#Acts as the start of the process NPost_main_task: type: assignment interact scripts: - Npost_interact actions: on assignment: - trigger name:click state:true on click: - chat "Oh, hey ! Fred here with Nordic Post. How can I help you?" #initialization and definitions Npost_init: type: task script: - define npcLocation: - define playerpartoftown: - define playertown: - define townstatus: #interact scripts Npost_interact: type: interact steps: 1: # This determines what menu to displays # Residents of the town gets Menu 2 automatically. - if <[npcLocation]> == <[playertown]>: - wait 3s - zap 2 #then it checks if the town is open, even? # If Town is closed, disables the join option for Non-Residents or Wanderers. - else if <[townstatus]> == false: - wait 5s - zap 5 # Non-Residents of the town gets Menu 3 (allows to switch towns). # Runs a if town is open or not. - else if <[townstatus]> && <[npcLocation]> != <[playertown]>: - wait 3s - zap 3 # wanderers will fall into this condition - else if <[playerpartoftown]> == false && <[townstatus]>: - wait 3s - zap 4 # any other options (does not belongs to any town or wonky) gets Menu 4. Sloppy cleanup. - else - wait 5s - zap 5 2: #current residents menu events: - inventory open d:in@Post_Inventory_Menu_CurrentTown on player clicks in Post_Inventory_Menu_CurrentTown priority:100: - determine cancelled on player drags in Post_Inventory_Menu_CurrentTown priority:100: - determine cancelled on player clicks PIM_readmail in Post_Inventory_Menu_CurrentTown: - ex as_op /mailme read on player clicks PIM_sendmail in Post_Inventory_Menu_CurrentTown: - ex as_op /mailme send on player clicks PIM_leavetown in Post_Inventory_Menu_CurrentTown: - inventory open d:in@PIM_ConfirmLeave on player clicks PIM_exit in Post_Inventory_Menu_CurrentTown: - inventory close 3: #Non-Residents Menu events: - inventory open d:in@Post_Inventory_Menu_NotMemberTown on player clicks in Post_Inventory_Menu priority:100: - determine cancelled on player drags in Post_Inventory_Menu priority:100: - determine cancelled on player clicks PIM_readmail in Post_Inventory_Menu: - ex as_op /mailme read on player clicks PIM_sendmail in Post_Inventory_Menu: - ex as_op /mailme send on player clicks PIM_switchtown in Post_Inventory_Menu: - inventory open d:in@PIM_ConfirmSwitch on player clicks PIM_exit in Post_Inventory_Menu: - inventory close 4: #Wanderers Menu events: - inventory open d:in@Post_Inventory_Menu_Wanderer on player clicks in Post_Inventory_Menu priority:100: - determine cancelled on player drags in Post_Inventory_Menu priority:100: - determine cancelled on player clicks PIM_readmail in Post_Inventory_Menu: - ex as_op /mailme read on player clicks PIM_sendmail in Post_Inventory_Menu: - ex as_op /mailme send on player clicks PIM_leavetown in Post_Inventory_Menu: - inventory open d:in@PIM_Confirm on player clicks PIM_exit in Post_Inventory_Menu: - inventory close 5: #Closed Town Menu events: - inventory open d:in@Post_Inventory_Menu_ClosedTown on player clicks in Post_Inventory_Menu priority:100: - determine cancelled on player drags in Post_Inventory_Menu priority:100: - determine cancelled on player clicks PIM_readmail in Post_Inventory_Menu: - ex as_op /mailme read on player clicks PIM_sendmail in Post_Inventory_Menu: - ex as_op /mailme send on player clicks PIM_exit in Post_Inventory_Menu: - inventory close # Menu Lists/Actions Post_inventory_Menu_CurrentTown: type: inventory inventory: chest title: Nordic Post Office Menu - Current Resident Size: 27 slots: - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_readmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_sendmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_leavetown] [PIM_filler] [PIM_exit] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" Post_Inventory_Menu_JoinableTown: type: inventory inventory: chest title: Nordic Post Office Menu - Wanderer Size: 27 slots: - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_readmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_sendmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_jointown] [PIM_filler] [PIM_exit] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" Post_Inventory_Menu_NotMemberTown: type: inventory inventory: chest title: Nordic Post Office Menu - Non-Resident Size: 27 slots: - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_readmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_sendmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_switchtown] [PIM_filler] [PIM_exit] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" Post_Inventory_Menu_ClosedTown: type: inventory inventory: chest title: Nordic Post Office Menu - Town Closed to New Residents Size: 27 slots: - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_readmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_sendmail] [PIM_filler] [PIM_denytown] [PIM_filler] [PIM_exit] [PIM_filler]" - "[PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler] [PIM_filler]" PIM_ConfirmScreen: type: inventory inventory: hopper title: Do you Confirm Joining <[npcLocation]>? size: 5 slots: - "[PIM_filler][PIM_Confirm][PIM_filler][PIM_Deny][PIM_filler]" PIM_Confirmleave: type: inventory inventory: hopper title: Do you Confirm your Action? size: 5 slots: - "[PIM_filler][PIM_Confirm][PIM_filler][PIM_Deny][PIM_filler]" PIM_ConfirmSwitch: type: inventory inventory: hopper title: Do you Confirm you want to switch towns from <&l><[playerTown]> to <&l><[npcLocation]]>? size: 5 slots: - "[PIM_filler][PIM_switchtown][PIM_filler][PIM_Deny][PIM_filler]" PIM_filler: type: item material: black_stained_glass PIM_readmail: type: item material: written_book display name: Read my Mail PIM_sendmail: type: item material: book_and_quill display name: Write an Mail Message PIM_leavetown: type: item material: red_bed display name: Leave this Town? PIM_jointown: type: item material: green_bed display name: Join this Town? PIM_switchtown: type: item material: green_bed display name: Change your Town Citizenship to this Town? PIM_denytown: type: item material: barrier display name: You are not permitted to join this town at this time! PIM_exit: type: item material: barrier display name: Exit this Menu PIM_Confirm: type: item material: green_wool display name: Yep, I confirm. PIM_Deny: type: item material: red_wool display: No, I changed my mind! PIM_switchtown: type: item material: red_wool display: Switch my town to this town!