Paste #75136: Untitled Paste

Date: 2020/08/31 05:55:35 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
    debug: true
        on ender_dragon spawns:
        - adjust <context.entity> max_health:600
        - adjust <context.entity> health:<context.entity.health_max>
        - adjust <context.entity> dragon_phase:CIRCLING
        #- narrate targets:<server.ops> "<bold>Dragon Spawned! <red><bold>HP: <red><> / <context.entity.health_max> <blue><bold>PHASE: <blue><context.entity.dragon_phase>"

        on delta time secondly every:5:
        - foreach <server.worlds>:
            - define world <[value]>
            - foreach <[value].entities[ender_dragon]>:
                - define dragon <[value]>
                - inject task
                - define nearby_players <[dragon].location.find.players.within[100]>
                - foreach <[nearby_players]>:
                    - define volley_chance <[0].to[1]>
                    - if <[volley_chance]> == 0:
                        - inject dragon_volley_task
                    #- else:
                    #    - narrate targets:<server.ops> "Failed volley"

        on ender_dragon damaged:
        #Should move this into a flag stored for dragon

        - if <[perch_phases].contains_any[<context.entity.dragon_phase>]>:
            - flag <context.entity> accumulated_damage:+:<context.final_damage>

        - if <context.entity.flag[accumulated_damage]> > 100:
            - narrate targets:<server.ops> "Change phases!"
            - adjust <context.entity> dragon_phase:CIRCLING
            - flag <context.entity> accumulated_damage:!

    type: task
    debug: false
    - define player <[value]>
    #Same as before
    - define safe_range 25
    - repeat 5:
        #If dragon is not perched
        - if !<[perch_phases].contains_any[<[dragon].dragon_phase>]>:
            #If player is far enough
            - if <[dragon].location.distance_squared[<[player].location>]> > <element[<[safe_range]>].power[2]>:
                - run shoot_dragon_fire def:<list_single[<[dragon]>].include[<[player]>]>
        - wait 15t

    type: task
    debug: false
    definitions: shooter|origin|direction|duration|speed|density|tick_task|hit_task|end_task
        - define current_location <[origin]>
        - define sub_points <[speed].mul[<[density]>].round_up>

        #Projectile config
        - define collision_radius 1
        - define collide_with_entities true
        - define collide_with_blocks true
        - define controllable false

        - repeat <[duration]>:
            - if <[controllable]>:
                - define velocity <[shooter].location.direction.vector>
            - else:
                - define velocity <[direction].mul[<[speed]>]>
            - define increment_velocity <[velocity].div[<[sub_points]>]>
            - define increment 0
            - repeat <[sub_points]>:
                - define current_increment_location <[current_location].add[<[increment_velocity].mul[<[increment]>]>]>
                - inject <[tick_task]>

                #Collision Detection
                - if <[collide_with_entities]>:
                    - define collided_entities <[current_increment_location].find.living_entities.within[<[collision_radius]>]>
                    - foreach <[collided_entities]>:
                        - if <[value]> != <[shooter]>:
                            - if <[value].is_player>:
                                 - if <[value].flag[shield_raised]> && !<[value].flag[shield_lowered]>:
                                    - narrate targets:<server.ops> Parry!
                                    - run fire_parry def:<[value]>
                                    - stop
                            - inject <[hit_task]>
                            - inject <[end_task]>
                            - wait 1t
                            - stop

                - if <[collide_with_blocks]>:
                    - if <[current_increment_location].material.is_solid>:
                        - inject <[end_task]>
                        - wait 1t
                        - stop

                - define increment:++
            - define current_location <[current_location].add[<[velocity]>]>
            - wait 1t
        - inject <[end_task]>

    type: task
    debug: false
    definitions: shooter|target
    - define duration 40
    - define speed 3
    - define density 3
    - define origin <[shooter].location.add[0,1,0]>
    - define direction <[target].location.sub[<[origin]>].normalize>

    - playsound <[shooter].location> sound:ENTITY_BLAZE_DEATH sound_category:AMBIENT volume:6 pitch:2
    - playsound <[shooter].location> sound:ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_GROWL sound_category:AMBIENT volume:0.1 pitch:0.3
    - playsound <[shooter].location> sound:ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HORSE_AMBIENT volume:6 pitch:0.2 sound_category:AMBIENT
    - run projectile_task def:<list_single[<[shooter]>].include[<[origin]>].include[<[direction]>].include[<[duration]>].include[<[speed]>].include[<[density]>].include[dragon_fire_tick].include[dragon_fire_hit].include[dragon_fire_end]>

    type: task
    debug: false
    - playeffect effect:REDSTONE at:<[current_increment_location]> quantity:2 offset:0.0 visibility:100 special_data:2|<color[255,50,200]>
    - playeffect effect:DRAGON_BREATH at:<[current_increment_location]> quantity:2 offset:0.4 visibility:100
    #- playeffect effect:DRAGON_BREATH at:<[current_increment_location]> quantity:1 offset:0.6 visibility:100

    type: task
    debug: false
    - hurt <[value]> ammount:20 cause:DRAGON_BREATH source:<[shooter]>
    #- if <[value].is_player>:
        #- narrate targets:<server.ops> "<[value].name> was hit directly!"

    type: task
    debug: false
        - playeffect effect:EXPLOSION_HUGE at:<[current_location]> visibility:100 quantity:2 offset:0.1
        #- explode <[current_location]> power:1 fire
        - define range 4
        - define target_blacklist <list[ARMOR_STAND|ENDER_DRAGON]>
        - define targets <[current_location].find.living_entities.within[<[range]>]>
        - foreach <[targets]>:
            - if !<[target_blacklist].contains_any[<[value].entity_type>]>:
                #Vector from explosion origin towards entity within blast radius, note that velocity is added as though the projectile has passed an additional tick
                - define delta_vector <[value].location.sub[<[current_location]>].normalize>
                #Distance from explosion to entity
                - define delta_distance <[value].location.distance[<[current_location]>]>
                #How far the entity will be launched
                - define force_multiplier 2.5
                #Force is inversely proportional to the distance, meaning the closer the entity, the larger the force
                - define force <element[1].div[<[delta_distance]>].mul[<[force_multiplier]>]>
                - adjust <[value]> velocity:<[value].velocity.add[<[delta_vector].mul[<[force]>]>]>
                - if <[value].is_player>:
                    #- narrate targets:<server.ops> "<[value].name> hit with a force of <[force].round_to[2]>"
                    #- narrate targets:<server.ops> "<[value].name> was hit for <[force].mul[10].add[<[value].armor_bonus.mul[<[force]>].mul[2]>].round_to[2]>"
                    - hurt <[value]> ammount:<[force].mul[10].add[<[value].armor_bonus.mul[<[force]>].mul[2]>]> cause:DRAGON_BREATH source:<[shooter]>