Java Version: 1.8.0_66 Up-time: 7d 9h CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-d4f98a3-cb61ac0 (MC: 1.11.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.15 (Build 84), CraftBukkit: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build 1634) Active Plugins (13): 2MCCore: 1.58, 2LuckPerms: 3.0.0, 2WorldEdit: 6.1.5;4651611, 2OldCombatMechanics: 1.1.2, 2Vault: 1.5.6-b49, 2SaneEconomy: 0.10.6, 2ProtocolSupport:, 2ProtocolLib: 4.2.1-SNAPSHOT-b346, 2LibsDisguises: 9.2.4, 2Citizens: 2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1471), 2Denizen: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build 1634), 2Sentinel: 1.0 (build 90), 2Depenizen: 1.0.0 (build 380) Loaded Worlds (3): World, World_nether, World_the_end Online Players (1): Ambrius7(Ambrius) Offline Players: 45 Mode: online 13:27:05 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_MontrealOddLiver' Executing: REPEAT "CALLBACK" 13:27:05 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_MontrealOddLiver' in 3133ms. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "narrate" "<&a><&l>[Skill] <&7>You are currently silenced for another <&f>s<&7>!" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'false'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "narrate" "<&a><&l>[Skill] <&7>You are currently Stunned for another <&f>s<&7>!" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'false'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: DEFINE "Class_Skill_Config" "s@_Skill_Config" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Berserker'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' definition='bclass_skill_config8' 8value='es@Berserker_Skill_Config8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: DEFINE "Skill_Cooldown" "_Cooldown" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' definition='bskill_cooldown8' 8value='eCleave_Cooldown8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: DEFINE "Skill_Cost_Name" "_Cost" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' definition='bskill_cost_name8' 8value='eCleave_Cost8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: DEFINE "Skill_Cost" "].as_int||0>" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave_Cost'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '2'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' definition='bskill_cost8' 8value='e28' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: IF "].read[General.Mana].as_int>" ">=" "" "{" "-" "define" "Mana" "].read[General.Mana].as_int>" "-" "yaml" "id:" "set" "General.Mana:]>" "-" "define" "Mana" "]>" "-" "adjust" "" "fake_experience:|" "}" "else" "{" "-" "narrate" "" "<&a><&l>[Skill]" "<&7>You" "do" "not" "have" "enough" "to... * snip! * 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '2'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Decimal(b8.0f)', Operator='OR_MORE', ComparedTo='Decimal(b2.0f)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: DEFINE "Mana" "].read[General.Mana].as_int>" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' definition='bmana8' 8value='e88' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: YAML "id:" "set" "General.Mana:]>" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '2'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '6'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eYAML8': id='bc08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a8' action='bSET8' 8yaml_action='eSET_VALUE8' key='bGeneral.Mana8' value='b68' fix_formatting='bfalse8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: DEFINE "Mana" "]>" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '2'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '6'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' definition='bmana8' 8value='e68' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: ADJUST "" "fake_experience:|" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '0.3'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '6'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bp@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a8' mechanism='bfake_experience8' mechanism_value='b0.3|68' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: INJECT "_Cast" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: INJECT/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINJECT8': 8script='bCLEAVE_CASTe(TASK)8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bEntityDamagede', event='bplayer damages entitye' for script 'bBERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLERe' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OpenConcludedMine'... 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OpenConcludedMine' Executing: IF "" "==" "Berserker" "{" "-" "if" "" "==" "CUSTOM" "{" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" "-" "define" "Mana" "].read[General.Mana].as_int>" "-" "if" "" ">=" "20" "{" "-" "yaml" "id:" "set" "General.Mana:20" "-" "adjust" "" "fake_experience:1.0|20" "}" "else" "if" "" "<" "18" "{" "-" "yaml" "id:" "set" "General.Mana:" "-" ... * snip! * 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Berserker'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Element(bBerserkerf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bBerserkerf)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OpenConcludedMine' Executing: IF "" "==" "CUSTOM" "{" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'custom'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Element(bcustomf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bCUSTOMf)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OpenConcludedMine' Executing: QUEUE "clear" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: QUEUE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eQUEUE8': 8queue='eq@BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OpenConcludedMine8' 8Action='eCLEAR8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OpenConcludedMine' in 0ms. 13:27:06 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bEntityDamagede', event='bplayer damages entitye' for script 'bCOMBAT_EFFECTe' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_CompilationSchoolsRetired'... 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_CompilationSchoolsRetired' Executing: FLAG "" "In_Combat" "duration:5s" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bIn_Combat8' 8Action/Value='bSET_BOOLEANe(true)8' duration='bd@5.0s8' flag_target='bp@Ambrius8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_CompilationSchoolsRetired' Executing: IF "" "==" "player" "{" "-" "flag" "" "In_Combat" "duration:20s" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'n@8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Element(bn@8f)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bplayerf)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_CompilationSchoolsRetired' in 0ms. 13:27:06 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bEntityDamagede', event='bplayer damages entitye' for script 'bBERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLERe' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve'... 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' Executing: IF "" "==" "Berserker" "{" "-" "if" "" "==" "CUSTOM" "{" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" "-" "define" "Mana" "].read[General.Mana].as_int>" "-" "if" "" ">=" "20" "{" "-" "yaml" "id:" "set" "General.Mana:20" "-" "adjust" "" "fake_experience:1.0|20" "}" "else" "if" "" "<" "18" "{" "-" "yaml" "id:" "set" "General.Mana:" "-" "defin... * snip! * 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Berserker'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Element(bBerserkerf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bBerserkerf)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' Executing: IF "" "==" "CUSTOM" "{" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'entity_attack'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Element(bentity_attackf)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bCUSTOMf)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' Executing: DEFINE "Mana" "].read[General.Mana].as_int>" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '6'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eBERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve8' definition='bmana8' 8value='e68' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' Executing: IF "" ">=" "20" "{" "-" "yaml" "id:" "set" "General.Mana:20" "-" "adjust" "" "fake_experience:1.0|20" "}" "else" "if" "" "<" "18" "{" "-" "yaml" "id:" "set" "General.Mana:" "-" "define" "Mana" "" "-" "adjust" "" "fake_experience:|" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Decimal(b8.0f)', Operator='OR_MORE', ComparedTo='Decimal(b20.0f)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '6'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Decimal(b6.0f)', Operator='LESS', ComparedTo='Decimal(b18.0f)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' Executing: YAML "id:" "set" "General.Mana:" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eYAML8': id='bc08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a8' action='bSET8' 8yaml_action='eSET_VALUE8' key='bGeneral.Mana8' value='b88' fix_formatting='bfalse8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' Executing: DEFINE "Mana" "" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eBERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve8' definition='bmana8' 8value='e88' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' Executing: ADJUST "" "fake_experience:|" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '0.4'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bp@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a8' mechanism='bfake_experience8' mechanism_value='b0.4|88' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'BERSERKER_WORLD_HANDLER_OzoneCadAve' in 2ms. 13:27:06 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bEntityDamagede', event='bplayer damages entitye' for script 'bCOMBAT_EFFECTe' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_HungaryVirusesChart'... 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_HungaryVirusesChart' Executing: FLAG "" "In_Combat" "duration:5s" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bIn_Combat8' 8Action/Value='bSET_BOOLEANe(true)8' duration='bd@5.0s8' flag_target='bp@Ambrius8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_HungaryVirusesChart' Executing: IF "" "==" "player" "{" "-" "flag" "" "In_Combat" "duration:20s" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'n@8'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fComparable='Element(bn@8f)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bplayerf)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'COMBAT_EFFECT_HungaryVirusesChart' in 0ms. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: FLAG "player" "" "duration:].as_int||4>" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave_Cooldown'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave_Cooldown'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '3'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bCleave_Cooldown8' 8Action/Value='bSET_BOOLEANe(true)8' duration='bd@3.0s8' flag_target='bp@Ambrius8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: DEFINE "Message" "_Message]||<&a><&l>[Skill] <&f> <&7>has used <&f><&7>!>" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&a> with 'a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&l> with 'l'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&f> with 'f'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Ambrius'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&7> with '7'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&f> with 'f'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&7> with '7'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'al[Skill] fAmbrius 7has used fCleave7!'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' definition='bmessage8' 8value='eal[Skill] fAmbrius 7has used fCleave7!8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: NARRATE ">" "targets:" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'al[Skill] fAmbrius 7has used fCleave7!'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'al[Skill] fAmbrius 7has used fCleave7!'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'li@p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='eal[Skill] fAmbrius 7has used fCleave7!8' 8Targets='e[p@Ambrius]8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: REPEAT "].as_int||10>" "{" "-" "adjust" "]>" "quantity:].expiration.in_seconds.round>" "save:Cooldown" "-" "take" "slot:" "-" "inventory" "set" "origin:" "slot:" "-" "wait" "1s" "}" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: REPEAT/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave_Cooldown'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '3'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eREPEAT8': qty='b38' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: ADJUST "]>" "quantity:].expiration.in_seconds.round>" "save:Cooldown" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d f...remembering this script entry as 'Cooldown'! 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'i@CLEAVE[display_name=&ssc&sslCleave;lore=&sseDefault Skill| |&ss2Type&co &ssa&lbCone Attack&rb &ss6Cone damage|&ss2Description&co &ss6Do a powerful cleaving strike|&ss6dealing damage to all enemies in front of you&dot]'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Cleave_Cooldown'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '3'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bi@CLEAVE[display_name=&ssc&sslCleave;lore=&sseDefault Skill| |&ss2Type&co &ssa&lbCone Attack&rb &ss6Cone damage|&ss2Description&co &ss6Do a powerful cleaving strike|&ss6dealing damage to all enemies in front of you&dot]8' mechanism='bquantity8' mechanism_value='b38' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: TAKE "slot:" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: TAKE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eTAKE8': 8Type='eSLOT8' qty='b18' 8inventory='ein@player[holder=p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a]8' 8Items='enull8' slot='b18' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: INVENTORY "set" "origin:" "slot:" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'i@CLEAVE[display_name=&ssc&sslCleave;lore=&sseDefault Skill| |&ss2Type&co &ssa&lbCone Attack&rb &ss6Cone damage|&ss2Description&co &ss6Do a powerful cleaving strike|&ss6dealing damage to all enemies in front of you˙quantity=3]'. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[set]8' 8Inventory='ein@player[holder=p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a]8' 8Inventory='ein@generic[size=54;contents=li@i@CLEAVE[display_name=&ssc&sslCleave;lore=&sseDefault Skill| |&ss2Type&co &ssa&lbCone Attack&rb &ss6Cone damage|&ss2Description&co &ss6Do a powerful cleaving strike|&ss6dealing damage to all enemies in front of you˙quantity=3];title=Chest]8' slot='b18' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' Executing: WAIT "1s" 13:27:06 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@Ambrius ---------+ 13:27:06 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eWAIT8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine8' delay='bd@1.0s8' 13:27:06 [INFO] d fForcing queue SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine into a timed queue... 13:27:06 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine' in 19ms. 13:27:06 [INFO] d fStarting TimedQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_GenresCargoMine'...