Paste #54581: Untitled Paste

Date: 2019/06/10 08:33:34 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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type: world
    on player left clicks with magenta_dye: 
      - if !<player.has_flag[armagedon1]> { 
        - if <player.has_permission[denizen.wszechmogacy]> {
            - shoot fireball origin:<player> speed:1 script:shroomcloud
            - flag armagedon1 duration:100s   
          } else {
          - narrate "<&e>                         <&l><&lb><&6>Wojownicy VS Potwory 2<&e><&l><&rb> <&nl><&e>                  <&c>Przykro mi! Nie mozesz tego uzyc - nie wykupiles dostepu do klasy Wszechmogacy u handlarza!"
          - determine fulfilled 
        } else {




and this:

    type: task 
    speed: 1t 
    - ^define center <player.location.cursor_on> 
    - playeffect %center% effect:huge_explosion visibility:100 

