Paste #79661: Denizen Debug Logs From 9lk&&bl LOST clFOREVER 9lk&& f- Lose aYOUR fMind Today!

Date: 2021/01/12 14:44:13 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_262
Up-time: 12m
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-263 (MC: 1.16.4)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.90-SNAPSHOT (Build 762), CraftBukkit: 1.1.8-SNAPSHOT (build 5141-DEV)
Active Plugins (17): LuckPerms: 5.1.26, LuckPermsChat: 2.0.2, UnbreakingTools: 1.0.0, Vault: 1.7.3-b131, 
ProtocolLib: 4.5.1, dynmap: 3.1-beta-2-389, WorldEdit: 7.2.0-beta-03+94ce464, 
Essentials:, TAB: 2.8.8, WorldGuard: 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT;bf2593e, WorldGuardExtraFlags: 4.1.3, 
Wild: 4.0.2-SNAPSHOT, Citizens: 2.0.27-SNAPSHOT (build 2220), Harbor: 1.6.2, 
Denizen: 1.1.8-SNAPSHOT (build 5141-DEV), dDiscordBot: 0.7 (build 120), DiscordSRV: 1.20.0,
Loaded Worlds (3): new_old, new_old_nether, new_old_the_end
Online Players (2): acikek(acikek), TrickyTophatMan(TrickyTophatMan)
Offline Players: 57
Mode: online

14:44:09 [INFO]  Running script event 'DiscordMessageReceived', event='on discord message received channel:798289034073079868' for script 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember'... 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 54) IF <> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'false'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  No part of the if command passed, no block will run. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 60) IF <context.new_message.text.starts_with[?verify]> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.new_message.text.starts_with[?verify]> with 'true'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 61) DEFINE input <context.new_message.text.after[?verify].trim> 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.new_message.text.after[?verify].trim> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember'  definition='input'  value='' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 62) IF <server.match_player[<[input]>]||null> != null ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.match_player[]||null> with 'p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Logic='NEGATIVE', Comparable='Element(p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(null)' 
                   --> OUTCOME='true' 
14:44:09 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 63) DEFINE member <server.match_player[<[input]>]> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[input]> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <server.match_player[]> with 'p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)'. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember'  definition='member'  
                   value='p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 64) PLAYSOUND <[member]> sound:ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[member]> with 'p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)'. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'PLAYSOUND': entities='[p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e]'  sound='ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP'  
                   volume='1'  pitch='1'  custom='false' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 66) DEFINE accept 
                   "<bold><green><element[Accept].on_hover[<green>Click to accept!].on_click[/verify <>]>" 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <bold> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with '421783398374440961'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <element[Accept].on_hover[Click to accept!].on_click[/verify 421783398374440961]> with 
                   '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/verify 421783398374440961][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to accept!]Accept[/hover][/click]'. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember'  definition='accept'  value='[click=RUN_COMMAND;/verify 
                   421783398374440961][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to accept!]Accept[/hover][/click]' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 67) DEFINE decline 
                   "<bold><red><element[Decline].on_hover[<red>Click to decline!].on_click[/unverify]>" ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <bold> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <red> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <red> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <element[Decline].on_hover[Click to decline!].on_click[/unverify]> with 
                   '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/unverify][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&sscClick to decline!]Decline[/hover][/click]'. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember'  definition='decline'  
                   value='[click=RUN_COMMAND;/unverify][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&sscClick to decline!]Decline[/hover][/click]' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 69) NARRATE "<gold><bold><> 
                   <&r><gold>has requested to connect to your account." targets:<[member]> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[member]> with 'p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <gold> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <bold> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'acikek'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <gold> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='acikek has requested to connect to your account.'  
                   Targets='[p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)]' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 70) NARRATE "<gray>[<[accept]><gray>] <dark_gray>or 
                   <gray>[<[decline]><gray>]" targets:<[member]> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[member]> with 'p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <gray> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[accept]> with '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/verify 421783398374440961][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <gray> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <dark_gray> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <gray> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[decline]> with '[click=RUN_COMMAND;/unverify][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&sscClick to 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <gray> with ''. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='[[click=RUN_COMMAND;/verify 421783398374440961][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&ssaClick to 
                   accept!]Accept[/hover][/click]] or [[click=RUN_COMMAND;/unverify][hover=SHOW_TEXT;&sscClick to 
                   decline!]Decline[/hover][/click]]'  Targets='[p@1d7b97ac-e5dc-45f6-8bb2-3eb8a5ef190e (acikek)]' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 72) FLAG player 
                   discord_verify:<discord_user[<>]> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with '421783398374440961'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <discord_user[421783398374440961]> with 'discorduser@421783398374440961'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'discord_bot' in queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' while executing command 'FLAG' in file 
                   'scripts/discord/discord.dsc' on line '72'!
     Error Message: Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] +> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify a flag target!' 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] Usage: flag [player/npc/server/<entity>] [<name>([<#>])](:<action>)[:<value>] (duration:<value>) 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> [CommandExecutor] (Attempted: FLAG player discord_verify:<discord_user[<>]>) 
14:44:09 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 74) DEFINE embed "<discord_embed.with[title].as[Request 
                   Sent].with[description].as[Sent an in-game request to **<[member].name>**.].with[color].as[<color[<&ns>51F542]>]>" ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[member].name> with 'acikek'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <&ns> with '#'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'discord_bot' in queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' while executing command 'DEFINE' in file 
                   'scripts/discord/discord.dsc' on line '74'!
     Error Message: Tag-base 'color' returned null. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'discord_bot' in queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' while executing command 'DEFINE' in file 
                   'scripts/discord/discord.dsc' on line '74'!
     Error Message: Tag <color[#51F542]> is invalid! 
14:44:09 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'discord_bot' in queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' while executing command 'DEFINE' in file 
                   'scripts/discord/discord.dsc' on line '74'!
     Error Message: embed.with[...].as[...] value is invalid. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'discord_bot' in queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' while executing command 'DEFINE' in file 
                   'scripts/discord/discord.dsc' on line '74'!
     Error Message: Tag <discord_embed.with[title].as[Request Sent].with[description].as[Sent an in-game request to 
                   **acikek**.].with[color].as[color[<&ns>51F542]]> is invalid! 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'DEFINE': queue='DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember'  definition='embed'  
                   value='discord_embed.with[title].as[Request Sent].with[description].as[Sent an in-game request to 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 75) ~discord id:lf_bot delete_message channel:<> 
                   message_id:<> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'discordchannel@lf_bot,798289034073079868'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with '798683768985616444'. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'DISCORD': id='lf_bot'  channel='discordchannel@lf_bot,798289034073079868'  instruction='delete_message'  
14:44:09 [INFO]  Forcing queue DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember into a timed queue... 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Completing queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' in 4ms. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember'... 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' Executing: (line 76) ~discord id:lf_bot message channel:<> <[embed]> 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'discordchannel@lf_bot,798289034073079868'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <[embed]> with 'discord_embed.with[title].as[Request Sent].with[description].as[Sent an in-game request to 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'DISCORD': id='lf_bot'  channel='discordchannel@lf_bot,798289034073079868'  instruction='message'  
                   message='discord_embed.with[title].as[Request Sent].with[description].as[Sent an in-game request to 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Completing queue 'DISCORD_BOT_RangersQuadDecember' in 250ms. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Running script event 'DiscordMessageReceived', event='on discord message received channel:798289034073079868' for script 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser'... 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser' Executing: (line 54) IF <> ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'true'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser' Executing: (line 55) IF <> == 764968689501995018 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with '764968689501995018'. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Comparable='Decimal(7.6496868950199501E17)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Decimal(7.6496868950199501E17)' --> 
14:44:09 [INFO]  If command passed, running block. 
14:44:09 [INFO] +- Queue 'DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser' Executing: (line 56) WAIT 5s ---------+ 
14:44:09 [INFO] +> Executing 'WAIT': queue='q@DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser'  delay='d@5.0s (5s)' 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Forcing queue DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser into a timed queue... 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Completing queue 'DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser' in 0ms. 
14:44:09 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'DISCORD_BOT_ScoresCommunicationsUser'...