Paste #67579: Edit of P#67560 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2020/04/17 02:01:15 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: command
  name: techrtp
  usage: /techrtp
  description: "Basically rtp"
  permission: tech.rtp
  permission message: No
  - if <player.has_flag[cooldown]>:
    - narrate "<&8>[<&a>Random Teleport<&8>] <&7>Please wait <&a><player.flag[cooldown].expiration.in_minutes.round> <&7>minutes to teleport to a new random location."
  - narrate "Searching for a random location..."
  - repeat 5:
    - wait 10t
    - define loc "<[-4000].to[4000]>,1,<[-4000].to[4000]>,world"
    - chunkload <def[loc].as_location.chunk> duration:2s
    - define fuckoff <list[water|lava|fire]>
    - if <def[fuckoff].contains[<def[loc]>]>:
      - if <def[loop_index]> == 5:
        - narrate "<&8>[<&a>Random Teleport<&8>] <&7>No safe location was found, please try again."
      - queue next
    - else:
      - teleport <player> <def[loc].as_location.add[0,<def[loc].as_location.highest.y>,0].center>
      - narrate "<&8>[<&a>Random Teleport<&8>] <&7>You've been teleported to a random location."
      - flag player cooldown d:10m
      - queue clear