Rolfar_Golden_Tounge: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 Rolfar_Script actions: on assignment: - trigger name:chat state:true - trigger name:click state:true - trigger name:proximity state:true - lookclose state:true Catlyn_Borkel: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 Catlyn_Borkel_Script actions: on assignment: - trigger name:chat state:true - trigger name:click state:true - trigger name:proximity state:true - lookclose state:true Ben_Miller: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 Ben_Miller_Script actions: on assignment: - trigger name:chat state:true - trigger name:click state:true - trigger name:proximity state:true - lookclose state:true Rarke_Bjornsson: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 Rarke_Bjornsson_Script actions: on assignment: - trigger name:chat state:true - trigger name:click state:true - trigger name:proximity state:true - lookclose state:true on death: - ^execute as_npc "npc respawn -1" - ^execute as_server "npc select n@130" - ^execute as_server "sentry target remove player:" - wait 1 - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] -> You<&co> Ok! Baby is stonger than Rarke, here, take debt!" - wait 2 - narrate "You take the crown from Rarke, named Rarke's Shiny Thing, and leave" - ^give i@Rarkes_Shiny_Thing qty:1 - flag player Rolfar_Debts_Gathered - zap step:Reward script:Rolfar_Script Rolfar_Script: type: interact steps: 1: proximity trigger: entry: script: - if { - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> Thanks again, stranger." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> I'll come to yee' if I need more wark done." } else { - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] sighs, as he then look around mumbeling swears" - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> I'll get meh mon- Oi! Are yee' lookin' far work?" } chat trigger: 1: Trigger: "/regex:.*Yes.*|.*yes.*|.*yeah.*|.*Yeah.*|.*okay.*|.*Okay.*|.*sure.*|.*Sure.*|.*alright.*|.*Alright.*|.*fine.*|.*Fine.*/" Script: - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Rolfar GoldenTounge<&co> Yes, I am." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> Great! I've got a slight problem ya' see." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> I've been running a small gambeling night at the tavern," - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> 'boot people ain't payin' opp." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> I need yee' to collect their debts for me." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] rolls out a small scroll, clearing his throat" - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> I need yee' to collect from<&co> Catlyn Borkel, a lady," - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> Ben Miller, thae stable boy," - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> and Mr Rarke Bjornsson, a large barbarian." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> Borkel is located at the graveyard, Miller is at the ooter stables," - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> and Rarke is in the tavern. Get those debts." - flag player Collecting_Debts 2: Trigger: "/regex:.+/" Script: - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Rolfar GoldenTounge<&co> No.. I'm not looking for work..." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] becomes red as a baboons buttex and screams" - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> STOP WASTING MY TIME THEN!!!" - zap step:1 Quest_Failed: proximity trigger: entry: script: - if { - narrate "QUEST FAILED" - foreach li@item1|item2|item3 { - if { - take %value% } } - flag player Rolfar_Quest_Fail:! - zap step:1 } Reward: proximity trigger: entry: script: - if { - if && && { - narrate "[You] walk up to [Rolfar GoldenTounge]" - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Rolfar GoldenTounge<&co> Here are the items, sir." - take i@Bens_Shiny_Melon - take i@Catlyns_Rod_o_Gold - take i@Rarkes_Shiny_Thing - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] inspects the items, smiling as he does" - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] -> You<&co> Thank yee' stranger, 'ere, take dis in reward." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rolfar GoldenTounge] hands over 10 ducats, and a golden apple" - ^give emerald qty:10 - ^give golden_apple qty:1 - narrate "YOU GET 100 XP FOR YOUR WORK" - give xp qty:100 - flag player Rolfar_Quest_Complete } } Ben_Miller_Script: type: interact steps: 1: proximity trigger: entry: script: - if { - narrate "[Ben Miller] -> You<&co> I have got to stop gambeling..." } else { - if { - narrate "[You] finds [Ben_Miller] hiding near the stables" - wait 2 - narrate "[Ben Miller] -> You<&co> Oh! Did Rolfar send you?! Please don't hurt me! I'll pay up!" } } chat trigger: 1: Trigger: "/regex:.*Yes.*|.*yes.*|.*yeah.*|.*Yeah.*|.*okay.*|.*Okay.*|.*sure.*|.*Sure.*|.*alright.*|.*Alright.*|.*fine.*|.*Fine.*/" Script: - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Ben_Miller<&co> Pay up punk! Or I'm going to punch you so hard..." - wait 2 - narrate "[Ben Miller] -> You<&co> No! Please! Here, take the melon!" - wait 2 - narrate "[Ben Miller] hands over a glistery shiny melon" - give i@Bens_Shiny_Melon - flag player Rolfar_Debts_Gathered 2: Trigger: "/regex:.+/" Script: - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Ben_Miller<&co> No, Rolfar didn't send me." - wait 2 - narrate "[Ben Miller] -> You<&co> Oh, puh.. I thought I was going to get beaten a second there..." - flag player Rolfar_Quest_Fail - zap step:Quest_Failed script:Rolfar_Script Catlyn_Borkel_Script: type: interact steps: 1: proximity trigger: entry: script: - if { - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] -> You<&co I'll get you some day, toddler!" } else { - if { - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] picks a rose, as she then sighs, she then turns arouns toward " - wait 2 - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] -> You<&co> Oh, didn't see ya' dear. What do you want dear?" - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Catlyn__Borkel<&co> I am here to collect your debt, Nanny." - wait 2 - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] -> You<&co> Oh! Then that snak Rolfar can piss off! And you punk! Get out of here!" - wait 2 - narrate "Accept to leave, or stay around - like a man!" - wait 12 - narrate "[You] -> Catlyn__Borkel<&co> I am here for the debt! And I'm leaving with it!" - wait 2 - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] sighs, as she then smacks the player once with a stick, turning netrual again" - wait 2 - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] -> You<&co> Tell Rolfar to mind his own business!" - wait 2 - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] grabs the nob of her cane, turning it and it comes off." - wait 2 - narrate "[Catlyn Borkel] she then turns it upside down and a golden rod falls out from it." - wait 2 - give i@Catlyns_Rod_o_Gold - flag player Rolfar_Debts_Gathered } } exit: script: - flag player Rolfar_Quest_Fail - zap step:Quest_Failed script:Rolfar_Script Rarke_Bjornsson_Script: type: interact steps: 1: proximity tigger: entry: script: - if { - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] -> You<&co> Baby cheated in fight. But Baby cheat good." } else { - if { - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] takes a heavy swig, as he then swipes his mouth with the back of his hand" - wait 2 - narrate "[You] walks up to [Rarke_Bjornsson]" - wait 2 - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] -> You<&co> What does baby want? Rarke is busy barb." - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Rarke Bjornsson<&co> I'm here to collect the deft for Rolfar." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] laughs heavily, as he then stops, noticing [] is serious." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] -> You<&co> Ok, baby. Rarke give you debt if baby beat Rarke in combat. Fair?" chat trigger: 1: Trigger: "/regex:.*Yes.*|.*yes.*|.*yeah.*|.*Yeah.*|.*okay.*|.*Okay.*|.*sure.*|.*Sure.*|.*alright.*|.*Alright.*|.*fine.*|.*Fine.*/" Script: - flag player Cheat_Death - flag player Fight_Rarke_1 - if { - zap step:Fight_Rarke } else { - give iron_sword qty:1 - zap step:Fight_Rarke } 2: Trigger: "/regex:.+/" Script: - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Rarke Bjornsson<&co> Uh.. No. I'll just tell Rolfar that you didn't want to." - wait 2 - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] -> You<&co> Then go away, baby. Rarke is in ned of drinky." - flag player Rolfar_Quest_Fail - zap step:Quest_Failed script:Rolfar_Script } } Fight_Rarke: proximity trigger: entry: script: - wait 2 - narrate "[You] -> Rarke Bjornsson<&co> Yes! Angard! - wait 2 - narrate "[Rarke Bjornsson] draws his sword, as he then attacks [You]" - wait 3 - narrate "3..." - wait 3 - narrate "2..." - wait 3 - narrate "1..." - wait 3 - narrate "Start!" - execute as_server "npc select n@130" - execute as_server "sentry target add player:" Bens_Shiny_Melon: type: item material: glistering_melon display name: Ben's Shiny Melon lore: - The melon that Ben Miller - owes Rolfar GoldenTounge Catlyns_Rod_o_Gold: type: item material: blaze_rod display name: Catlyn's Rod o' Gold lore: - The rod of gold that Catlyn - Borkel owes Rolfar GoldenTounge Rarkes_Shiny_Thing: type: item material: golden_helmet display name: Rarke's Shiny Thing lore: - The crown that Rarke Bjornsson - owes Rolfar GoldenTounge