Paste #68169: Edit of P#68168 - Denizen Debug Logs From The world of Effervescent RPG awaits...

Date: 2020/04/27 11:37:38 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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Java Version: 1.8.0_242
Up-time: 2d 11h
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-161 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.80-SNAPSHOT (Build 573), CraftBukkit: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 1706-REL)
Active Plugins (23): <2LuckPerms: 5.0.94, <2WorldEdit: 7.1.0;8e55131, <2MMOInventory: 1.1.6, <2PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.5, 
2MMOLib: 1.0.10, <2NoteBlockAPI: 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT, <2GSit: [], <2Vault: 1.7.2-b107, 
2WorldGuard: 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT;bf2593e, <2ProtocolLib: 4.5.0, <2Holograms: 2.12, <2LibsDisguises: 10.0.2-SNAPSHOT, 
2Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1865), <2Denizen: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 1706-REL), 
2MythicMobs: 4.9.1-SNAPSHOT-3267, <2Essentials:, <2EssentialsChat:, 
2MMOCore: 1.2.5, <2MarriageMaster: 2.1.7-Release, <2MMOItems: 5.4, <2DungeonsXL: 0.18-SNAPSHOT-911, 
2Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 613), <2MythicArtifacts: 0.1.27-SNAPSHOT
Loaded Worlds (3): world, world_nether, world_the_end
Online Players (2): skylargoes9<r<7(skylargoes9), <4~<6l<ee<fn<cn<4y<r<7(imizu)
Offline Players: 17
Mode: online

14:36:18 [INFO] <d <f<eRunning script event '<bMythicMobsDeath<e', event='<bmythicmob desertWraith killed by entity<e' for script 
14:36:18 [INFO] <d <f<6Starting InstantQueue 'KEIPHELIAN_HUNTING_CHALLENGE_QUEST_WORLD_<1Counseling<1Joseph<1Lies<6'... 
14:36:18 [INFO] <d+- <dQueue 'KEIPHELIAN_HUNTING_CHALLENGE_QUEST_WORLD_<1Counseling<1Joseph<1Lies<d' Executing: <f<8(line 890)<f IF <context.killer.is_tamed><d 
14:36:18 [INFO] <e+> <8Executing '<eIF<8': <8use_braces='<etrue<8' 
14:36:18 [INFO] <d <f<8Filled tag <<fcontext.killer.is_tamed<8> with '<ftrue<8'. 
14:36:18 [INFO] <d <f<eIf command passed, running block. 
14:36:18 [INFO] <d+- <dQueue 'KEIPHELIAN_HUNTING_CHALLENGE_QUEST_WORLD_<1Counseling<1Joseph<1Lies<d' Executing: <f<8(line 891)<f FLAG 
                   <> keiphelian_hunting_challenge_quest_count:++<d ---------+ 
14:36:18 [INFO] <d <f<8Filled tag <<<8> with '<fimizu<8'. 
14:36:18 [INFO] <e+> [EntityTag] <fvalueOf EntityTag returning null: imizu 
14:36:18 [INFO] <d <cERROR in script '<bkeiphelian_hunting_challenge_quest_world<c' in queue 
                   'KEIPHELIAN_HUNTING_CHALLENGE_QUEST_WORLD_1Counseling1Joseph1Liesc' while executing command 'bFLAGc' in file 'bscripts/keiphelia.ymlc' 
                   on line 'b891c'!
7     Error Message: <fWoah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
14:36:18 [INFO] <e+> [CommandExecutor] <f+> MESSAGE follows: 'Invalid Entity target.' 
14:36:18 [INFO] <e+> [CommandExecutor] <fUsage: flag ({player}/npc/server/<entity>) [<name>([<#>])](:<action>)[:<value>] (duration:<value>) 
14:36:18 [INFO] <e+> [CommandExecutor] <f(Attempted: FLAG <> keiphelian_hunting_challenge_quest_count:++)