Paste #4502: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/05/21 20:02:34 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# This is run from the on click action in the assignment script. Naming the
# subscripts after the Pathfind.Status vaules allows us to run exactly what we
# need without any if blocks... which can be long.
#    - define status <npc.flag[Pathfind.Status]>
#    - inject s@AIClickEvent p:<def[status]>
  type: task
    - chat "I<&sq>ll figure out what to put here later..."

    - flag npc Pathfind.Status:Talking
    - flag npc WorkingSet:!
    - flag npc WorkingSet:|:<player>|talk|<def[status]>
    - run s@AvailableClickDialogue

    - flag npc Pathfind.Status:Talking
    - flag npc WorkingSet:!
    - flag npc WorkingSet:|:<player>|talk|<def[status]>
    - run s@AvailableClickDialogue

    - run s@FollowClickDialogue

    - run s@LeadDialogue p:Click

    - chat "I<&sq>m Thinking about where to walk to..." no_target

    - chat "I seem to be quite lost..." no_target

    - chat "I<&sq>m a little busy right now... trying not to die and all..." no_target
    - chat "Maybe someday I<&sq>ll learn how to ask for help..." no_target

# Some clean up... If a player logs out while talking to an NPC they might get
# stuck. This will clean up when someone clicks on the NPC.
    - define workingSet <npc.flag[WorkingSet].as_list>
    - define player <def[workingSet].get[1]>
    - define task <def[workingSet].get[2]>
    - define previousStatus <def[workingSet].get[3]>

    - if <def[player].is[==].to[<player>]> queue clear
    - if <def[player].is[==].to[null]> {
      - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
      - chat "Wow... I spaced out there for a minute." no_target
      - chat "Thanks for snapping me out of it <>." no_target
      - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity
      - flag npc WorkingSet:!
      else if <def[player].is[!=].to[<player>]> {
      - look <npc> <player.eye_location> duration:2s
      - if <def[player].is_online> {
        - random {
          - chat "Can<&sq>t you see I<&sq>m talking to <def[player].name>." no_target
          - chat "I<&sq>m busy right now <>." no_target
          - chat "Oh hi there <>." no_target
        else {
        - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
        - chat "Where in the fuzz did <def[player].name> go!?!" no_target
        - chat "He was just here a minute ago..." no_target
        - chat "Whatev<&sq>s back to what I was doing." no_target
        - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity
        - flag npc WorkingSet:!

  type: task
    - chat "I<&sq>ll figure out what to put here later..."

    - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
    - inject s@AIAvailableProximityEvents p:NegativeChat instantly
    - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity
    - flag npc WorkingSet:!

    - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
    - run s@LeadDialogue p:DeclineLead
    - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity
    - flag npc WorkingSet:!

    - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
    - run s@LeadDialogue p:DeclineLead
    - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity
    - flag npc WorkingSet:!

    - chat "Don<&sq>t just leave me <>!" no_target

  type: task
  debug: false
    - ^define workingSet <npc.flag[WorkingSet].as_list>
    - ^define player <def[workingSet].get[1]>
    - ^define task <def[workingSet].get[2]>
    - ^define previousStatus <def[workingSet].get[3]>
    - ^flag npc WorkingSet:!
    - ^flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:55/GeneralChat|20/follow|20/lead|5/burn
    - ^inject s@WeightedRandomChoice instantly
    - ^inject s@AvailableClickDialogue p:<def[result]>
    - ^flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:!

    - ^inject s@AIAvailableProximityEvents p:GeneralChat instantly
    - ^flag npc Pathfind.Status:<def[PreviousStatus]>

    - ^inject s@PathfindPauseActivity instantly
    - ^walk <player.location> radius:5
    - ^flag npc WorkingSet:|:<def[player]>|follow|<def[previousStatus]>
    - ^inject s@FollowQuestionDialogue

    - ^inject s@PathfindPauseActivity instantly
    - ^walk <player.location> radius:5
    - ^flag npc WorkingSet:|:<def[player]>|lead|<def[previousStatus]>
    - ^inject s@LeadDialogue p:FirstQuestion

    - ^inject s@PathfindPauseActivity instantly
    - ^flag npc WorkingSet:|:<def[player]>|burn|<def[previousStatus]>
    - ^inject s@SpontaneousCombustion
    - ^inject s@PathfindResumeActivity instantly
    - ^flag npc WorkingSet:!

    - ^announce "something went horribly wrong"
    - ^inject s@PathfindPauseActivity instantly
    - ^flag npc WorkingSet:|:<def[player]>|burn|<def[previousStatus]>
    - ^inject s@SpontaneousCombustion
    - ^inject s@PathfindResumeActivity instantly
    - ^flag npc WorkingSet:!

# This is split into subscipts and called from the on chat action
#    - inject s@AITalkingChatEvents p:<def[task]>
# This removes a potential giant if block and allows us to only execute the
# script we need since the task is already known in the chat event
  type: task
  debug: false
    - chat "I<&sq>ll figure out what to put here later..."

    - if <[==].to[yes]> {
      - if <def[previousStatus].is[==].to[Wandering]> {
        - queue queue:<>_fidgetQueue stop
        - queue queue:<>_WanderTask_Queue stop
      - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
      - flag npc Pathfind.Follow.StartingLocation:<npc.location>
      - flag npc Pathfind.Follow.StartTime:<server.current_time_millis>
      - run s@PathfindFollowTask id:<>_PathfindFollowTask_Queue delay:10t
      - run s@FollowClickDialogue delay:20t
      else {
      - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
      - run s@AIAvailableProximityEvents p:NegativeChat delay:10t
      - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity instantly
      - flag npc WorkingSet:!

    - if <[==].to[yes]> {
      - flag npc WorkingSet:!
      - flag npc WorkingSet:|:<def[player]>|leadChooseDestination|<def[previousStatus]>
      - run s@LeadDialogue p:ChooseDestination delay:10t
      else {
      - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
      - run s@LeadDialogue p:DeclineLead delay:10t
      - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity instantly
      - flag npc WorkingSet:!

    - define world '<npc.flag[Bio.HomeWorld] || <>>'
    - define town '<npc.flag[Bio.HomeTown] || <npc.location.regions.last>>'
    - if <global.flag[Pathfind.%world%.%town%.DestinationList].contains[<context.message>]> {
      - if <def[previousStatus].is[==].to[Wandering]> {
        - queue queue:<>_fidgetQueue stop
        - queue queue:<>_WanderTask_Queue stop
      - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
      - flag npc WorkingSet:!
      - flag npc WorkingSet:|:<def[player]>|leading|<def[previousStatus]>
      - flag npc Pathfind.Status:Leading
      - flag npc Pathfind.DestinationName:<context.message>
      - run s@PathfindLead id:<>_PathfindLead_Queue delay:10t
      - run s@LeadDialogue p:Click delay:20t
      else {
      - run s@ToggleChatListener p:off
      - run s@LeadDialogue p:UnknownDestination def:<context.message> delay:20t
      - inject s@PathfindResumeActivity instantly
      - flag npc WorkingSet:!

# Some chat for proximity enter events
# Will use categories of topics that can be choosen from based on whatevs.
  type: task
    - chat "A script to have NPCs say things to players as they walk by."

    - if <player.flag[AI.Global.ChatCooldown]> queue clear
    - if <player.flag[AI.<>.ProximityEntryCooldown]> queue clear
    - flag player AI.Global.ChatCooldown duration:15s
    - flag player AI.<>.ProximityEntryCooldown duration:30s
    - if <player.has_permission[group.citizen]> {
      - flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:35/CitizenGreetings|35/GeneralChat|30/Tips
      else {
      - flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:35/TouristGreetings|35/GeneralChat|30/Tips
    - inject s@WeightedRandomChoice instantly
    - flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:!
    - if !<def[player].exists> define player <player>
    - inject s@AIAvailableProximityEvents p:<def[result]>

    - if <player.flag[AI.Global.ChatCooldown]> queue clear
    - if <player.flag[AI.<>.ProximityExitCooldown]> queue clear
    - flag player AI.Global.ChatCooldown duration:15s
    - flag player AI.<>.ProximityExitCooldown duration:30s
    - if <player.has_permission[group.citizen]> {
      - flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:35/CitizenFarewell|35/GeneralChat|30/Tips
      else {
      - flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:35/TouristFarewell|35/GeneralChat|30/Tips
    - inject s@WeightedRandomChoice instantly
    - flag npc WeightedRandomChoice:!
    - inject s@AIAvailableProximityEvents p:<def[result]>

    - look <npc> <player.eye_location> duration:2s
    - if !<def[player].exists> define player <player>
    - random {
      - chat "Hey <def[player].name>, I<&sq>m just <tern[<def[previousStatus].is[==].to[Walking]>]:walking to the <npc.flag[Pathfind.DestinationName]> || wandering around the <npc.flag[Pathfind.DestinationNameLast]>>." no_target
      - chat "We<&sq>re off to see the Wizard..." no_target
      - chat "It<&sq>s a <tern[<world.has_storm>]:horrid || lovely> <tern[<[==].to[night]>]:night || day> isn<&sq>t it?" no_target
      - chat "<tern[<player.has_permission[group.citizen]>]:Good day fellow Citizen! || Ugh, another Tourist...>"
      - chat "You<&sq>re supposed to breed your animals, not mate with them..." no_target
      - chat "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck... I wonder" no_target
      - chat "Oh my god... that was the ugliest baby I<&sq>ve ever seen." no_target
      - chat "Why do people keep clicking on me..." no_target
      - chat "I shouldn<&sq>t have eaten that fourth burrito..." no_target
      - chat "Why do people keep clicking on me..." no_target
      - chat "I wasn<&sq>t scared! I was singing! I was singing my scream song. Wooaah! Wooaaooh!" no_target
      - chat "I keep finding baby shoes. What the heck, man? And they<&sq>re all lefties!" no_target
      - chat "Hey! Crack open that book and read something for fun<&sq>s sake, alright?" no_target
      - chat "<def[player].name>, House-hunting is wiiiild! You<&sq>ve got to try it." no_target
      - chat "I<&sq>d rather be dancin<&sq> with some babes!" no_target
      - chat "My subconscious must be hungry, huh?" no_target
      - chat "You guys are so cute, I could just maul you to death." no_target
      - chat "I can<&sq>t have you messin<&sq> up my bread and butter, dude." no_target
      - chat "I<&sq>ll kill you and raise your children as my own!" no_target
      - chat "I<&sq>m not cute, I<&sq>ll mess you up..." no_target
      - chat "Bad computer! No! No! Go sit in the corner, and think about your life." no_target
      - chat "Girl, you smell good. Did you take a bath in rainbows and cupcakes?" no_target
      - chat "If I had a penny for every time someone went crazy, hopped up and magic energy... I<&sq>d be Abraham Lincoln." no_target
      - chat "It<&sq>s probably a computal gleetch." no_target
      - chat "They<&sq>re trying to peel me! I<&sq>m... not... a... banana!" no_target
      - chat "Oh, I<&sq>m coming with you... if only to be disruptive and obnoxious!
    " no_target
      - chat "I<&sq>m puttin<&sq> an end to all this craziness with my Pick-Axe Hand." no_target
      - chat "Bad biscuits make the baker broke, bro." no_target
      - chat "Your constant harassment of the female gender makes me siiick" no_target
      - chat "I dreamed I was in kindergarten again, but I had really big feet, and was also the teacher." no_target
      - chat "Don<&sq>t let the dragon drag on." no_target
      - chat "Being crazy is hard. You<&sq>re getting all hung up, all hung up on imaginary problems. You gotta focus on what<&sq>s real, man." no_target
      - chat "Dude, don<&sq>t make me feel any more awkward than I already do!" no_target

    - if !<def[player].exists> define player <player>
    - random {
      - chat "Hello there Citizen!" no_target
      - chat "Hey what<&sq>s going on there <def[player].name>?" no_target
      - chat "Oh hey there <def[player].name>." no_target
      - chat "How are you <def[player].name>?" no_target
      - chat "Hey <def[player].name>, I forgot to tell you..." no_target
      - chat "How<&sq>s work <def[player].name>?" no_target
      - chat "Good <tern[<def[player][==].to[night]>]:evening || day> <def[player].name>." no_target

    - if !<def[player].exists> define player <player>
    - random {
      - chat "Hello there <&6><><&f>!" no_target
      - chat "Oh, you are new <&6><><&f>." no_target
      - chat "<&6><><&f><&co> Have you read the <&e>/help" no_target
      - chat "I haven<&sq>t seen you around before." no_target
      - chat "I like to walk places. You can see a list of interesting destinations by typing <&e>/destination list" no_target
      - chat "Check out the <&e>/destination<&f> command." no_target
      - chat "<&6><><&f><&co> Have you read <&e>/help rules" no_target
      - chat "<&6><><&f><&co> You need to find Betty. She<&sq>ll rank you up to <&a>Citizen" no_target
      - chat "You can find Betty in the Municipal Building. That<&sq>s the quartz skyscraper in the center of town." no_target
      - chat "You won<&sq>t earn much as a Tourist. You need to find Betty to become a Citizen." no_target

    - if !<def[player].exists> define player <player>
    - random {
      - chat "Farewell Citizen!" no_target
      - chat "Let<&sq>s do lunch sometime <def[player].name>." no_target
      - chat "See you later <def[player].name>!" no_target
      - chat "Take care <def[player].name>." no_target
      - chat "Stay safe out there <def[player].name>." no_target
      - chat "Yeah sure... ignore me..." no_target
      - chat "Oh my... something really smells." no_target
      - chat "I think <def[player].name> just made a stinky." no_target

    - if !<def[player].exists> define player <player>
    - random {
      - chat "Farewell Tourist!" no_target
      - chat "I hope to see you again <&6><def[player].name><&f>!" no_target
      - chat "Don<&sq>t forget to find Betty in the Municipal building <&6><def[player].name><&f>." no_target
      - chat "Make sure you see Betty in the Municipal building before you head out of the city." no_target
      - chat "We can show you around if you need some help <&6><def[player].name><&f>." no_target
      - chat "Stay safe out there <&6><def[player].name><&f>." no_target
      - chat "I<&sq>ll see you around sometime <&6><def[player].name><&f>." no_target

    - if !<def[player].exists> define player <player>
    - random {
      - chat "I will tell you some valuable secrets!" no_target
      - chat "You can type <&e>/jobs stats<&f> to see your levels." no_target
      - chat "There is a lot of information in the <&e>/help<&f> files." no_target
      - chat "There is a way into the cemetery. You just have to know where to look." no_target

    - ^define workingSet <npc.flag[WorkingSet].as_list>
    - ^define player <def[workingSet].get[1]>
    - ^define task <def[workingSet].get[2]>
    - ^define previousStatus <def[workingSet].get[3]>
    - look <npc> <player.eye_location> duration:2s
    - wait 10t
    - random {
      - chat "Oh, ok then..." no_target
      - chat "That<&sq>s not very nice of you <def[player].name>." no_target
      - chat "I was hoping you would be more helpful." no_target
      - chat "Of course... The great and mighty <def[player].name> doesn't have time to help ol<&sq> <>." no_target
      - chat "That<&sq>s fine. I was only asking so you would finally leave me alone." no_target
      - chat "Whatev<&sq>s... I only wanted to laugh while watching you fail." no_target