# # Welcome to the joining script # # The next section is when the player joins the server. # It's also for the basic stuff. Like adding regions and etc. # Generally stuff that needs to be done before the player starts playing # joining_server: type: world events: on player joins: - wait 1t - if { \\Checks for permissions - flag player startposition: \\Saves the previous position of the player - teleport l@643.5,125,351.5,dungeon #Teleports the player to "spawn" - inventory open d:in@menu_start #Opens the Menu start GUI } else { - flag player startposition: #These three lines does the same, but opens the newbie gui. - teleport l@643.5,125,351.5,dungeon - inventory open d:in@newbie_menu_start } creating_region: type: world events: on server start: - # # The next section is all the newbie start menu. # newbie_menu_start_event: #This script determines what happens when something is clicked in the menu. type: world events: on player enters l:spawn: - run newbie_menu_start on player clicks in newbie_menu_start: - determine cancelled on player drags in newbie_menu_start: - determine cancelled on player clicks newbie_menu_start_slot5 in newbie_menu_start: - teleport l@99,31,-274,dungeon newbie_menu_start: #This is the GUI it self type: inventory title: " Themis Menu" size: 9 slots: - "[] [] [] [] [i@newbie_menu_start_slot5] [] [] [] []" newbie_menu_start_slot5: type: item material: i@barrier display name: "§r§mI I§r §6§lStart Game §r§mI I" lore: - "§r" - "§7§o Start your adventure" - "§7§o here at Themiscraft!" - "§r" - "§r§mI I" # # The next section is for the "normal" start menu. # menu_start_event: #This script determines what happens when something is clicked in the menu. type: world events: on player enters spawn: - inventory open d:in@menu_start_shop #If the player is in spawn and have no inventory open, then this will open the inventory. on player clicks in menu_start: #Nulls the movement of any item in the gui - determine cancelled on player drags in menu_start: #Nulls the movement of any item in the gui - determine cancelled on player clicks menu_start_slot5 in menu_start: #when item "menu_start_slot5" or "Start Game" is pressed, then it teleports the player to saved location - teleport on player clicks menu_start_slot1 in menu_start: #When item "menu_start_slot1" or "Shop" is pressed, then it opens a new gui. - inventory open d:in@menu_start_shop menu_start: type: inventory title: " Themis Menu" size: 9 slots: - "[i@menu_start_slot1] [] [] [] [i@menu_start_slot5] [] [] [] [i@menu_start_slot9]" menu_start_slot5: type: item material: i@end_crystal display name: "§r§mI I§r §6§lStart Game §r§mI I" lore: - "§r" - "§7§o Continue your adventure." - "§7§o Your friends miss you." - "§r" - "§r§mI I" menu_start_slot9: type: item material: i@hopper display name: "§r§mI I§r §6§lOptions §r§mI I" lore: - "§r" - "§7§o Change your settings" - "§r" - "§r§mI I" menu_start_slot1: type: item material: i@i@human_skull,3[display_name=Bag of Gold;skull_skin=ce38e9ba-0644-4949-b7a6-c71e12060832|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzk2Y2UxM2ZmNjE1NWZkZjMyMzVkOGQyMjE3NGM1ZGU0YmY1NTEyZjFhZGVkYTFhZmEzZmMyODE4MGYzZjcifX19] display name: "§r§mI I§r §6§lShop §r§mI I" lore: - "§r" - "§7§oBest shop for not supporting" - "§7§o pay to win!" - "§r" - "§r§mI I" # # Shop menu. # menu_start_shop_event: #This script determines what happens when something is clicked in the shop. type: world events: on player clicks in menu_start_shop: - determine cancelled on player drags in menu_start_shop: - determine cancelled on player clicks menu_start_shop_slot1 in menu_start_shop: - inventory open d:in@menu_start on player clicks menu_start_shop_slot45 in menu_start_shop: - actionbar "§4§lThere are no previous pages." on player clicks menu_start_shop_slot54 in menu_start_shop: - actionbar "§4§lYou can't go any further." menu_start_shop: #This is the GUI it self type: inventory title: " Themis Shop" size: 54 slots: - "[i@menu_start_shop_slot1] [i@filler] [i@filler] [i@filler] [i@filler] [i@filler] [i@filler] [i@filler] [i@filler]" - "[i@filler] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@filler]" - "[i@filler] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@filler]" - "[i@filler] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@filler]" - "[i@filler] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@filler]" - "[i@menu_start_shop_slot45] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@menu_start_shop_slot54]" filler: #This is just an item named "Filler". It is used as something to have around the edges of the GUI. type: item material: i@black_stained_glass_pane display name: "§r" menu_start_shop_slot1: #This is the return button. The item it self does nothing. type: item material: i@human_skull,3[display_name=Quartz Backward II;skull_skin=4686b389-0b20-4d47-b418-140eb6f66d72|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNGMzMDFhMTdjOTU1ODA3ZDg5ZjljNzJhMTkyMDdkMTM5M2I4YzU4YzRlNmU0MjBmNzE0ZjY5NmE4N2ZkZCJ9fX0=] display name: "§r§mI I§r §4§lReturn §r§mI I" lore: - "§r" - "§7§o Click to return to start menu" - "§r" - "§r§mI I" menu_start_shop_slot45: #Previous page type: item material: i@human_skull,3[display_name=Quartz Arrow Left;skull_skin=4d35f021-81b6-44ee-a711-8d8462174124|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWYxMzNlOTE5MTlkYjBhY2VmZGMyNzJkNjdmZDg3YjRiZTg4ZGM0NGE5NTg5NTg4MjQ0NzRlMjFlMDZkNTNlNiJ9fX0=] display name: "§a§lPrevious page" menu_start_shop_slot54: #Next page type: item material: i@human_skull,3[display_name=Quartz Arrow Right;skull_skin=1f961930-4e97-47b7-a5a1-2cc5150f3764|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTNmYzUyMjY0ZDhhZDllNjU0ZjQxNWJlZjAxYTIzOTQ3ZWRiY2NjY2Y2NDkzNzMyODliZWE0ZDE0OTU0MWY3MCJ9fX0=] display name: "§a§lNext page"