Java Version: 1.8.0_252
Up-time: 1m 21s
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-396 (MC: 1.16.4)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.90-SNAPSHOT (Build 803), CraftBukkit: 1.1.9-SNAPSHOT (build 5301-DEV)
Active Plugins (4): Citizens: 2.0.27-SNAPSHOT (build 2219), WorldEdit: 7.2.1+299386a, Denizen: 1.1.9-SNAPSHOT (build 5301-DEV),
Loaded Worlds (2): SkyblockHub, SkyblockHub_the_end
Online Players (1): Cowbiler(Cowbiler)
Total Players Ever: 2 (2 valid, 0 invalid)
Mode: online
20:01:11 [INFO] Running script event 'PlayerRightClicksEntity', event='on player right clicks npc' for script 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER'
20:01:11 [INFO] Starting InstantQueue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' with player 'Cowbiler' and NPC '4/Ol Randy'...
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 27) RATELIMIT <player> 1s ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <player> with 'p@096d96ac-f986-403f-9fcd-f7fd3e6ef611 (Cowbiler)'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'RATELIMIT': duration='d@1.0s (1s)' object='p@096d96ac-f986-403f-9fcd-f7fd3e6ef611'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 28) DEFINE "name:<[ ].with[_]>" ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[ ].with[_]> with 'ol_randy'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(name:SET:ol_randy)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 29) IF <server.flag[character_quests].contains[<[name]>]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[name]> with 'ol_randy'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <server.flag[character_quests].contains[ol_randy]> with 'true'.
20:01:11 [INFO] If command passed, running block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 30) DEFINE quests:<server.flag[character_quests].get[<[name]>]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[name]> with 'ol_randy'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <server.flag[character_quests].get[ol_randy]> with 'li@ map@ quest / ol_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml | map@ quest /
a_miners_best_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 31) DEFINE filter_items:<map[]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <map[]> with 'map@'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(filter_items:SET:map@)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 32) FOREACH <[quests]> as:map ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quests]> with 'li@ map@ quest / ol_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml | map@ quest / a_miners_best_friend | stage / 1 |
file_name / ol_randy.yml'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ map@ quest / ol_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml | map@ quest / a_miners_best_friend | stage / 1 |
file_name / ol_randy.yml' as_name='map'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 33) DEFINE quest_name:<[map].get[quest]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map].get[quest]> with 'ol_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(quest_name:SET:ol_friend)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 34) IF <player.flag[quests].contains[<[quest_name]>]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'ol_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <player.flag[quests].contains[ol_friend]> with 'false'.
20:01:11 [INFO] No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 37) DEFINE stage:1 ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(stage:SET:1)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 38) IF <[map].get[stage]> == <[stage]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map].get[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Comparable='Decimal(1.0)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Decimal(1.0)' --> OUTCOME='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] If command passed, running block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 39) DEFINE yaml_id:<[map].get[file_name].before[.]>_quest ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map].get[file_name].before[.]> with 'ol_randy'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(yaml_id:SET:ol_randy_quest)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 40) FOREACH
<yaml[<[yaml_id]>].list_keys[<[quest_name]>.steps.<[stage]>.filter]> as:key ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[yaml_id]> with 'ol_randy_quest'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'ol_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <yaml[ol_randy_quest].list_keys[ol_friend.steps.1.filter]> with 'li@ has_flag'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ has_flag' as_name='key'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 41) DEFINE
filter_items:<[filter_items].with[<[key]>].as[<yaml[<[yaml_id]>].read[<[quest_name]>.steps.<[stage]>.filter.<[key]>]>]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[key]> with 'has_flag'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[yaml_id]> with 'ol_randy_quest'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'ol_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[key]> with 'has_flag'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <yaml[ol_randy_quest].read[ol_friend.steps.1.filter.has_flag]> with 'hi'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[filter_items].with[has_flag].as[hi]> with 'map@ has_flag / hi'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(filter_items:SET:map@has_flag/el@hi|)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH CALLBACK as:key key:key ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 42) IF <yaml[<[yaml_id]>].contains[<[quest_name]>.filter]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[yaml_id]> with 'ol_randy_quest'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'ol_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <yaml[ol_randy_quest].contains[ol_friend.filter]> with 'false'.
20:01:11 [INFO] No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 45) DEFINE bol:<list[true]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <list[true]> with 'li@ true'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(bol:SET:li@el@true|)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 46) DEFINE quests_to_show:<list[]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <list[]> with 'li@'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(quests_to_show:SET:li@)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 47) IF !<[bol].contains[false]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[bol].contains[false]> with 'false'.
20:01:11 [INFO] If command passed, running block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 48) DEFINE quests_to_show:->:<[map]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map]> with 'map@ quest / ol_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 49) NARRATE <[quests_to_show]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quests_to_show]> with 'li@ map@ quest / ol_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='li@map@quest/el@ol_friend&pipestage/el@1&pipefile_name/el@ol_randy.yml&pipe|'
Targets='[p@096d96ac-f986-403f-9fcd-f7fd3e6ef611 (Cowbiler)]'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH CALLBACK as:map key:key ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Foreach loop 2 ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 33) DEFINE quest_name:<[map].get[quest]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map].get[quest]> with 'a_miners_best_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(quest_name:SET:a_miners_best_friend)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 34) IF <player.flag[quests].contains[<[quest_name]>]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'a_miners_best_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <player.flag[quests].contains[a_miners_best_friend]> with 'false'.
20:01:11 [INFO] No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 37) DEFINE stage:1 ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(stage:SET:1)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 38) IF <[map].get[stage]> == <[stage]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map].get[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Comparable='Decimal(1.0)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Decimal(1.0)' --> OUTCOME='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] If command passed, running block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 39) DEFINE yaml_id:<[map].get[file_name].before[.]>_quest ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map].get[file_name].before[.]> with 'ol_randy'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(yaml_id:SET:ol_randy_quest)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 40) FOREACH
<yaml[<[yaml_id]>].list_keys[<[quest_name]>.steps.<[stage]>.filter]> as:key ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[yaml_id]> with 'ol_randy_quest'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'a_miners_best_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <yaml[ol_randy_quest].list_keys[a_miners_best_friend.steps.1.filter]> with 'li@ has_flag'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@ has_flag' as_name='key'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 41) DEFINE
filter_items:<[filter_items].with[<[key]>].as[<yaml[<[yaml_id]>].read[<[quest_name]>.steps.<[stage]>.filter.<[key]>]>]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[key]> with 'has_flag'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[yaml_id]> with 'ol_randy_quest'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'a_miners_best_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[stage]> with '1'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[key]> with 'has_flag'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <yaml[ol_randy_quest].read[a_miners_best_friend.steps.1.filter.has_flag]> with 'hi'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[filter_items].with[has_flag].as[hi]> with 'map@ has_flag / hi'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(filter_items:SET:map@has_flag/el@hi|)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH CALLBACK as:key key:key ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 42) IF <yaml[<[yaml_id]>].contains[<[quest_name]>.filter]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[yaml_id]> with 'ol_randy_quest'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quest_name]> with 'a_miners_best_friend'.
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <yaml[ol_randy_quest].contains[a_miners_best_friend.filter]> with 'false'.
20:01:11 [INFO] No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 45) DEFINE bol:<list[true]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <list[true]> with 'li@ true'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(bol:SET:li@el@true|)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 46) DEFINE quests_to_show:<list[]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <list[]> with 'li@'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' action='(quests_to_show:SET:li@)'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 47) IF !<[bol].contains[false]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[bol].contains[false]> with 'false'.
20:01:11 [INFO] If command passed, running block.
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 48) DEFINE quests_to_show:->:<[map]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[map]> with 'map@ quest / a_miners_best_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 49) NARRATE <[quests_to_show]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quests_to_show]> with 'li@ map@ quest / a_miners_best_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='li@map@quest/el@a_miners_best_friend&pipestage/el@1&pipefile_name/el@ol_randy.yml&pipe|'
Targets='[p@096d96ac-f986-403f-9fcd-f7fd3e6ef611 (Cowbiler)]'
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 0) FOREACH CALLBACK as:map key:key ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Foreach loop complete ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' Executing: (line 50) NARRATE <[quests_to_show]> ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <[quests_to_show]> with 'li@ map@ quest / a_miners_best_friend | stage / 1 | file_name / ol_randy.yml'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='li@map@quest/el@a_miners_best_friend&pipestage/el@1&pipefile_name/el@ol_randy.yml&pipe|'
Targets='[p@096d96ac-f986-403f-9fcd-f7fd3e6ef611 (Cowbiler)]'
20:01:11 [INFO] Completing queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_DesAverageLights' in 7ms.
20:01:11 [INFO] Running script event 'PlayerRightClicksEntity', event='on player right clicks npc' for script 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER'
20:01:11 [INFO] Starting InstantQueue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_BestsellersSponsorshipAutomotive' with player 'Cowbiler' and NPC '4/Ol Randy'...
20:01:11 [INFO] +- Queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_BestsellersSponsorshipAutomotive' Executing: (line 27) RATELIMIT <player> 1s ---------+
20:01:11 [INFO] Filled tag <player> with 'p@096d96ac-f986-403f-9fcd-f7fd3e6ef611 (Cowbiler)'.
20:01:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'RATELIMIT': duration='d@1.0s (1s)' object='p@096d96ac-f986-403f-9fcd-f7fd3e6ef611'
20:01:11 [INFO] Rate limit applied with 1000ms left.
20:01:11 [INFO] Completing queue 'CHARACTER_MENU_HANDELER_BestsellersSponsorshipAutomotive' in 0ms.