Paste #73440: Denizen Debug Logs From If We Have A Tag Parser To Parse Tags, Can We Have A Parse Tagger To Tag Par

Date: 2020/07/29 21:40:38 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_252
Up-time: 20h 39m
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-350 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.90-SNAPSHOT (Build 703), CraftBukkit: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 4981-DEV)
Active Plugins (3): Citizens: 2.0.27-SNAPSHOT (build 2072), Denizen: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 4981-DEV), 
dDiscordBot: 0.6 (build 91)
Loaded Worlds (3): world, world_nether, world_the_end
Online Players (0): No Online Players
Offline Players: 1
Mode: online

21:40:38 [INFO] +- Queue 'TAG_RUN_TASK_OpportunitiesDoesBoot' Executing: (line 130) DEFINE result 
                   <[tag].unescaped.parsed.escaped.replace_text[;].with[&sc]> ---------+ 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_text'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_text'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_text]> with 'Hello, world!'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_npc'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_npc'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_npc]> with 'n@0 (Bob)'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'denizen_version'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'denizen_version'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[denizen_version]> with '1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 4981-DEV)'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_10'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_10'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_10]> with '10'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_bool'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_bool'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_bool]> with 'true'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_player'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_player'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_player]> with 'p@460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1b (mcmonkey4eva)'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'link'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'link'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[link]> with ''. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'loop_index'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'loop_index'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[loop_index]> with '12'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_0p5'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_0p5'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_0p5]> with '0.5'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'version'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'version'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[version]> with 'git-Paper-350 (MC: 1.15.2)'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'samples'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'samples'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[samples]> with 'map@ sample_text / Hello, world! | help / try typing 'help' to the bot! | 
                   sample_10 / 10 | sample_bool / true | link / | sample_0 / 0 | sample_1 / 1 | 
                   sample_0p5 / 0.5 | version / git-Paper-350 (MC: 1.15.2) | denizen_version / 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 4981-DEV) | sample_player / 
                   p@460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1b (mcmonkey4eva) | sample_npc / n@0 (Bob)'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'help'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'help'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[help]> with 'Tell me any valid Denizen (Bukkit) tags, like <> and I'll parse them for 
                   you! Alternately, tell me a valid definition name (like 'samples') and I'll tell you its contents.'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'raw_context'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'raw_context'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[raw_context]> with 'li@ &ltqueue&dotdefinitions&dotparse_tag&lb&lt&lbparse_value&rb&gt&co 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'tag'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'tag'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[tag]> with '&ltqueue&dotdefinitions&dotparse_tag&lb&lt&lbparse_value&rb&gt&co 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_0'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_0'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_0]> with '0'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_1'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'sample_1'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[sample_1]> with '1'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'key'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[parse_value]> with 'key'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definition[key]> with 'sample_npc'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <&nl> with '
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <queue.definitions.parse_tag[<[parse_value]>: <queue.definition[<[parse_value]>]>].separated_by[
]> with 'sample_text: Hello, world!
sample_npc: n@0
denizen_version: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 4981-DEV)
sample_10: 10
sample_bool: true
sample_player: p@460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1b
loop_index: 12
sample_0p5: 0.5
version: git-Paper-350 (MC: 1.15.2)
samples: map@sample_text/el@Hello, world!|help/el@try typing 'help' to the 
                   (MC: 1.15.2)|denizen_version/el@1.1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 
help: Tell me any valid Denizen (Bukkit) tags, like <> and I'll parse them for you! Alternately, tell me a valid 
                   definition name (like 'samples') and I'll tell you its contents.
raw_context: li@el@&ampltqueue&ampdotdefinitions&ampdotparse_tag&amplb&amplt&amplbparse_value&amprb&ampgt&ampco 
tag: &ltqueue&dotdefinitions&dotparse_tag&lb&lt&lbparse_value&rb&gt&co 
sample_0: 0
sample_1: 1
key: sample_npc'. 
21:40:38 [INFO]  Filled tag <[tag].unescaped.parsed.escaped.replace_text[;].with[&sc]> with 'sample_text&co Hello, world&exc&nlsample_npc&co 
                   n&at0&nldenizen_version&co 1&dot1&dot5-SNAPSHOT (build 4981-DEV)&nlsample_10&co 10&nlsample_bool&co true&nlsample_player&co 
                   p&at460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1b&nllink&co https&co&fs&fsone&dotdenizenscript&dotcom&fshaste&fs70876&nlloop_index&co 
                   12&nlsample_0p5&co 0&dot5&nlversion&co git-Paper-350 (MC&co 1&dot15&dot2)&nlsamples&co map&atsample_text&fsel&atHello, 
                   world&exc&pipehelp&fsel&attry typing &sqhelp&sq to the 
                   (MC&co 1&dot15&dot2)&pipedenizen_version&fsel&at1&dot1&dot5-SNAPSHOT (build 
                   4981-DEV)&pipesample_player&fsp&at460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1b&pipesample_npc&fsn&at0&pipe&nlhelp&co Tell me any valid 
                   Denizen (Bukkit) tags, like &ltplayer&dotname&gt and I&sqll parse them for you&exc Alternately, tell me a valid definition 
                   name (like &sqsamples&sq) and I&sqll tell you its contents&dot&nlraw_context&co 
                   0&nlsample_1&co 1&nlkey&co sample_npc'. 
21:40:38 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='TAG_RUN_TASK_OpportunitiesDoesBoot'  definition='result'  value='sample_text&co Hello, 
                   world&exc&nlsample_npc&co n&at0&nldenizen_version&co 1&dot1&dot5-SNAPSHOT (build 4981-DEV)&nlsample_10&co 10&nlsample_bool&co 
                   true&nlsample_player&co p&at460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1b&nllink&co 
                   https&co&fs&fsone&dotdenizenscript&dotcom&fshaste&fs70876&nlloop_index&co 12&nlsample_0p5&co 0&dot5&nlversion&co git-Paper-350 
                   (MC&co 1&dot15&dot2)&nlsamples&co map&atsample_text&fsel&atHello, world&exc&pipehelp&fsel&attry typing &sqhelp&sq to the 
                   (MC&co 1&dot15&dot2)&pipedenizen_version&fsel&at1&dot1&dot5-SNAPSHOT (build 
                   4981-DEV)&pipesample_player&fsp&at460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1b&pipesample_npc&fsn&at0&pipe&nlhelp&co Tell me any valid 
                   Denizen (Bukkit) tags, like &ltplayer&dotname&gt and I&sqll parse them for you&exc Alternately, tell me a valid definition 
                   name (like &sqsamples&sq) and I&sqll tell you its contents&dot&nlraw_context&co 
                   0&nlsample_1&co 1&nlkey&co sample_npc'