# +-------------------------------------- # | Breadcrumb's Awesome NPC Guard Shop # | # | Your very own bodyguard in Minecraft! # +-------------------------------------- # # ~~ A Denizen Bounty project. ~~ # # @author Breadcrumb # @date 2022-03-27 # @denizen-build REL-1762 # @script-version 1.0 # # Plugin dependancies: # Denizen (to run this script) # Citizens (NPCs) # Sentinel (NPC combat!) # Vault (economy) # Depenizen (Denizen bridge) # # Installation: # Install all the plugins required above and put them into your plugins folder. # After you run the server, a bunch of plugin folders will be created. # Go into plugins/Denizen/scripts/ and drag this file into it. # In game, use the command "/ex reload" to reload Denizen's scripts. # # How to use: # Configure all the config values below to whatever values you want. # Create an NPC for the shopkeeper and assign it the "guard_shop_shopkeeper" assignment. (/npc assignment --set guard_shop_shopkeeper) # Some config values will need to be reloaded to take effect. Use the command "/reloadguards" to get the data updated. # # Guard commands: # When in the proximity range specified in the "guard_shop_config" container, you can give the guards commands by typing them in chat. # The commands are "stay", "follow", "passive", "aggressive", and "remove". # The "stay" command will make the guards not follow the owner when the owner moves outside of the guard's proximity range. # The "follow" command will make the guards follow the owner again. # The "passive" command will make the guard not harm any entity. # The "aggressive" command will make the guard attack entities. # The "remove" command will remove the guard compleatly. guard_shop_config: type: data respawn_command_error: You can only use this command when you have despawned guards! shopkeeper: # Shows up in chat before text. chat_name: &cShopkeeper&r&co # What to say when player enters proximity. greeting: Welcome to the &3Guard Shop&r! # What to say when player exits proximity. goodbye: Goodbye! # Purchace inquiry. store_inquiry: Would you like to purchace your own personal guard? It is only $150! &e(yes/no) # What to say when player purchases. purchace: Thank you for your purchace! # What to say when player does not purchace. no_purchace: No problem! # What to say when player is short on money. not_enough_money: Sorry, but it looks like you don't have enough money. # What to say when player has enough guards too_many_guards: Sorry, but you already have enough guards. # Proximity radius. proximity_radius: 5 guard: # Price per guard. price: 150 # Texutre value for skin. skin_texture: ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTY0MjkwMzc3Njg1NiwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICJkMGI4MjE1OThmMTE0NzI1ODBmNmNiZTliOGUxYmU3MCIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJqYmFydHl5IiwKICAic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiIDogdHJ1ZSwKICAidGV4dHVyZXMiIDogewogICAgIlNLSU4iIDogewogICAgICAidXJsIiA6ICJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzM5NDBlOTgyZGZiODg4NWE1NzQwODVmMDcwYjk5ZWM1ZjE0NzQ4YzE4Y2Q1M2Q2NzNmMzc3ZmUyNzRkZjFhNTkiLAogICAgICAibWV0YWRhdGEiIDogewogICAgICAgICJtb2RlbCIgOiAic2xpbSIKICAgICAgfQogICAgfQogIH0KfQ== # Signature value for skin. skin_signature: 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 # How many guards a player can own at one time. guards_per_player: 2 # Proximity radius for player giving commands. proximity_radius: 10 # How close to follow player. follow_lead: 4 # How fast to follow player. follow_speed: 1 # How much health the guard has health: 35 # What item to put in guard's main hand. main_hand: iron_sword commands: # Stop moving (don't follow) stay: stay # Continue following player follow: follow # Despawn guard (temporarily). To respawn do /respawnguards despawn: despawn # No attacking passive: passive # Become aggressive aggressive: aggressive # Permanatly removes guard remove: remove # Guard's name name: &6Guard # Shows up in chat before text. chat_name: &6Guard&r&co # What to say when following a command command_reply: Okay! # How long until guard respawns in seconds. # 0 will disable automatic respawn. # -1 will delete the guard when killed. respawn_delay: 5 attacks: # What to attack. # See list of targets here: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/Sentinel/#targets - monsters ignores: # What to ignore. # See list of targets here: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/Sentinel/#targets - npcs avoids: # What to avoid. # See list of targets here: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/Sentinel/#targets - creepers # Rate of attack in seconds. attack_rate: 2 # If true, guard will not notice entities behind it. # If false, it will notice entities behind it. realistic: false # How far the player needs to go before guard starts following the player. follow_distance: 5 # Despawns the guards when the player leaves. despawn_on_owner_leave: true # Respawns the guards when the player joins respawn_on_owner_join: true # Basic economy script. Change this however you want. If you already have one, # than you can delete/comment this out. guard_shop_economy: type: economy priority: normal name single: dollar name plural: dollars digits: 2 format: $<[amount]> balance: has: ]> withdraw: - flag money:-:<[amount]> deposit: - flag money:+:<[amount]> # --- Do not edit below this line. Let the script handle the rest ;) --- guard_shop_shopkeeper: type: assignment actions: on assignment: - trigger name:proximity state:true radius: interact scripts: - guard_shop_shopkeeper_interact_script guard_shop_shopkeeper_interact_script: type: interact steps: 1: proximity trigger: entry: script: - lookclose true range: realistic - narrate format:guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format - wait 1s - narrate format:guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format exit: script: - lookclose false - narrate format:guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format chat trigger: 1: trigger: /yes|Yes|YES/ hide trigger message: true script: - if !: - flag guard_ownership_amount:1 - if <= : - define price - if ]>: - money take quantity:<[price]> - narrate format:guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format - create player Guard traits:sentinel save:guard - define guard # Spawns in the guard - flag guards:->:<[guard]> - flag <[guard]> owner: - assignment set script:personal_guard npc:<[guard]> - adjust <[guard]> name: - adjust <[guard]> skin_blob:; - health <[guard]> - equip <[guard]> hand: - execute "sentinel guard --id <[guard].id>" as_server - execute "sentinel respawntime --id <[guard].id>" as_server - execute "sentinel attackrate --id <[guard].id>" as_server - execute "sentinel realistic --id <[guard].id>" as_server - execute "sentinel guarddistance --id <[guard].id>" as_server - if !: - foreach as:i: - execute "sentinel addtarget <[i]> --id <[guard].id>" as_server - if !: - foreach as:i: - execute "sentinel addignore <[i]> --id <[guard].id>" as_server - if !: - foreach as:i: - execute "sentinel addavoid <[i]> --id <[guard].id>" as_server - flag guards_follow:true - else: - narrate format:guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format - else: - narrate format:guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format 2: trigger: /no|No|NO/ hide trigger message: true script: - narrate format:guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format personal_guard: type: assignment actions: on assignment: - trigger name:proximity state:true radius: - trigger name:chat state:true radius: on attack: - if : - flag guards_follow:! interact scripts: - guard_interact_script guard_interact_script: type: interact steps: 1: proximity trigger: entry: script: - lookclose true range: realistic exit: script: - lookclose false chat trigger: 1: # COMPLEATLY REMOVE GUARD trigger: // hide trigger message: true script: - flag guards:<-: - if == 1: - flag guard_ownership_amount:0 - else: - flag guard_ownership_amount:-- - remove - narrate format:guard_chat_format 2: trigger: // hide trigger message: true script: - execute "sentinel guard --id " as_server - narrate format:guard_chat_format 3: trigger: // hide trigger message: true script: - execute "sentinel guard --id " as_server - execute "sentinel guarddistance --id " as_server - narrate format:guard_chat_format 4: trigger: // hide trigger message: true script: - if !: - foreach as:i: - execute "sentinel removetarget <[i]> --id " as_server - narrate format:guard_chat_format 5: trigger: // hide trigger message: true script: - if !: - foreach as:i: - execute "sentinel addtarget <[i]> --id " as_server - narrate format:guard_chat_format 6: trigger: // hide trigger message: true script: - narrate format:guard_chat_format - flag guards_despawned - despawn respawn_guards: type: command usage: /respawnguards name: respawnguards description: Respawns your personal guards! script: - if : - foreach as:guard: - spawn <[guard]> persistent - flag guards_despawned:! - else: - narrate reload_guards_command: type: command usage: /reloadguards name: reloadguards description: Reloads certain data for your personal guards. script: - run reload_guards - narrate "Guards reloaded!" reload_guards: type: task script: - foreach as:guard: - define data - define id <[guard].id> - execute "sentinel respawntime <[data].get[name]> --id <[id]>" as_server - execute "sentinel attackrate <[data].get[attack_rate]> --id <[id]>" as_server - execute "sentinel realistic <[data].get[realistic]> --id <[id]>" as_server - execute "sentinel guarddistance <[data].get[follow_distance]> --id <[id]>" as_server - if !<[data].get[attacks].is_empty>: - foreach <[data].get[attacks]> as:i: - execute "sentinel addtarget <[i]> --id <[id]>" as_server - if !<[data].get[ignores].is_empty>: - foreach <[data].get[ignores]> as:i: - execute "sentinel addignore <[i]> --id <[id]>" as_server - if !<[data].get[avoids].is_empty>: - foreach <[data].get[avoids]> as:i: - execute "sentinel addavoid <[i]> --id <[id]>" as_server player_leaves_despawn_guards: type: world events: on player quits: - if : - foreach as:i: - despawn <[i]> player_joins_respawn_guards: type: world events: on player joins: - if : - foreach as:guard: - spawn <[guard]> persistent guard_shop_shopkeeper_chat_format: type: format format: <[text]> guard_chat_format: type: format format: <[text]> gs_data: type: procedure definitions: data_key script: - determine ].unescaped.parse_color>