Java Version: 1.8.0_222 Up-time: 4d 21h CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-1a3504a-dfa7583 (MC: 1.13.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.60-SNAPSHOT (Build 443), CraftBukkit: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (build 4314-DEV) Active Plugins (75): 2CleanroomGenerator: 1.1.0, 2MinePacks: 1.19.3, 2PlaceholderAPI: 2.9.2, 2Trade: 1.9a, 4DiscordMC: 1.5.0, 2FancyPortals: 0.2.0, 2ChatReaction: 1.7.1, 2Arconix: 1.1.1, 2CraftEnhance: 2.3.1-BETA, 2NoteBlockAPI: 1.3, 2ViaVersion: 2.1.3, 2StaffPlus:, 2BetterAlias: 1.5.2, 2JukeBox: 1.11.1, 2EmptyWorldGenerator: 1.7, 2TitleMotd: 1.5.0, 2Skript: 2.4-alpha3, 2ClearLag: 3.1.0, 2UltimateTimber: 2.0.0, 2LastInventorySaver: 1.0, 2ArmorStandEdit: 2.0.1, 2WorldBorder: 1.8.7, 2Votifier: 1.9, 2BannerBoard: 1.10.1, 2Multiverse-Core: 2.5.0-b727, 2TutorialCreator: 1.10.1, 2FastAsyncWorldEdit: 1.0, 2DeluxeMenus: 1.10.5, 2PermissionsEx: 1.23.4, 2EliteChallenges: 1.0, 2CS-CoreLib: v1.6.1, 2Vault: 1.7.2-b107, 2BoilingCauldrons: 1.2.3, 2CmdSigns: 1.0.7, 2BlockParticles: 1.9.8, 2Scoreboard-revision: R3 1.4.1 RELEASE, 2DailyBonus: 2.2.7, 2Holograms: 2.8-SNAPSHOT, 2EXPBottles: 1.1.6, 2Essentials:, 2SpigotLib: 8.4, 2BountyHunters: 2.2.6, 2HeadDatabase: 4.9.0, 2ProtocolLib: 4.4.0, 2LibsDisguises: 9.8.2, 2Citizens: 2.0.25-SNAPSHOT (build 1667), 2CrazyAuctions: 1.2.7, 2EssentialsChat:, 2TAB: 2.4.11, 2EnjinMinecraftPlugin: 3.5.4, 2HolographicDisplays: 2.3.2, 2DamageIndicator: 1.3.3, 2BossShopPro: 2.0.8, 2EssentialsGeoIP:, 2CommandNPC: 1.9.1, 2CratesPlus: 4.5.1, 2Denizen: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (build 4314-DEV), 2DungeonsXL: 0.17.7, 2Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 560), 2Quests: 2.1.1, 2MythicMobs: 4.6.5-2800, 2mmArmorStandAnimator: 0.462a, 2MythicArtifacts: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, 2MythicDenizenAddon: 0.600a-SNAPSHOT, 2Skinner: 3.3.0, 2MoreFish: 2.2.2, 2JupiterCore: 1.3.0, 2GoldenCrates: 3.3.1, 2QuantumRPG: 4.2.5, 2WorldEdit: unspecified, 2Repuska: 14.11, 2WorldGuard: 7.0.0-SNAPSHOT;0dc5781, 2MythicMobsExtension: 1.441a-SNAPSHOT, 2Shopkeepers: 2.6.0, 2GriefPrevention: 16.11.5, Loaded Worlds (11): spawn, spawn_the_end, TestWorldIsBestWorld, SurvivalLeMonde, mobtesting, worldspawn3, spawnstest, XPfarm, worldtemplate, spawn_nether, NormalResworld Online Players (1): 6[DEV] rNextoEsKawaiir7(NextoEsKawaii) Offline Players: 17 Mode: online 21:00:55 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_fEncryptionaAirplane5Refurbished6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii' and NPC '85/bPriest'... 21:00:55 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'EXCOMMAND_fEncryptionaAirplane5Refurbishedd' Executing: f8(line 1)f INVENTORY "open" "d:in@anvilr"d ---------+ 21:00:55 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:55 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:55 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:55 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:55 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:55 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[open]8' 8Inventory='ein@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8' 8slot='e18' 21:00:55 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_fEncryptionaAirplane5Refurbished6' in 4ms. 21:00:56 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilre' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fSequences1CivilfQuestions6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fSequences1CivilfQuestionsd' Executing: f8(line 56)f NARRATE "1 "d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.material.name8> with 'fair8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e1 air8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fSequences1CivilfQuestionsd' Executing: f8(line 57)f NARRATE "2 "d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.material.name8> with 'fstick8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e2 stick8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fSequences1CivilfQuestionsd' Executing: f8(line 58)f NARRATE "3 "d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.simple8> with 'fi@stick8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e3 i@stick8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fSequences1CivilfQuestionsd' Executing: f8(line 60)f IF "" "==" "44"d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f608'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Decimal8(b60.08)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Decimal8(b44.08)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 21:00:56 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_fSequences1CivilfQuestions6' in 0ms. 21:00:56 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilr priority:100e' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6Vegas1RealtorbBallot6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6Vegas1RealtorbBallotd' Executing: f8(line 40)f IF "]>"d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f608'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <flist[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54].contains[60]8> with 'ffalse8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_6Vegas1RealtorbBallot6' in 0ms. 21:00:56 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL in anvilr with sticke' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9Cookies2Contract9Gamespot6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9Cookies2Contract9Gamespotd' Executing: f8(line 48)f WAIT "5t"d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eWAIT8': 8queue='eq@CLICKDETECT_CookiesContractGamespot8' 8delay='ed@0.25s a(0.25s)8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d fForcing queue CLICKDETECT_CookiesContractGamespot into a timed queue... 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_9Cookies2Contract9Gamespot6' in 0ms. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Starting TimedQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9Cookies2Contract9Gamespot6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:56 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilre' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silver6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 56)f NARRATE "1 "d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.material.name8> with 'fstick8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e1 stick8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 57)f NARRATE "2 "d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.material.name8> with 'fpurple_stained_glass_pane8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e2 purple_stained_glass_pane8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 58)f NARRATE "3 "d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.simple8> with 'fi@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e3 i@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 60)f IF "" "==" "44"d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f448'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Decimal8(b44.08)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Decimal8(b44.08)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 21:00:56 [INFO] d feIf command passed, running block. 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 61)f IF "" "==" "i@ENDESSENCE"d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.simple8> with 'fi@stick8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Element8(bi@stick8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE8)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.simple8> with 'fi@stick8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Logic='bNEGATIVE8', 8Comparable='Element8(bi@stick8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE8)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.simple8> with 'fi@stick8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Logic='bNEGATIVE8', 8Comparable='Element8(bi@stick8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@air8)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 21:00:56 [INFO] d feIf sub-command 1 passed, running block. 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 75)f WAIT "2t"d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eWAIT8': 8queue='eq@CLICKDETECT_IncredibleInclusiveSilver8' 8delay='ed@0.1s a(0.1s)8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d fForcing queue CLICKDETECT_IncredibleInclusiveSilver into a timed queue... 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silver6' in 1ms. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Starting TimedQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silver6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:56 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilr priority:100e' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_dKdeeCape5Pregnancy6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:56 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_dKdeeCape5Pregnancyd' Executing: f8(line 40)f IF "]>"d ---------+ 21:00:56 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f448'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <flist[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54].contains[44]8> with 'ffalse8'. 21:00:56 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:00:56 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_dKdeeCape5Pregnancy6' in 0ms. 21:00:57 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 76)f IF "" "==" "i@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL"d ---------+ 21:00:57 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.simple8> with 'fi@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL8)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 21:00:57 [INFO] d feIf command passed, running block. 21:00:57 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 77)f ADJUST "" "item_on_cursor:air"d ---------+ 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer8> with 'fp@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': 8object='e8li@e p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f758' 8mechanism='eitem_on_cursor8' 8mechanism_value='eair8' 21:00:57 [INFO] d fAdjust mechanism 'item_on_cursor' on object of type 'Player'... 21:00:57 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 78)f INVENTORY "set" "d:" "o:red_stained_glass_pane" "slot:43"d ---------+ 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.inventory8> with 'fin@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[set]8' 8Inventory='ein@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8' 8Inventory='ein@generic[size=54;contents=li@i@red_stained_glass_pane;title=Chest;uniquifier=2245]8' 8slot='e438' 21:00:57 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silverd' Executing: f8(line 79)f INVENTORY "set" "d:" "o:red_stained_glass_pane" "slot:42"d ---------+ 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.inventory8> with 'fin@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:00:57 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[set]8' 8Inventory='ein@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8' 8Inventory='ein@generic[size=54;contents=li@i@red_stained_glass_pane;title=Chest;uniquifier=2247]8' 8slot='e428' 21:00:57 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_bIncredible3Inclusive5Silver6' in 100ms. 21:00:57 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9Cookies2Contract9Gamespotd' Executing: f8(line 49)f NARRATE "ola"d ---------+ 21:00:57 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='eola8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:57 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_9Cookies2Contract9Gamespot6' in 249ms. 21:00:59 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilre' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:00:59 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_1Charlotte3Observations7Florist6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:59 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_1Charlotte3Observations7Floristd' Executing: f8(line 56)f NARRATE "1 "d ---------+ 21:00:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.material.name8> with 'fair8'. 21:00:59 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e1 air8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:59 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_1Charlotte3Observations7Floristd' Executing: f8(line 57)f NARRATE "2 "d ---------+ 21:00:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.material.name8> with 'fchorus_plant8'. 21:00:59 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e2 chorus_plant8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:59 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_1Charlotte3Observations7Floristd' Executing: f8(line 58)f NARRATE "3 "d ---------+ 21:00:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.simple8> with 'fi@ENDESSENCE8'. 21:00:59 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e3 i@ENDESSENCE8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:00:59 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_1Charlotte3Observations7Floristd' Executing: f8(line 60)f IF "" "==" "44"d ---------+ 21:00:59 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f668'. 21:00:59 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Decimal8(b66.08)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Decimal8(b44.08)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 21:00:59 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:00:59 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_1Charlotte3Observations7Florist6' in 1ms. 21:00:59 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilr priority:100e' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:00:59 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_3Task7MinefBeen6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:00:59 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_3Task7MinefBeend' Executing: f8(line 40)f IF "]>"d ---------+ 21:00:59 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:00:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f668'. 21:00:59 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <flist[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54].contains[66]8> with 'ffalse8'. 21:00:59 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:00:59 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_3Task7MinefBeen6' in 0ms. 21:01:00 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilre' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeing6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 56)f NARRATE "1 "d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.material.name8> with 'fchorus_plant8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e1 chorus_plant8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 57)f NARRATE "2 "d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.material.name8> with 'fstick8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e2 stick8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 58)f NARRATE "3 "d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.simple8> with 'fi@stick8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e3 i@stick8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 60)f IF "" "==" "44"d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f448'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Decimal8(b44.08)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Decimal8(b44.08)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 21:01:00 [INFO] d feIf command passed, running block. 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 61)f IF "" "==" "i@ENDESSENCE"d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.simple8> with 'fi@ENDESSENCE8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE8)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 21:01:00 [INFO] d feIf command passed, running block. 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 62)f IF "" "==" "i@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL" "||" "" "==" "i@ENDESSENCE"d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.simple8> with 'fi@stick8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Element8(bi@stick8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL8)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.simple8> with 'fi@stick8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Element8(bi@stick8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE8)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 21:01:00 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, running ELSE block. 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 71)f NARRATE "tres"d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='etres8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 72)f INVENTORY "set" "d:" "o:READY" "slot:43"d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.inventory8> with 'fin@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[set]8' 8Inventory='ein@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8' 8Inventory='ein@generic[size=54;contents=li@i@lime_stained_glass_pane[display_name=&ssaReady;script=READY];title=Chest;uniquifier=2249]8' 8slot='e438' 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeingd' Executing: f8(line 73)f INVENTORY "set" "d:" "o:READY" "slot:42"d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.inventory8> with 'fin@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[set]8' 8Inventory='ein@ANVILR[uniquifier=2243]8' 8Inventory='ein@generic[size=54;contents=li@i@lime_stained_glass_pane[display_name=&ssaReady;script=READY];title=Chest;uniquifier=2251]8' 8slot='e428' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_6ChassisaExcessivefSeeing6' in 4ms. 21:01:00 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilr priority:100e' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_eBunnyaDaseTablet6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:01:00 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_eBunnyaDaseTabletd' Executing: f8(line 40)f IF "]>"d ---------+ 21:01:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f448'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <flist[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54].contains[44]8> with 'ffalse8'. 21:01:00 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:01:00 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_eBunnyaDaseTablet6' in 0ms. 21:01:02 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilre' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:01:02 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9BankruptcyfPounds3Graphics6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:01:02 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9BankruptcyfPounds3Graphicsd' Executing: f8(line 56)f NARRATE "1 "d ---------+ 21:01:02 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.cursor_item.material.name8> with 'fstick8'. 21:01:02 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e1 stick8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:01:02 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9BankruptcyfPounds3Graphicsd' Executing: f8(line 57)f NARRATE "2 "d ---------+ 21:01:02 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.material.name8> with 'fair8'. 21:01:02 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e2 air8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:01:02 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9BankruptcyfPounds3Graphicsd' Executing: f8(line 58)f NARRATE "3 "d ---------+ 21:01:02 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.item.simple8> with 'fi@air8'. 21:01:02 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='e3 i@air8' 8Targets='e[p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75a (NextoEsKawaii)e]8' 21:01:02 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_9BankruptcyfPounds3Graphicsd' Executing: f8(line 60)f IF "" "==" "44"d ---------+ 21:01:02 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:01:02 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f608'. 21:01:02 [INFO] d f8Comparable='Decimal8(b60.08)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Decimal8(b44.08)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 21:01:02 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:01:02 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_9BankruptcyfPounds3Graphics6' in 1ms. 21:01:02 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClicksInInventorye', event='bplayer clicks in anvilr priority:100e' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:01:02 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_2EcuadoraTrivia7Burke6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:01:02 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_2EcuadoraTrivia7Burked' Executing: f8(line 40)f IF "]>"d ---------+ 21:01:02 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 21:01:02 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.raw_slot8> with 'f608'. 21:01:02 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <flist[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54].contains[60]8> with 'ffalse8'. 21:01:02 [INFO] d feNo part of the if command passed, no block will run. 21:01:02 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_2EcuadoraTrivia7Burke6' in 0ms. 21:01:03 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerClosesInve', event='bplayer closes anvilre' for script 'bCLICKDETECTe' 21:01:03 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fKirkaLopez1Recording6' with player 'NextoEsKawaii'... 21:01:03 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fKirkaLopez1Recordingd' Executing: f8(line 37)f IF "" "!=" "i@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL" "-" "^38^" "give" "" "quantity:" "to:"d ---------+ 21:01:03 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='efalse8' 21:01:03 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.inventory.slot[44].simple8> with 'fi@ENDESSENCE8'. 21:01:03 [INFO] d f8Logic='bNEGATIVE8', 8Comparable='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bi@ENDESSENCE_CRYSTAL8)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 21:01:03 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'CLICKDETECT_fKirkaLopez1Recordingd' Executing: f8(line 0)f GIVE "" "quantity:" "to:"d ---------+ 21:01:03 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.inventory.slot[44].simple8> with 'fi@ENDESSENCE8'. 21:01:03 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.inventory.slot[44].quantity8> with 'f28'. 21:01:03 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer.inventory8> with 'fin@player[holder=p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75]8'. 21:01:03 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&d8> with 'fd8'. 21:01:03 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eGIVE8': 8Type='eITEM8' 8inventory='ein@player[holder=p@62e75133-3e1b-44c9-8e3e-d1166b2e5f75]8' 8Quantity='e2.08' 8engrave='efalse8' 8unlimit_stack_size='efalse8' 8Items='e[i@chorus_plant[display_name=&ssdEnd Essence;script=ENDESSENCE]]8' 8slot='e18' 21:01:03 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'CLICKDETECT_fKirkaLopez1Recording6' in 1ms.