Paste #83613: Diff Report Between Paste #83612 and #70103

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 # +----------------------
 # |
 # | C u b o i d   T o o l
 # |
 # | Handy tool to make noted cuboids.
 # |
 # +----------------------
 # @author mcmonkey
 # @date 2020/06/01
-# @denizen-build REL-1709
-# @script-version 1.2
+# @denizen-build REL-1733
+# @script-version 1.4
 # Installation:
 # Just put the script in your scripts folder and reload.
 # Usage:
 # Type command "/ctool" to get a cuboid selector tool.
 # While holding the tool, left click to start a selection and right click to expand the selection.
 # Requires permission "cuboidtool.ctool"
 # Use "/cnote [name]" to note your selected cuboid as the name. For example, "/cnote myshop" adds noted cuboid 'myshop'.
 # Requires permission "cuboidtool.cnote"
 # Use "/cshow" to show your current cuboid selection.
 # Requirers permission "cuboidtool.cshow"
 # In a script or "/ex" command, use "<player.has_flag[ctool_selection]>" to check if the player has a selection.
-# and "<player.flag[ctool_selection].as_cuboid>" to get the selected cuboid.
+# and "<player.flag[ctool_selection]>" to get the selected cuboid.
 # ---------------------------- END HEADER ----------------------------
     type: item
     debug: false
     material: blaze_rod
     display name: <gold><bold>Cuboid Tool
     - vanishing_curse:1
-        flags: HIDE_ENCHANTS
+        hides: ENCHANTS
     - Left click to start a selection.
     - Right click to expand the selection.
     type: command
     debug: false
     name: ctool
     - cuboidtool
     permission: cuboidtool.ctool
     description: Gets a cuboid tool.
     usage: /ctool
     - give cuboid_tool_item
     - narrate "<green>Here's your cuboid tool!"
     type: command
     debug: false
     name: cnote
     - cuboidnote
     permission: cuboidtool.cnote
     description: Notes your selected cuboid.
     usage: /cnote [name]
     - if !<player.has_flag[ctool_selection]>:
         - narrate "<red>You don't have any cuboid selected."
         - stop
     - if <context.args.size> != 1:
         - narrate "/cnote [name]"
         - stop
     - note <player.flag[ctool_selection]> as:<context.args.get[1]>
     - inject cuboid_tool_status_task
     - narrate "<green>Cuboid <aqua><context.args.get[1]><green> noted with <[message]>."
     type: command
     debug: false
     name: cshow
     - cuboidshow
     permission: cuboidtool.cshow
     description: Shows your selected cuboid.
     usage: /cshow
     - if !<player.has_flag[ctool_selection]>:
         - narrate "<red>You don't have any cuboid selected."
         - stop
     - inject cuboid_tool_status_task
     - narrate <[message]>
     type: task
     debug: false
-    - define cuboid <player.flag[ctool_selection].as_cuboid>
+    - define cuboid <player.flag[ctool_selection]>
     - define min "<aqua><[cuboid][,].with[<gray>, <aqua>]><green>"
     - define max "<aqua><[cuboid][,].with[<gray>, <aqua>]><green>"
     - define size "<aqua><[cuboid][,].with[<gray>, <aqua>]><green>"
     - define volume <aqua><[cuboid].volume><green>
     - define message "<green>Cuboid selection: from <[min]> to <[max]> (size <[size]>, volume <[volume]>)"
     - actionbar <[message]>
-    - playeffect effect:flame at:<[cuboid].shell> offset:0 targets:<player>
-    - playeffect effect:barrier at:<[cuboid].outline> offset:0 targets:<player>
+    # Loose approximation of the cuboid's scale to prevent trying to spawn a trillion particles
+    - define approx_scale <[cuboid].max.sub[<[cuboid].min>].vector_length>
+    - if <[approx_scale]> < 200:
+        - playeffect effect:flame at:<[cuboid].shell.parse[center]> offset:0 targets:<player> visibility:32
+    - if <[approx_scale]> < 1000:
+        - playeffect effect:barrier at:<[cuboid].outline.parse[center]> offset:0 targets:<player> visibility:32
     type: world
     debug: false
         # Basic usage logic
-        on player left clicks block with cuboid_tool_item:
+        on player left clicks block with:cuboid_tool_item:
         - if <||air> == air:
             - stop
-        - flag player ctool_selection:<cuboid[<context.location>|<context.location>]>
+        - flag player ctool_selection:<context.location.to_cuboid[<context.location>]>
         - inject cuboid_tool_status_task
         - determine cancelled
-        on player right clicks block with cuboid_tool_item:
+        on player right clicks block with:cuboid_tool_item:
         - if <||air> == air:
             - stop
         - if <player.has_flag[ctool_selection]>:
-            - flag player ctool_selection:<player.flag[ctool_selection].as_cuboid.include[<context.location>]>
+            - if <player.flag[ctool_selection]> != <>:
+                - narrate "<&c>You must restart your selection by left clicking."
+                - stop
+            - flag player ctool_selection:<player.flag[ctool_selection].include[<context.location>]>
         - else:
-            - flag player ctool_selection:<cuboid[<context.location>|<context.location>]>
+            - flag player ctool_selection:<context.location.to_cuboid[<context.location>]>
         - inject cuboid_tool_status_task
         - determine cancelled
         # Prevent misuse
         on player drops cuboid_tool_item:
         - remove <context.entity>
         on player clicks in inventory with:cuboid_tool_item:
-        - inject locally abuse_prevention_click
+        - inject cuboid_tool_world.abuse_prevention_click
         on player drags cuboid_tool_item in inventory:
-        - inject locally abuse_prevention_click
+        - inject cuboid_tool_world.abuse_prevention_click
         - if <context.inventory.inventory_type> == player:
             - stop
         - if <context.inventory.inventory_type> == crafting:
             - if <context.raw_slot||<context.raw_slots.numerical.first>> >= 6:
                 - stop
         - determine passively cancelled
         - inventory update