Paste #54580: Untitled Paste

Date: 2019/06/09 22:16:39 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: task
  - if <server.has_flag[AnnouncementsRunning].not> {
    - flag server AnnouncementsRunning duration:60m
    - narrate "<gold>Confused about custom items? Type <dark_aqua>/craftable <gold> to learn how to craft all the custom items available!" targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<gold>Donate for <bold>Kits & Titles<gold> at:<blue>" targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<gold> You can be attacked anywhere other than Spawn including the Adventure World outside of the safezone! Be Carefull!" targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<gold>View your kits & titles by using: <dark_aqua>/kit <gold>or <dark_aqua>/titles<gold>." targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<Gold> The Server is currently in <blue>Beta <gold>and some things may not work right! Please report bugs here by typing: <dark_aqua>/bug (describe your bug)<gold>. Reporting legitimate bugs will earn you store credit!" targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<gold>Need more spawners? Try visiting the <bold>Adventure World <gold>and doing some quests for loot crates! Visit the portal in spawn to get there. You can also buy crates at: <blue>" targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<gold>Join our Discord here!<blue>" targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<gold>Vote for Crates and Points at: <blue>" targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 180
    - narrate "<gray>Resetting Spawner Entities in 30 seconds." targets:<server.list_online_players>
    - wait 30
    - foreach <w@world.entities> { 
      - if <%value%.has_flag[Alpha]> { 
        - remove %value%
    - flag server AnnouncementsRunning:!
    - run BroadCastTask