Java Version: 1.8.0_251 Up-time: 1h 3m Server Version: CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-e7dc2f5-a8ec1d6 (MC: 1.15.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.80-SNAPSHOT (Build 587), CraftBukkit: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4719-DEV) Active Plugins (6): 2Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1854), 2WorldEdit: 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT+4986-a02458b, 2Denizen: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4719-DEV), 2Essentials:, 2EssentialsSpawn:, 2WorldGuard: 7.0.3-SNAPSHOT;2031-662ae2b Loaded Worlds (3): world, world_nether, world_the_end Online Players (1): 4huffmanbranr7(huffmanbran) Offline Players: 0 Mode: online 05:27:34 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_dCommodities6Area1Biotechnology6' with player 'huffmanbran'... 05:27:34 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'EXCOMMAND_dCommodities6Area1Biotechnologyd' Executing: f8(line 1)f RUN gibsonzombied ---------+ 05:27:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='es@gibsonzombiea (TASK)8' 05:27:34 [INFO] d cERROR in queue 'EXCOMMAND_dCommodities6Area1Biotechnologyc' while executing command 'bRUNc' with player 'bp@39680c92-6702-465f-b842-1fbfee509d03a (huffmanbran)c'! 7 Error Message: f(Initial detection) No tag-base handler for 'zombie'. 05:27:34 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrews6' with player 'huffmanbran'... 05:27:34 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrewsd' Executing: f8(line 263)f YAML id:tombdoor load:tombdoor.ymld ---------+ 05:27:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eYAML8': 8id='etombdoor8' 8action='eLOAD8' 8filename='etombdoor.yml8' 8value='e8' 05:27:34 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrewsd' Executing: f8(line 264)f DEFINE location d ---------+ 05:27:34 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fyaml[tombdoor].read[animation].get_sub_items[1].get[5]8> with 'fl@253,91,215,world8'. 05:27:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eGIBSONZOMBIE_MeCottonAndrews8' 8definition='elocation8' 8value='el@253,91,215,world8' 05:27:34 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrewsd' Executing: f8(line 265)f DEFINE gibson d ---------+ 05:27:34 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bgibsonzombiec' in queue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrewsc' while executing command 'bDEFINEc' in file 'b\scripts\sempraquests.dscc' on line 'b265c' with player 'bp@39680c92-6702-465f-b842-1fbfee509d03a (huffmanbran)c'! 7 Error Message: fNo tag-base handler for 'zombie'. 05:27:34 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bgibsonzombiec' in queue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrewsc' while executing command 'bDEFINEc' in file 'b\scripts\sempraquests.dscc' on line 'b265c' with player 'bp@39680c92-6702-465f-b842-1fbfee509d03a (huffmanbran)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag is invalid! 05:27:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eGIBSONZOMBIE_MeCottonAndrews8' 8definition='egibson8' 8value='ezombie8' 05:27:34 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrewsd' Executing: f8(line 266)f ADJUST <[gibson]> custom_name:Gibson custom_name_visible:true health:10d ---------+ 05:27:34 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f[gibson]8> with 'fzombie8'. 05:27:34 [INFO] d+- Executing command: ADJUSTd ---------+ 05:27:34 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bgibsonzombiec' in queue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrewsc' while executing command 'bADJUSTc' in file 'b\scripts\sempraquests.dscc' on line 'b266c' with player 'bp@39680c92-6702-465f-b842-1fbfee509d03a (huffmanbran)c'! 7 Error Message: fADJUST <[gibson]> custom_name:Gibson custom_name_visible:true health:10 cannot be executed! Too many arguments - did you forget to use quotes? Usage: adjust [/def:|...] [](:) 05:27:34 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'GIBSONZOMBIE_dMe6CottondAndrews6' in 7ms. 05:27:34 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_dCommodities6Area1Biotechnology6' in 9ms.