Java Version: 1.8.0_211
Up-time: 9h 23m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-65 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.70-SNAPSHOT (Build 544), CraftBukkit: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4611-DEV)
Active Plugins (23): LuckPerms: 5.0.78, VGPluginLoader: 1.0.1, WorldEdit: 7.1.0;8e55131, BlockLocker: 1.7.1,
Vault: 1.7.2-b107, WorldGuard: 7.0.1;f2118aa, CoreProtect: 2.18.2, dynmap: 3.0-beta-10-257,
Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1822), Denizen: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4611-DEV),
Essentials:, EssentialsChat:, Jobs: 4.15.0-devBuild, ShopChest: 1.13-SNAPSHOT,
mcMMO: 2.1.114, DeathChestPro: 3.3.13, ChatManager: 3.5.3, EssentialsSpawn:,
Sentinel: 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build 339), Harbor: 1.6.1, Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 604),
TradeSystem: 1.1.4, Rankup: 3.5.8
Loaded Worlds (4): Farlands, Farlands_nether, Farlands_the_end, admin
Online Players (1): [CG] Furyk(Furyk)
Offline Players: 13
Mode: online
21:36:01 [INFO] +- Queue 'ADMIN_GUI_DidPriorityCompetent' Executing: (line 185) INVENTORY close ---------+
21:36:01 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[close]' Inventory='in@player[holder=p@d7588865-bcd7-4890-b21a-390be29d612e]' slot='1'
21:36:01 [INFO] Completing queue 'ADMIN_GUI_DidPriorityCompetent' in 0ms.
21:36:01 [INFO] Event cancelled!
21:36:02 [INFO] Running script event 'EntityDies', event='porkchop dies by:player' for script 'BBQ'
21:36:02 [INFO] Starting InstantQueue 'BBQ_AustralianHaveArkansas'...
21:36:02 [INFO] +- Queue 'BBQ_AustralianHaveArkansas' Executing: (line 19) DETERMINE NO_DROPS_OR_XP <element[cooked_porkchop].repeat[4]>
21:36:02 [INFO] Filled tag <element[cooked_porkchop].repeat[4]> with 'cooked_porkchopcooked_porkchopcooked_porkchopcooked_porkchop'.
21:36:02 [INFO] ERROR in script 'bbq' in queue 'BBQ_AustralianHaveArkansas' while executing command 'DETERMINE' in file
'scripts/porkchop.dsc' on line '19'!
Error Message: 'cooked_porkchopcooked_porkchopcooked_porkchopcooked_porkchop' is an unknown argument!
21:36:02 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='NO_DROPS_OR_XP' passively='false' Queue='q@BBQ_AustralianHaveArkansas'
21:36:02 [INFO] Completing queue 'BBQ_AustralianHaveArkansas' in 0ms.
21:36:05 [INFO] Starting InstantQueue 'COMMANDVAULT_BurnZdnetSurvival' with player 'Furyk'...
21:36:05 [INFO] +- Queue 'COMMANDVAULT_BurnZdnetSurvival' Executing: (line 158) INVENTORY open d:invcommands ---------+
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <material[crossbow]> with 'm@crossbow'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[m@crossbow].with[display_name=Admin Crossbow]> with 'i@crossbow[display_name=Admin Crossbow]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <material[cyan_wool]> with 'm@cyan_wool'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[m@cyan_wool].with[display_name=List my flags]> with 'i@cyan_wool[display_name=List my flags]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <material[blue_wool]> with 'm@blue_wool'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[m@blue_wool].with[display_name=Notables]> with 'i@blue_wool[display_name=Notables]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <material[green_wool]> with 'm@green_wool'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[m@green_wool].with[display_name=Cuboids I'm in]> with 'i@green_wool[display_name=Cuboids I&sqm in]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[golden_axe].with[display_name=Butcher Nearby]> with 'i@golden_axe[display_name=Butcher Nearby]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[sunflower].with[display_name=Particles]> with 'i@sunflower[display_name=Particles]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[fire_charge].with[display_name=Freeze time=day]> with 'i@fire_charge[display_name=Freeze time=day]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <material[lime_wool]> with 'm@lime_wool'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[m@lime_wool].with[display_name=Record Debug]> with 'i@lime_wool[display_name=Record Debug]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[bone].with[display_name=EntityBone]> with 'i@bone[display_name=EntityBone]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[brick].with[display_name=bricked]> with 'i@brick[display_name=bricked]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[book].with[display_name=wellkey]> with 'i@book[display_name=wellkey]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[diamond_sword].with[display_name=Admin Sword]> with 'i@diamond_sword[display_name=Admin Sword]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[bow].with[display_name=Admin Bow]> with 'i@bow[display_name=Admin Bow]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[stick].with[display_name=PistonHead]> with 'i@stick[display_name=PistonHead]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[stick].with[display_name=sit stick]> with 'i@stick[display_name=sit stick]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[book].with[display_name=Dictionary]> with 'i@book[display_name=Dictionary]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <material[yellow_wool]> with 'm@yellow_wool'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[m@yellow_wool].with[display_name=Submit]> with 'i@yellow_wool[display_name=Submit]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <material[blue_wool]> with 'm@blue_wool'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] Filled tag <item[m@blue_wool].with[display_name=ClickEvents]> with 'i@blue_wool[display_name=ClickEvents]'.
21:36:05 [INFO] Applying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'...
21:36:05 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[open]' Inventory='in@INVCOMMANDS[uniquifier=114]' slot='1'
21:36:05 [INFO] Completing queue 'COMMANDVAULT_BurnZdnetSurvival' in 2ms.
21:36:06 [INFO] Running script event 'PlayerClicksInInventory', event='player left clicks in invcommands' for script 'ADMIN_GUI'
21:36:06 [INFO] Starting InstantQueue 'ADMIN_GUI_HiModelingResumes' with player 'Furyk'...
21:36:06 [INFO] +- Queue 'ADMIN_GUI_HiModelingResumes' Executing: (line 164) IF <context.clicked_inventory.inventory_type> == CHEST ---------+
21:36:06 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'
21:36:06 [INFO] Filled tag <context.clicked_inventory.inventory_type> with 'CHEST'.
21:36:06 [INFO] Comparable='Element(CHEST)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(CHEST)' --> OUTCOME='true'
21:36:06 [INFO] If command passed, running block.
21:36:06 [INFO] +- Queue 'ADMIN_GUI_HiModelingResumes' Executing: (line 165) DETERMINE passively cancelled ---------+
21:36:06 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='cancelled' passively='true' Queue='q@ADMIN_GUI_HiModelingResumes'
21:36:06 [INFO] +- Queue 'ADMIN_GUI_HiModelingResumes' Executing: (line 166) CHOOSE <context.slot> ---------+
21:36:06 [INFO] Filled tag <context.slot> with '17'.
21:36:06 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='17'
21:36:06 [INFO] +- Queue 'ADMIN_GUI_HiModelingResumes' Executing: (line 204) EXECUTE as_player "denizen submit" ---------+
21:36:06 [INFO] +> Executing 'EXECUTE': type='AS_PLAYER' command='denizen submit' silent='false'