Paste #29984: Edit of P#29983 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/02/08 17:54:44 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# Paste this script under the "on assignment" action in the NPC's assignment script #
- flag <npc> walk
- flag <npc> pauseMin:<[0].to[20]>
- flag <npc> pauseMax:<[0].to[20]>
# Task script to make an NPC Walk #
  type: task
  debug: false
  - flag <npc> walkQueue:<queue>
  - while <npc.has_flag[walk]> {
    - flag <npc> anchorPoint:<npc.anchor.list.random>
    - ~walk <npc> <npc.anchor[<npc.flag[anchorPoint]>]> auto_range
    - define waitTime <[<npc.flag[pauseMin]>].to[<npc.flag[pauseMax]>]>
    - wait <def[waitTime]>
  - queue clear
# World script that re-runs the walk script upon restarts #
  type: world
  debug: false
    on server start:
    - wait 3s
    - foreach <server.list_npcs.filter[has_flag[walk]]> {
      - run Walk npc:<def[Value].as_npc>
    - queue clear