Java Version: 1.7.0_55 CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-1470 (MC: 1.7.9) Active Plugins (37): 2WorldEdit: 5.6.2, 2Craftconomy3: 3.1.5 jenkins-Craftconomy3-2076, 2NoCheatPlus: 3.10.8-RC-sMD5NET-b664, 2VoxelSniper: 5.168.9-SNAPSHOT-jnks278, 2PluginManager: 1.2.1, 2NightVisionGoggles: 1.1, 2Vault: 1.2.31-b411, 2PermissionsEx: 1.21.4-SNAPSHOT, 2Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b678, 2Prism: 1.6.8, 2WorldGuard: 5.9, 2EnjinMinecraftPlugin: 2.5.8, 2dynmap: 1.9.3-964, 2CustomJoinItems: 1.5.1, 2Chairs: 4.1, 2ProtectionStones: 1.9h, 2ChangeHorse: 1.5.4, 2ChestCommands: 2.2.3, 2MarriageMaster: 1.8, 2TimeLock: 0.5, 2RedstoneClockDetector: 0.2.5, 2ClearLag: 2.6.3, 2ProtocolLib: 3.3.1, 2HolographicDisplays: 1.7.1, 2MobMoney: 1.2.5, 2Essentials: 2.13.1, 2Citizens: 2.0.13-SNAPSHOT (build 1118), 2WorldBorder: 1.7.9, 2AsyncWorldEdit: 1.2, 2EssentialsProtect: 2.13.1, 2EssentialsSpawn: 2.13.1, 2LibsDisguises: 8.1.0-SNAPSHOT, 2uCars: 17.2, 2EssentialsAntiBuild: 2.13.1, 2PurpleIRC: 2.1.13, 2Denizen: 0.9.4-SNAPSHOT (build 1469), 2EssentialsChat: 2.13.1 Loaded Worlds (3): Oslore, Oslore_nether, Oslore_the_end Online Players (1): 7[Kitten]amcmonkey4evar7(mcmonkey4eva) 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[entity changes block, entity changes m@grass, entity changes block into m@dirt, entity changes m@grass into m@dirt, e@SHEEP changes block, e@SHEEP changes m@grass, e@SHEEP changes block into m@dirt, e@SHEEP changes m@grass into m@dirt, entity changes block into dirt, SHEEP changes grass into dirt, entity changes grass, entity changes grass into dirt, SHEEP changes block, SHEEP changes block into dirt, SHEEP changes grass]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[sheep regrows wool]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[player right clicks, player clicks, player right clicks with item, player right clicks with i@seeds, player right clicks with m@seeds, player clicks with item, player clicks with i@seeds, player clicks with m@seeds, player right clicks block, player right clicks m@soil, player clicks block, player clicks m@soil, player right clicks block with item, player right clicks block with i@seeds, player right clicks block with m@seeds, player right clicks m@soil with item, player right clicks m@soil with i@seeds, player right clicks m@soil with m@seeds, player clicks block with item, player clicks block with i@seeds, player clicks block with m@seeds, player clicks m@soil with item, player clicks m@soil with i@seeds, player clicks m@soil with m@seeds, player clicks soil with seeds, player clicks soil, player right clicks block with seeds, player right clicks soil with seeds, player right clicks soil with item, player clicks block with seeds, player clicks soil with item, player clicks with seeds, player right clicks with seeds, player right clicks soil]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[player places block, player places m@crops, player places i@seeds]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[player animates, player animates ARM_SWING]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[entity combusts, ZOMBIE combusts]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[entity damaged, entity damaged by FIRE_TICK, e@ZOMBIE damaged, e@ZOMBIE damaged by FIRE_TICK, ZOMBIE damaged by FIRE_TICK, ZOMBIE damaged]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[entity combusts, ZOMBIE combusts]' 18:27:46 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[entity damaged, entity damaged by FIRE_TICK, e@ZOMBIE damaged, e@ZOMBIE damaged by FIRE_TICK, ZOMBIE damaged by FIRE_TICK, ZOMBIE damaged]' 18:27:47 [INFO] d aOKAY! fTrimming world events '[command, DENIZEN command]'