GuildMenu: type: inventory inventory: chest title: Guilda Menu size: 27 slots: - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [inv_slot1] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" inv_slot1: type: item material: name_tag display name: Create Guilda quests: type: command name: guilda description: Open guilda menu usage: /guilda permission: script: - inventory open d:GuildMenu into_gui: type: world events: on player clicks in GuildMenu priority:2: - determine cancelled on player drags in GuildMenu priority:2: - determine cancelled on player clicks inv_slot1 in GuildMenu priority:1: - inventory close - narrate "<&a>Write the player name what do you want to invite:" - flag command_chat on player chat: - if : - define target - narrate "<[target].name> test1" - flag command_chat:! # chat_command1: # type: world # events: # - if : # - define target # - if ]>: # - define target ]> # - narrate " has invited you to their clan." targets:<[target]> # - narrate "You've invited <[target].name> to your clan." # - flag command_chat:! # - else: # - narrate "<[target]> cannot be found, is it a valid player?" # - flag command_chat:! # - determine cancelled