Paste #7569: Book

Date: 2014/07/28 12:42:49 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: book
    title: The Prophecy
    author: Grandfather
    - Dear Diary,
    - Today I heard a
    - story from dad. He
    - told me about a
    - future were realms
    - would be united.
    - The realms, he 
    - said, would not be
    - united in peace,
    - but in war.
    - My father says,
    - that one day
    - someone will come
    - and save us from 
    - the war. 
    - Father said that
    - I was the person
    - that had to find 
    - the prophecy.
    - Father says to
    - tell the prophecy
    - to create a key
    - to open a door
    - which leads to
    - a portal. I don't
    - know what that 
    - means, but father 
    - says I will learn
    - when the time comes