Java Version: 1.8.0_242-ea Up-time: 33m CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-93 (MC: 1.15.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.70-SNAPSHOT (Build 530), CraftBukkit: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4590-DEV) Active Plugins (75): 2PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.4, 2BetterChairs: 0.10.1, 2FarmLimiter: 1.3.1, 2BanManager: 7.0.4, 2Core: 0.2.2, 2SkinsRestorer: 13.7.5, 2DeluxeTags: 1.7.1, 2SuperTrails: 9.9, 2LuckPerms: 4.4.1, 2WorldEdit: 7.1.0-beta-1;7039dc8, 2TimTheEnchanter: 1.3, 2OpenInv: 4.0.8, 2IllegalStack: 2.1.0, 2WorldBorder: 1.9.10 (beta), 2RightCrops: 1.1, 2Votifier: 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT, 2ProtocolLib: 4.5.0, 2Multiverse-Core: 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT-b772, 2LibsDisguises: 9.9.1-SNAPSHOT, 2BlueHolo: 1.0, 2MVdWPlaceholderAPI: 2.5.1, 2IPWhitelist: 1.7, 2DeluxeMenus: 1.12.0, 2FeatherBoard: 4.25.0, 2Register: 1.9, 2MineResetLite: 4.2.8-VK, 2Vault: 1.7.2-b107, 2ProtocolSupport: 4.29-dev, 2HelperBot: 2.0.0, 2BlockParticles: 1.1, 2LogBlock: 1.14.1-SNAPSHOT (build #65), 2Matrix: 4.5.6, 2DabCore: 1.1r, 2LWC: 2.1.5-09ad392, 2HolographicDisplays: 2.4.1-SNAPSHOT, 2WorldGuard: 7.0.1;f2118aa, 2ShopGUIPlus: 1.19.7, 2CrazyEnchantments: 1.8-Dev-Build-v7-RELEASE, 2Essentials:, 2CrazyCore: 10.7.10, 2HeadDatabase: 4.11.4, 2BuycraftX: 12.0.2, 2CrazyLogin: 7.24.2, 2MythicDrops: 5.1.2-5e3274b, 2Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1801), 2VotingPlugin: 5.20.8, 2Magic: 7.8.2-ad60083, 2CrazyAuctions: 1.2.12-RELEASE, 2mcMMO: 2.1.115-SNAPSHOT, 2PluginLibrary: 1.2.2, 2CrazyCrates: 1.10-RELEASE, 2ArmorStandTools: 3.5.1, 2LeaderHeadsRevamped: 4.0.5, 2eGlow: 2.0.4, 2PhatLoots: 5.4.0, 2EssentialsSpawn:, 2Bank: 3.3.5, 2Denizen: 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (build 4590-DEV), 2QuestWorld: 2.8.1-SNAPSHOT, 2PremiumVanish: 2.5.3, 2Towny:, 2DeluxeChat: 1.15.0, 2Shopkeepers: 2.9.1, 2Rankup: 3.6.1, 2MythicMobs: 4.9.0-SNAPSHOT-3217, 2ProtectionLib: 0.9.8, 2RandomTeleport: 7.8.2, 2WorldGuardExtraFlags: 4.1.3, 2TitleManager: 2.1.5, 2MyPet: 3.1, 2WolfyUtilities:, 2Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 610), 2FurnitureLib: 2.1.7, 2CustomCrafting:, 2DiceFurniture: Loaded Worlds (5): world, world_nether, world_the_end, spawn, Skylia Online Players (15): kollen5257(kollen525), toekiewally7(toekiewally), Yockogamer27(Yockogamer2), Gianteras7(Gianteras), 6lWeizardr7(Alria), car7(car), andersonmat7(andersonmat), jigglepuff37(jigglepuff3), V1ci0us7(V1ci0us), cfTechWizr7(TechWiz), Rah7(Rah), Abeer7(Abeer), VujkeeeXD7(VujkeeeXD), FaMe_OnioN7(FaMe_OnioN), lotte7(lotte) Offline Players: 26561 Mode: offline (BungeeCord) 16:34:33 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_bWildlifeaAmenities3Edition6' with player 'TechWiz'... 16:34:33 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'EXCOMMAND_bWildlifeaAmenities3Editiond' Executing: f8(line 1)f MOUNT "p@TechWiz|"d ---------+ 16:34:33 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer.location.block8> with 'fel@-39858,e 678,e 41268,e world8'. 16:34:33 [INFO] d cERROR in queue 'EXCOMMAND_bWildlifeaAmenities3Editionc' while executing command 'bMOUNTc' with player 'bp@21b9e439-e2da-375d-a873-a8fd3126c423a (TechWiz)c'! 7 Error Message: fWarning: loading player by name - use the UUID instead (or use tag server.match_player)! Player named 'TechWiz' has UUID: 21b9e439-e2da-375d-a873-a8fd3126c423 16:34:33 [INFO] d cERROR in queue 'EXCOMMAND_bWildlifeaAmenities3Editionc' while executing command 'bMOUNTc' with player 'bp@21b9e439-e2da-375d-a873-a8fd3126c423a (TechWiz)c'! 7 Error Message: fCannot process list-entry 'l@-3985,67,4126,world' as type 'EntityTag' (does not match expected type). 16:34:33 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eMOUNT8': 8location='eel@-3984.52473376569658,e 678,e 4126.2382528539818,e 16.050014495849618,e -263.16906738281258,e world8' 8entities='e[p@21b9e439-e2da-375d-a873-a8fd3126c423]8' 16:34:33 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_bWildlifeaAmenities3Edition6' in 2ms. 16:34:36 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bEntityDiese', event='bentity diese' for script 'bLOOTMOBSe' 16:34:36 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHired6'... 16:34:36 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 26)f IF "]>" "{" "-" "^27^" "drop" "Lesser" "quantity:" "" "-" "^28^" "actionbar" "0 <&7>/ <&2> <&c>❤" "targets:" "-" "^29^" "if" "" "{" "-" "^30^" "queue" "clear" "}" "-" "^32^" "random" "{" "-" "^33^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>you are already dead" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^34^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>get memed on lad xD" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^35^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>ENEMY SLAIN!" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^36^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>another one bites the dust" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^37^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>people die when they are killed" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^38^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>fookin rekt m8" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^39^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>lol shreked" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^40^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>oh baby a triple!" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "}" "-" "^42^" "wait" "2s" "-" "^43^" "bossbar" "remove" "" "}"d ---------+ 16:34:36 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.entity.entity_type8> with 'fSKELETON8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fscript.list_keys[config].contains[SKELETON]8> with 'ftrue8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d feIf command passed, running block. 16:34:36 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 27)f DROP "Lesser" "quantity:" ""d ---------+ 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <[1].to[2]8> with 'f28'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.entity.location8> with 'fel@1198.3000000119218,e 398,e 472.34139292308278,e 0.56368046998977668,e 36.725692749023448,e Skylia8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&58> with 'f58'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&d8> with 'fd8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&58> with 'f58'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&d8> with 'fd8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&58> with 'f58'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&d8> with 'fd8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&68> with 'f68'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDROP8': 8action='eDROP_ITEM8' 8location='eel@1198.3000000119218,e 398,e 472.34139292308278,e 0.56368046998977668,e 36.725692749023448,e Skylia8' 8qty='e28' 8items='e[i@prismarine_crystals[display_name=&ss5L&ssdesser &ss5S&ssdoul &ss5D&ssdust;lore=&ss6Required for&co&ssa low level spells]e]8' 16:34:36 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 28)f ACTIONBAR "0 <&7>/ <&2> <&c>❤" "targets:"d ---------+ 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&78> with 'f78'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&28> with 'f28'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <> with 'f208'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&c8> with 'fc8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.damager8> with 'fp@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7ba (FaMe_OnioN)8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eACTIONBAR8': 8text='e0 7/ 220 c❤8' 8Targets='e[p@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7ba (FaMe_OnioN)e]8' 16:34:36 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 29)f IF "" "{" "-" "^30^" "queue" "clear" "}"d ---------+ 16:34:36 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.damager.as_player.has_flag[nobar]8> with 'ffalse8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 16:34:36 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 32)f RANDOM "{" "-" "^33^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>you are already dead" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^34^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>get memed on lad xD" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^35^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>ENEMY SLAIN!" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^36^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>another one bites the dust" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^37^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>people die when they are killed" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^38^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>fookin rekt m8" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^39^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>lol shreked" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "-" "^40^" "bossbar" "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>oh baby a triple!" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0" "}"d ---------+ 16:34:36 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRANDOM8': 8possibilities='e88' 8choice='e68' 16:34:36 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 38)f BOSSBAR "" "players:" "title:<&c><&l>fookin rekt m8" "color:red" "style:SEGMENTED_20" "progress:0"d ---------+ 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.damager8> with 'fp@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7ba (FaMe_OnioN)8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.damager8> with 'fp@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7ba (FaMe_OnioN)8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&c8> with 'fc8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&l8> with 'fl8'. 16:34:36 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eBOSSBAR8': 8id='ep@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7b8' 8action='eCREATE8' 8players='e8li@e p@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7ba (FaMe_OnioN)8' 8title='eclfookin rekt m88' 8progress='e08' 8color='ered8' 8style='eSEGMENTED_208' 16:34:36 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 42)f WAIT "2s"d ---------+ 16:34:36 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eWAIT8': 8queue='eq@LOOTMOBS_DmBearingHired8' 8delay='ed@2.0s a(2s)8' 16:34:36 [INFO] d fForcing queue LOOTMOBS_DmBearingHired into a timed queue... 16:34:36 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHired6' in 4ms. 16:34:36 [INFO] d f6Starting TimedQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHired6'... 16:34:38 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHiredd' Executing: f8(line 43)f BOSSBAR "remove" ""d ---------+ 16:34:38 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.damager8> with 'fp@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7ba (FaMe_OnioN)8'. 16:34:38 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eBOSSBAR8': 8id='ep@fd609c7f-a1a8-39ae-970d-8db2df80fa7b8' 8action='eremove8' 16:34:38 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'LOOTMOBS_eDm7BearingfHired6' in 2054ms.