Paste #21822: Diff note for paste #21821

Date: 2015/10/28 23:25:32 UTC-07:00
Type: Diff Report

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   type: command
   name: minigameworld
   - mgw
   usage: /huntersmoon <&lt>action<&gt>
   description: Commands for MiniGameWorld.
   permission: minigameworld.command
   allowed help: 
   - determine <player.has_permission[minigameworld.command]||<context.server>>
-    - run CreateMiniGameWorld
-    - while <server.list_worlds.parse[name].contains[world].not> {
-      - wait 1
+    - if <server.list_wolrds.contains[w@MiniGameWorld].not> createworld MiniGameWorld
+    - while <server.list_worlds.contains[w@MiniGameWorld].not> {
+      - wait 1s
     - teleport <player> 10,10,10,MiniGameWorld
-    - queue clear
+    # there is no need for a queue clear at the END of a queue
-  type: task
-  script:
-    - execute as_server ex createworld MiniGameWorld