Paste #62685: Lock Script

Date: 2019/12/10 17:36:23 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
    debug: false
        on player right clicks *chest|furnace|*door|hopper|*gate|dispenser|dropper|*shulker_box:
            - define sign_locations <context.location.find.blocks.within[3].filter[[wall_sign]]>
            - foreach <[sign_locations]> as:sign:
                - if <[sign].sub[<[sign].block_facing>].is[==].to[<context.location>]>:
                    - if <[sign].sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Private<&rb>]>:
                        - define lock <[sign]>
                    - if <[sign].sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Other<&sp>Users<&rb>]>:
                        - define lock_extra <[sign]>
                - if <[sign].sub[<[sign].block_facing>].is[==].to[<context.location.other_block||false>]||false>:
                    - if <[sign].sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Private<&rb>]>:
                        - define lock <[sign]>
                    - if <[sign].sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Other<&sp>Users<&rb>]>:
                        - define lock_extra <[sign]>

            - if <[lock].sign_contents.contains[<>].not||false>:
                    - if <player.is_op>:
                        - narrate "<&4>You bypass this lock!"
                        - stop
                    - if <[lock_extra].sign_contents.contains[<>]||false>:
                        - stop
                    - narrate "<&4>You do not have access to this!"
                    - determine cancelled
            - if <context.item.material.contains[sign]>:
                - if <[!=].to[air]>:
                    - stop
                - if <[lock].sign_contents.contains[<>].not||false>:
                    - narrate "<&4>This object is already locked!"
                - if <definition[lock_extra].exists>:
                    - narrate "You cannot add another lock sign!"
                    - determine cancelled
                - if <definition[lock].exists||false>:
                    - sign <context.relative> direction:<context.location.direction[<context.relative>].to_list.first> type:wall_sign "<&lb>Other Users<&rb>|<>"
                    - determine cancelled
                - sign <context.relative> direction:<context.location.direction[<context.relative>].to_list.first> type:wall_sign "<&lb>Private<&rb>|<>"
                - narrate "You successfully lock this object!"
                - determine cancelled
        on player breaks chest|furnace|*door:
            - define sign_locations <context.location.find.blocks.within[2].filter[[wall_sign]]>
            - define lock false
            - foreach <[sign_locations]> as:sign:
                - if <[sign].sub[<[sign].block_facing>].is[==].to[<context.location>]>:
                    - if <[sign].sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Private<&rb>]>:
                        - narrate "<&4>You may not break this locked item!"
                        - determine cancelled
                - if <[sign].sub[<[sign].block_facing>].is[==].to[<context.location.other_block||false>]||false>:
                    - if <[sign].sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Private<&rb>]>:
                        - narrate "<&4>You may not break this locked item!"
                        - determine cancelled
        on player breaks wall_sign:
            - if <context.location.sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Private<&rb>].or[<context.location.sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Other<&sp>Users<&rb>]>]>:
                - if <context.location.sign_contents.get[2].contains[<>].not||false>:
                    - if <player.is_op>:
                        - narrate "<&4>You broke this lock!"
                        - stop
                    - narrate "<&4>You may not break this lock!"
                    - determine cancelled

        on player right clicks wall_sign:
            - if <context.location.sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Private<&rb>]||false.or[<context.location.sign_contents.get[1].contains[<&lb>Other<&sp>Users<&rb>]||false>]>:
                - if <context.location.sign_contents.contains[<>]||false>:
                    - narrate "____________________________________"
                    - narrate "<&6>/lock <&e>edit <&2>(line) <&7>(PLAYERNAME)"
                    - narrate "<&2>This allows the lock owner to add or remove names."
                    - narrate "<&2>Line input is either 3 or 4"
                    - narrate "<&2>Name input is either a username or 'clear' to remove that line"
    type: command
    usage: /lock
    name: lock
    debug: false
        - if <list[3|4].contains[<context.args.get[2]||false>].not.or[<context.args.get[3]||[!=].to[false]>]>:
            - narrate "____________________________________"
            - narrate "<&6>/lock <&e>edit <&2>(line) <&7>(PLAYERNAME)"
            - narrate "<&2>This allows the lock owner to add or remove names."
            - narrate "<&2>Line input is either 3 or 4"
            - narrate "<&2>Name input is either a username or 'clear' to remove that line"
            - stop
        - if <context.args.get[1].is[==].to[edit]||false>:
            - define local <player.location.cursor_on[5]>
            - if <[local][wall_sign]>:
                - define sign_text <[local].sign_contents>
                - if <[sign_text].get[1].contains[<&lb>Private<&rb>].or[<[sign_text].get[1].contains[<&lb>Other<&sp>Users<&rb>]||false>]||false>:
                    - if <[==].to[<[sign_text].get[2]>]>:
                        - if <context.args.get[3].is[==].to[clear]>:
                            - define new_name <element[]>
                        - else:
                            - define new_name <context.args.get[3]>
                        - define list <[sign_text].set[<[new_name]>].at[<context.args.get[2]>]>
                        - sign <[local]> "<[list]>"
                        - narrate "Sign Changed!"
                    - else:
                        - narrate "<&4>You cannot edit someone elses lock!"