[12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: nurfuis issued server command: /undo [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'Event': Type='on UNDO command' Container='s@MENU (WORLD)' player=p@nurfuisContext='{args=li@, cuboids=li@, server=false, parsed_args=li@, command=UNDO, raw_args=}'  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Building event 'ON UNDO COMMAND' for MENU ---------+  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  Starting InstantQueue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' with player 'nurfuis'...  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' Executing: (line 40) DETERMINE "passively" "FULFILLED" ---------+  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='FULFILLED' passively='true' Queue='q@MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast'  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' Executing: (line 41) IF "!" ---------+  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  Filled tag <player.is_op> with 'true'.  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  No part of the if command passed, running ELSE block.  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' Executing: (line 44) INJECT "locally" "events.on player joins" ---------+  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'INJECT': Container='s@MENU (WORLD)' path='events.on player joins' local='true'  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' Executing: (line 28) NARRATE "]>" ---------+  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  ERROR in script 'MENU' in queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' while executing command 'NARRATE' in file '\scripts\menu.yml' on line '28' with player 'p@5fe94454-5ad5-4616-820e-24b3ab65c0bc (nurfuis)'!  Error Message: s@editor_undo is an invalid ObjectTag!  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  Filled tag <s@editor_undo.contains[]> with 'null'.  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='null' Targets='[p@5fe94454-5ad5-4616-820e-24b3ab65c0bc (nurfuis)]'  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +- Queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' Executing: (line 30) IF "]>" "==" "false" ---------+  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]: +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true'  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  ERROR in script 'MENU' in queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' while executing command 'IF' in file '\scripts\menu.yml' on line '30' with player 'p@5fe94454-5ad5-4616-820e-24b3ab65c0bc (nurfuis)'!  Error Message: No tag-base handler for 'editor_undo'.  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  ERROR in script 'MENU' in queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' while executing command 'IF' in file '\scripts\menu.yml' on line '30' with player 'p@5fe94454-5ad5-4616-820e-24b3ab65c0bc (nurfuis)'!  Error Message: Tag ]> is invalid!  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  Comparable='Element(editor_undo.contains[])', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(false)' --> OUTCOME='false'  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  No part of the if command passed, no block will run.  [12:24:13] [Server thread/INFO]:  Completing queue 'MENU_FinnishXboxBroadcast' in 1ms.