Java Version: 1.7.0_65 CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-1604 (MC: 1.7.10) Active Plugins (44): 2GroupManager: 2.0 (Dev2.13.151) (Phoenix), 2WorldEdit: 5.6.3, 2VoxelSniper: 5.169.0-SNAPSHOT-jnks309-git7b2b282, 2Buycraft: 6.7, 2MassiveCore: 7.3.0, 2Vault: 1.4.1-b436, 2Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b691, 2HealthBar: 1.8.2, 2TerrainControl: 2.6.0, 2BloodMoon: 0.24-SNAPSHOT, 2WorldGuard: 5.9, 2VoidWarp: 0.4.2, 2dynmap: 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-1025, 2DragonRaid: 0.0.1, 2Custom_Enchantments: 1.1e, 2CoreProtect: 2.0.9, 2VoidGenerator: 1.0, 2Legacy: 1.3.1, 2ClearLag: 2.7.1, 2ProtocolLib: 3.4.0, 2HolographicDisplays: 1.8.4, 2mcMMO: 1.5.01-SNAPSHOT-b3564, 2BiomeEdit: 1.0.1, 2ButtonWarp: 2.2.2, 2Essentials: Dev2.13.151, 2Citizens: 2.0.13-SNAPSHOT (build 1158), 2WorldBorder: 1.8.0, 2ShowCaseStandalone: 697, 2Fe: 0.8-SNAPSHOT-b53, 2ServerSigns: 3.0.0, 2LibsDisguises: 8.0.9, 2EssentialsSpawn: Dev2.13.151, 2Multiverse-NetherPortals: 2.5-b684, 2Smileychat: 2.5, 2EssentialsAntiBuild: Dev2.13.151, 2TouchscreenHolograms: 1.2, 2Denizen: 0.9.5-SNAPSHOT (build 1507), 2CompatNoCheatPlus: 6.5.0-RC-sMD5NET-b68, 2EssentialsChat: Dev2.13.151, 2Factions: 2.5.0, 2Depenizen: 0.2.0 (build 212), 2NoCheatPlus: 3.11.1-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b740, 2ScoreboardStats: 0.7.5, 2Sentry: 1.8.2, Loaded Worlds (8): world, world_nether, world_the_end, NothingLess, world2, Survival, Lobby3, test2, Online Players (1): ❇ 4m*-rl Leader 4m-*r NLBlackEagle7r7(NLBlackEagle) 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEvent8': 8Type='eon PROMOTESTAFF command8' 8Container='bPLAYERMANUADDSCRIPTMODERATORe(WORLD)8' 8Player='eNLBlackEagle8' 8Context='e{cuboids=li@, args=li@nlblackheavennl|Leader, raw_args=nlblackheavennl Leader, command=PROMOTESTAFF, server=false, parsed_args=li@nlblackheavennl|Leader}8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Building event 'ON PROMOTESTAFF COMMAND' for PLAYERMANUADDSCRIPTMODERATOR ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'ZZIIENNNDE'... 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'false'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'false'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 3: fComparable='Boolean(bfalsef)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 4: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Leader'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='dList(bli@moderator|admin|highadmin|co-leader|leaderf)', Operator='CONTAINS', ComparedTo='Element(bLeaderf)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e8' 8Targets='e[p@NLBlackEagle]8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'nlblackheavennl'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Leader'. 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='eYou have promoted nlblackheavennl to Leader8' 8Targets='e[p@NLBlackEagle]8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='eType /admin-list for a list of admins8' 8Targets='e[p@NLBlackEagle]8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e8' 8Targets='e[p@NLBlackEagle]8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'nlblackheavennl'. 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bOLDRANK8' 8Action/Value='bSET_VALUEe(king)8' flag_target='bp@null8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: EXECUTE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'nlblackheavennl'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Leader'. 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEXECUTE8': type='bAS_SERVER8' command='bmanuadd nlblackheavennl Leader8' 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEvent8': 8Type='eon MANUADD command8' 8Container='bPLAYERMANUADDSCRIPTMODERATORe(WORLD)8' 8Context='e{args=li@nlblackheavennl|Leader, raw_args=nlblackheavennl Leader, command=MANUADD, server=true, parsed_args=li@nlblackheavennl|Leader}8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Building event 'ON MANUADD COMMAND' for PLAYERMANUADDSCRIPTMODERATOR ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'ZDDIEENNZN'... 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fInvalid or missing player for tag ! 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fInvalid or missing player for tag ! 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fInvalid or missing player for tag ! 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Element(bnullf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fInvalid or missing player for tag ! 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fInvalid or missing player for tag ! 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Element(bnullf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fInvalid or missing player for tag ! 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Element(bnullf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 22:14:41 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'ZDDIEENNZN'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'nlblackheavennl'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Leader'. 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bRANK8' 8Action/Value='bSET_VALUEe(Leader)8' flag_target='bp@null8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'nlblackheavennl'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eZZIIENNNDE8' 8definition='etarget8' 8value='enull8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] d fFilled definition %target% with 'null'. 22:14:41 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Element(bnullf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bnullf)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e8' 8Targets='e[p@NLBlackEagle]8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: QUEUE/p@NLBlackEagle ---------+ 22:14:41 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eQUEUE8': 8Queue='eZZIIENNNDE8' 8Action='eCLEAR8' 22:14:41 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'ZZIIENNNDE'.