_quest_item
                    # Thank the player and take the item
                    - chat "Wow! My heirloom!"
                    - take item:my_item_quest_item
                    - narrate "<&7>[<&b><bold>Priceless Family Heirloom<&7> removed]"
                    - chat "Thank you adventurer! Here's your reward!"
                    # Maybe show some pretty effects to make the player feel special
                    - toast "Quest Complete: <&b><bold>Priceless Example Quest Of Generations" icon:my_item_quest_item
                    # Give a reward - xp in this case, maybe instead give money or something like that
                    - give xp quantity:1000
                    - narrate "<&7>[Got <&b>1000 XP<&7>]"
                    # Jump to the idle 'on_cooldown' step for a cooldown duration. When the duration is up, the player will automatically reset to the default step.
                    - narrate "<&7>[Quest <&b><bold>Priceless Example Quest Of Generations<&7> complete. May be repeated in 3 days.]"
                    - zap on_cooldown 3d
                    # TODO: You should consider what happens if the player simply loses the item. Do you prevent this via world script events (player drops item / clicks in inventory), or add a backup time limit, or...?
                    # If the player lacks the item,
                    - chat "Well? Where is it!?"
                    # Remind the player of their quest
                    - narrate "<&7>[Travel to Destination Townshiplandplaceville and speak to Thiefy McThiefface.]"
        # This step is idly waited on for the cooldown duration of the quest
            click trigger:
                # Tell the player they're still on cooldown so they don't get confused
                - narrate "Thanks for returning my item :D"
                - narrate "<&7>[You may repeat this quest after <&b><script.step_expiration.from_now.formatted><&7>]"

# Now an assignment and interact for the destination - the NPC that has the item to be retrieved
    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:click state:true
        - trigger name:chat state:true
    interact scripts:
    - item_quest_goal_interact

    type: interact
        # The default step: if you're not on the quest, begone!
            click trigger:
                - chat "Who are you? What do you want?"
        # This step is for players that are on the quest already, to initially speak with the NPC
            click trigger:
                # Give the player some interaction options
                - chat "Questy McQuestface sent you, didn't he?"
                - narrate "<&7>[<element[<&b>Yes, give me his item back now!].on_click[yes].on_hover[Click here to advance quest]> or <element[<&b>No I don't know what you're talking about].on_click[no].on_hover[Don't click this]><&7>]"
                # Note for caution: if you put a cooldown on this, it would revert to the default step, which is bad, so don't do that.
                - zap give_item
        # This step is to talk to the NPC and get the item
            click trigger:
                # This part, same idea as the wait_for_accept click trigger in the previous interact script above
                - narrate "<&7>[<element[<&b>Yes, give me his item back now!].on_click[yes].on_hover[Click here to advance quest]> or <element[<&b>No I don't know what you're talking about].on_click[no].on_hover[Don't click this]><&7>]"
            chat trigger:
                    trigger: /Yes/ I can take it back
                    - chat "Oh dang okay fine take it i didn't even want it anyway"
                    - give my_item_quest_item
                    - narrate "<&7>[Return the <&b><bold>Priceless Family Heirloom<&7> to Questy McQuestface]"
                    # Jump to a waiting step in case the player tries to interact with this NPC more
                    # This can have a cooldown - after it's up, they go back to the default step, which is idly waiting
                    - zap please_return_it 1h
                    # It can sometimes be nice to have a 'no' button even if it doesn't do anything useful
                    trigger: /No/ I don't know what you're talking about
                    - chat "... oh okay go away then"
                    - zap can_give_item
        # This step is for players that already took the item but are trying to interact with the NPC more
            click trigger:
                - chat "Well?! You got your heirloom! Go away!"