Java Version: 11.0.3 Up-time: 1d 19h CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-126 (MC: 1.14.3) Denizen Version: Core: 1.50-SNAPSHOT (Build 319), CraftBukkit: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (build 951-DEV) Active Plugins (24): 2CoreProtect: 2.17.5, 2LuckPerms: 4.4.1, 2dynmap: 3.0-beta-4-213, 2WorldEdit: 7.0.0;214af8a, 2DeluxeTags: 1.7.1, 2PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.3, 2WorldBorder: 1.9.10 (beta), 2Vault: 1.6.11, 2ProtocolSupport: 4.29-dev, 2WorldGuard: 7.0.0;02b731f, 2Multiverse-Core: 4.0.0-b766, 2ProtocolLib: 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT, 2WorldGuardExtraFlags: 4.1.2, 2Citizens: 2.0.25-SNAPSHOT (build 1729), 2VentureChat: 2.15.1, 2Denizen: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (build 951-DEV), 2GadgetsMenu: 4.3.22, 2TAB: 2.4.10, 2Item2Chat: 4.2.0, 2ExtraContexts: 1.0-SNAPSHOT, 2SuperVanish: 6.1.2, 2ParticleHats: 4.0.0-RC3, 2CMI:, 2Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 489) Loaded Worlds (4): Factions, Factions_nether, Factions_the_end, void Online Players (2): Xeane7(Xeane), LeafWarrior2547(LeafWarrior254) Offline Players: 16 Mode: online 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing outside scripts... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing unnamed script... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/boattest.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/abilities/dev/dev_ability_darkness_gamemode.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/abilities/dev/dev_ability_Darkness_wisp.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/abilities/dev/dev_ability_darkness_tp.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/abilities/dev/dev_Ability_Darkness.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/world/world_protection.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/survival/item_survival_flimsyTent.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/survival/item_survival_campfireKit.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/gui/GUIItem_Subtract.yml'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/gui/GUIItem_Add.yml'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/gui/GUIItem_Accept.yml'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/gui/GUIItem_Next.yml'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/gui/GUIItem_Previous.yml'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/gui/GUIItem_Decline.yml'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/items/smithable/item_ironLongsword.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/commands/command_server_restart.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/generate_chunks.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/area/area_generic.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/entities/mob_generic_zombie.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/entities/testChicken.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/entities/mob_generic_skeleton.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/entities/mob_generic_spider.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/cuboidCreator.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/crafting/system_crafting_blacksmith.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/nations/system_nations.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/core/system_mobspawning.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/core/system_loot.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/core/dataSystem_Players.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/core/system_temporaryBlocks.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/core/leveling/leveling_xp_requirements.yml'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/core/system_level_stats.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptHelper] fProcessing '/core/Player_Login_Logout_Events.dsc'... 11:29:19 [INFO] d aOKAY! fAll scripts loaded! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script MOB_GENERIC_ZOMBIE_DATA as type YAML DATA 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_2_JOIN as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script MOB_GENERIC_SPIDER as type ENTITY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script MOB_GENERIC_SKELETON_DATA as type YAML DATA 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_CRAFTING_BLACKSMITH_INVENTORY as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script BUILTIN_LOAD_TESTER as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_FOLLOW as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_CRAFTING_BLACKSMITH_DETERMINE_RECIPE as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_BUILD_TENT1 as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_HUB as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_CRAFTING_BLACKSMITH_UNUSEDSLOT as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_MOBSPAWN_GETAREASPAWN as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script HASPLAYERDATA as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GUIITEM_ACCEPT as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GUIITEM_SUBTRACT as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_1_JOIN as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_MENU as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_3_JOIN as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_CAMPFIREKIT_SIGNAL as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_FLIMSYTENT_WHITE as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_1_JOIN_UI as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script TESTCHICKEN as type ENTITY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_KIDNAP as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_1_MENU_UI2 as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABILITY_DEV_DOORTODARKNESS_OPEN as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_CANBUILD_CAMPFIRE2 as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_CANBUILD_CAMPFIRE1 as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_LEVEL_SHOWXPBAR as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_HELP as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script CUBOIDCREATION as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABLITY_DEV_DARKNESS_GAMEMODE_SPECTATOR as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_LEVELING_CALCULATELEVEL as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script AREA_GENERIC_DATA as type YAML DATA 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_3_MENU as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABILITY_DEV_DOORTODARKNESS_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_MOBSPAWN_SPAWN as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script REMOVECUBOID as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GUIITEM_ADD as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SETPLAYERDATA as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script TESTCHICKEN_DATA as type YAML DATA 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_2_MENU_UI as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GUIITEM_PREVIOUS as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABILITY_DEV_DARKNESS_TP as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script MOB_GENERIC_SKELETON as type ENTITY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_FLIMSYTENT_RED_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_3_MENU_UI2 as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_JOIN as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script WORLD_PROTECTION as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_FLIMSYTENT_WHITE_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_COMMAND as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_BUILD_CAMPFIRE2 as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script XP_PER_LEVEL as type YAML DATA 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_BUILD_CAMPFIRE1 as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_FINDTARGET as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script TESTCHICKEN_SPAWN_HANDLER as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABILITY_DEV_DARKNESSTP as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_RECALL as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GETPLAYERDATA as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_IDLE as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_CAMPFIREKIT_SMALL as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_MOBSPAWN_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GIVEPLAYERXP as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GENERATE_WORLD as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_LOOT_HANDLER as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABILITY_DEV_DARKNESS_KILLMOBS as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_VERSION as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_CRAFTING_BLACKSMITH_INVENTORY_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_JOIN_SCRIPT as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_SLEEP as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_CAMPFIREKIT_SMALL_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_COMMAND as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_COLOR2 as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script CUBOIDTOOL as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_COLOR1 as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_1_MENU_UI as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GETPLAYERDATA_KEYS as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DETERMINE_VECTOR as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script CREATENEWCUBOID as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_CANBUILD_TENT1 as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_3_JOIN_UI as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GUIITEM_NEXT as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script TESTCHICKEN_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script BOATLAUNCHER as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_2_MENU as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SMITHABLE_IRONLONGSWORD as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_FLIMSYTENT_RED as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_JOIN_UI as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script MOB_GENERIC_SPIDER_DATA as type YAML DATA 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_3_MENU_UI as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SURVIVAL_CAMPFIREKIT_SIGNAL_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_1_MENU as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_MOBSPAWN_GETAREA as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_PROC_COLOR as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script MOB_GENERIC_ZOMBIE as type ENTITY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABILITY_DEV_DOORTODARKNESS_SHOOT as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_TEMPORARYBLOCK_SET as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script COMMAND_SERVER_RESTART as type COMMAND 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_LOOT_DETERMINE as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_2_MENU_UI2 as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_PROC_NATION as type PROCEDURE 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script DEV_ABILITY_DARKNESS_WISP_SUMMON as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script PLAYER_LOGIN_LOGOUT_EVENTS as type WORLD 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ITEM_SMITHABLE_IRONLONGSWORD_DATA as type YAML DATA 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script SYSTEM_NATION_2_JOIN_UI as type INVENTORY 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script ABILITY_DEV_DOORTODARKNESS_LIST as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script GUIITEM_DECLINE as type ITEM 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptRegistry] fAdding script BOAT_NARRATE as type TASK 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [OldEventManager] fScanning 22 world scripts... 11:29:19 [INFO] d cERROR! fScript 'SYSTEM_CRAFTING_BLACKSMITH_INVENTORY_EVENTS' does not have an events block! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [CuboidEnterE...] fLoaded Cuboid Enter & Exit SmartEvent. 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fReloading script events... 11:29:19 [INFO] d cERROR! fMissing or invalid events block for SYSTEM_CRAFTING_BLACKSMITH_INVENTORY_EVENTS 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntityBreaksHanging matched for 'player breaks block priority:100'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntityDies matched for 'entity dies'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntityEntersVehicle matched for 'player enters notable cuboid'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntityEntersVehicle matched for 'player enters dreamen_spawn_testchicken_totalarea_1'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntityEntersVehicle matched for 'player enters boatlauncher'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntityExitsVehicle matched for 'player exits dreamen_spawn_testchicken_totalarea_1'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntitySpawn matched for 'entity spawns in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, EntityTeleports matched for 'player teleports'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, BiomeEnterExit matched for 'player enters notable cuboid'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, BiomeEnterExit matched for 'player exits dreamen_spawn_testchicken_totalarea_1'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, BiomeEnterExit matched for 'player enters dreamen_spawn_testchicken_totalarea_1'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, BiomeEnterExit matched for 'player enters boatlauncher'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerBreaksBlock matched for 'player breaks block priority:100'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerItemBreak matched for 'player breaks block priority:100'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerClicksBlock matched for 'player left clicks block with CuboidTool ignorecancelled:true'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerClicksBlock matched for 'player right clicks block with CuboidTool ignorecancelled:true'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerClicksBlock matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_flimsyTent_red in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerClicksBlock matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_flimsyTent_white in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerClicksBlock matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_campfireKit_small in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerClicksBlock matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_campfireKit_signal in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerJoins matched for 'player join'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerQuits matched for 'player quit'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks block with CuboidTool ignorecancelled:true'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_flimsyTent_red in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_flimsyTent_white in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_campfireKit_small in:Factions'! 11:29:19 [INFO] e+> [ScriptEvent] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks block with item_survival_campfireKit_signal in:Factions'!