[20:45:18 INFO]: +> Executing 'Event': Type='on player joins' Container='NPCMANAGER(WORLD)' Player='que1124' Context='{message=que1124 joined the game.}' [20:45:18 INFO]: +- Building event 'ON PLAYER JOINS' for NPCMANAGER ---------+ [20:45:18 INFO]: Starting InstantQueue 'NNEENEZNII'... [20:45:18 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: ANNOUNCE/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:18 INFO]: Filled tag with 'world'. [20:45:18 INFO]: +> Executing 'ANNOUNCE': Message='world' Type='ALL' [20:45:18 INFO]: world [20:45:18 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:18 INFO]: Filled tag with 'world'. [20:45:18 INFO]: Filled tag with 'false'. [20:45:18 INFO]: Comparable 1: Comparable='Boolean(false)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(true)' --> OUTCOME='false' [20:45:18 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: POTION/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:18 INFO]: +> Executing 'POTION': Target(s)='[p@8c93447a-60dd-3f48-ace4-d112d42cf3f2]' Effect='BLINDNESS' Amplifier='1' duration='200t' [20:45:18 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:18 INFO]: +> Executing 'WAIT': queue='NNEENEZNII' delay='20t' [20:45:18 INFO]: Forcing queue NNEENEZNII into a timed queue... [20:45:18 INFO]: Completing queue 'NNEENEZNII'. [20:45:18 INFO]: Starting TimedQueue 'NNEENEZNII'... [20:45:18 INFO]: Re-completing queue 'NNEENEZNII'. [20:45:18 INFO]: que1124[/] logged in with entity id 513 at ([wor ld] 280.5031283630702, 121.60484460800001, -167.44727769622864) [20:45:19 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:19 INFO]: Filled tag <&a> with ''. [20:45:19 INFO]: +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='Loading Quest State!' Targets='[p@que1124]' [20:45:19 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: FOREACH/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:19 INFO]: Filled tag with 'li@n@149'. [20:45:19 INFO]: +> Executing 'FOREACH': list='li@n@149' [20:45:19 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:19 INFO]: Filled tag with 'l@280.5031283630702,120.0,-167.44727769622864,25.649996,-60. 74998,world'. [20:45:19 INFO]: +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='NNEENEZNII' definition='loc' value='l@280.5031283630702,120.0,-167.44727769622864,25.64999 6,-60.74998,world' [20:45:19 INFO]: +- Executing dCommand: SPAWN/p@que1124 ---------+ [20:45:19 INFO]: Filled definition %value% with 'n@149'. [20:45:19 INFO]: Filled definition %loc% with 'l@280.5031283630702,120.0,-167.44727769622864,25.649996,-60. 74998,world'. [20:45:19 INFO]: +> Executing 'SPAWN': entities='[n@149]' location='l@280.5031283630702,120.0,-167.44727769622864,25.64 9996,-60.74998,world' [20:45:19 INFO]: Completing queue 'NNEENEZNII'. [20:45:20 INFO]: ERROR! Invalid script specified. [20:45:20 INFO]: ERROR! Invalid script specified. >