Java Version: 1.8.0_252 Up-time: 8h 30m Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-350 (MC: 1.15.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.80-SNAPSHOT (Build 675), CraftBukkit: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4882-DEV) Active Plugins (3): 2Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1995), 2Denizen: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4882-DEV), 2dDiscordBot: 0.6 (build 83) Loaded Worlds (3): world, world_nether, world_the_end Online Players (0): No Online Players Offline Players: 1 Mode: online 09:31:39 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'TAG_RUN_TASK_dLisa1FunkdTroutd' Executing: f8(line 130)f DEFINE result <[tag].unescaped.parsed.escaped.replace_text[;].with[&sc]>d ---------+ 09:31:39 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'btag_parser_taskc' in queue 'TAG_RUN_TASK_dLisa1FunkdTroutc' while executing command 'bDEFINEc' in file 'bscripts/tag_paser_bot.dscc' on line 'b130c' with player 'bp@460e96b9-7a0e-416d-b2c3-4508164b8b1ba (mcmonkey4eva)c' with NPC 'bn@0a (Bob)c'! 7 Error Message: fUsing deprecated form of tag 'replace_text': 'replace'. 09:31:39 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <felement[food:taco notfood:salad].replace[:].with[/].split.to_map8> with 'f8map@e food 8/e taco 8|e notfood 8/e salad8'. 09:31:39 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f[tag].unescaped.parsed.escaped.replace_text[;].with[&sc]8> with 'fmap&atfood&fsel&attaco&pipenotfood&fsel&atsalad&pipe8'. 09:31:39 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eTAG_RUN_TASK_LisaFunkTrout8' 8definition='eresult8' 8value='emap&atfood&fsel&attaco&pipenotfood&fsel&atsalad&pipe8'