Java Version: 1.8.0_91 Up-time: 16h 5m CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-078e2f8-21e3b05 (MC: 1.10.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.15 (Build 75), CraftBukkit: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (build 37) Active Plugins (23): 2CoreProtect: 2.13.1, 2dynmap: 2.3-1142, 2WorldEdit: 6.1.3;7a097ca, 2ImageOnMap: 2.99, 2PlaceholderAPI: 2.5.1, 2CommandBlocker: 0.7, 2PermissionsEx: 1.23.4, 2SkQuery: 4.0, 2InstantRespawn: 1.0.7, 2Vault: 1.5.6-b49, 2ProtocolLib: 4.0.1, 2Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b717, 2WorldGuard: 6.1.2;e38d98d, 2Citizens: 2.0.20-SNAPSHOT (build 1420), 2MoneySQL: 1.4-beta-multiversion, 2Denizen: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (build 37), 2Essentials: 2.0.1-b434, 2CommunityBridge:, 2EssentialsChat: 2.0.1-b434, 2DynamicTextures: 1.3.4, 2HolographicDisplays: 2.2.1, 2EssentialsSpawn: 2.0.1-b434, 2Depenizen: 0.2.2 (build 322) Loaded Worlds (4): world, world_nether, world_the_end, CustomWorld Online Players (1): clAdmin cxenmaibr7(xenmai) Offline Players: 4 Mode: offline 19:35:00 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bSystemTimee', event='bsystem time minutelye' for script 'bDSPAWNER_WORLDe' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft'... 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH "" "{" "-" "define" "id" "" "-" "run" "dSpawner_Task_Show" "def:" "instantly" "-" "if" ".active]>" "{" "-" "foreach" ".entities]>" "{" "-" "if" "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[ with 'li@1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFOREACH8': 8list='eli@18' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: DEFINE "id" "" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eDSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft8' definition='bid8' value='b18' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: RUN "dSpawner_Task_Show" "def:" "instantly" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDSPAWNER_TASK_SHOWe(TASK)8' instant='btrue8' definitions='b18' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fAdding definition %id% as 1 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: IF ".active]>" "{" "-" "foreach" ".entities]>" "{" "-" "if" "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@ 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH ".entities]>" "{" "-" "if" "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[ with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'li@n@58|n@59|n@60|n@61|n@62'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFOREACH8': 8list='eli@n@58|n@59|n@60|n@61|n@628' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>, 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: DEFINE "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eDSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft8' definition='bcuboid8' value='bcu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: ADJUST "" "spawn:" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'n@58'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12429.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12409.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fvalueOf in dCuboid returning null (null locations): 'cu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fUnfilled attributes '[spawnable_blocks, random]' for tag ! 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fTag is invalid! 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bn@588' mechanism='bspawn8' mechanism_value='bnull8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fInvalid dLocation specified. Assuming last known NPC location. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fWoah!! An exception has been called with this command! 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fInternal exception was thrown! 19:35:00 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException: location cannot be null 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.citizensnpcs.npc.CitizensNPC.spawn( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC.adjust( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.AdjustCommand.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.oncePerSecond( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.tick( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.C( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: ADJUST "" "spawn:") 19:35:00 [INFO] d+---------------------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH "CALLBACK" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Foreach loop 2 ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>, 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: DEFINE "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eDSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft8' definition='bcuboid8' value='bcu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: ADJUST "" "spawn:" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'n@59'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12429.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12409.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fvalueOf in dCuboid returning null (null locations): 'cu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fUnfilled attributes '[spawnable_blocks, random]' for tag ! 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fTag is invalid! 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bn@598' mechanism='bspawn8' mechanism_value='bnull8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fInvalid dLocation specified. Assuming last known NPC location. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fWoah!! An exception has been called with this command! 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fInternal exception was thrown! 19:35:00 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException: location cannot be null 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.citizensnpcs.npc.CitizensNPC.spawn( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC.adjust( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.AdjustCommand.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.oncePerSecond( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.tick( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.C( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: ADJUST "" "spawn:") 19:35:00 [INFO] d+---------------------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH "CALLBACK" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Foreach loop 3 ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>, 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: DEFINE "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eDSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft8' definition='bcuboid8' value='bcu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: ADJUST "" "spawn:" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'n@60'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12429.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12409.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fvalueOf in dCuboid returning null (null locations): 'cu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fUnfilled attributes '[spawnable_blocks, random]' for tag ! 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fTag is invalid! 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bn@608' mechanism='bspawn8' mechanism_value='bnull8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fInvalid dLocation specified. Assuming last known NPC location. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fWoah!! An exception has been called with this command! 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fInternal exception was thrown! 19:35:00 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException: location cannot be null 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.citizensnpcs.npc.CitizensNPC.spawn( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC.adjust( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.AdjustCommand.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.oncePerSecond( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.tick( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.C( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: ADJUST "" "spawn:") 19:35:00 [INFO] d+---------------------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH "CALLBACK" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Foreach loop 4 ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>, 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: DEFINE "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eDSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft8' definition='bcuboid8' value='bcu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: ADJUST "" "spawn:" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'n@61'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12429.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12409.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fvalueOf in dCuboid returning null (null locations): 'cu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fUnfilled attributes '[spawnable_blocks, random]' for tag ! 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fTag is invalid! 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bn@618' mechanism='bspawn8' mechanism_value='bnull8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fInvalid dLocation specified. Assuming last known NPC location. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fWoah!! An exception has been called with this command! 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fInternal exception was thrown! 19:35:00 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException: location cannot be null 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.citizensnpcs.npc.CitizensNPC.spawn( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC.adjust( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.AdjustCommand.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.oncePerSecond( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.tick( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.C( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: ADJUST "" "spawn:") 19:35:00 [INFO] d+---------------------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH "CALLBACK" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Foreach loop 5 ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "define" "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>, 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: DEFINE "cuboid" "cu@l@.location].as_location.add[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>|l@.location].as_location.sub[.radius]>,.radius]>,.radius]>]>" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '1'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '10'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eDSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft8' definition='bcuboid8' value='bcu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: ADJUST "" "spawn:" 19:35:00 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST ---------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'n@62'. 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12429.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [dLocation] fMinor: valueOf dLocation returning null: l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world(internal exception:For input string: "l@12409.0") 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fvalueOf in dCuboid returning null (null locations): 'cu@l@l@12429.0,73.0,12479.0,world|l@l@12409.0,53.0,12459.0,world'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d fUnfilled attributes '[spawnable_blocks, random]' for tag ! 19:35:00 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'null'. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fTag is invalid! 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bn@628' mechanism='bspawn8' mechanism_value='bnull8' 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR! fInvalid dLocation specified. Assuming last known NPC location. 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fWoah!! An exception has been called with this command! 19:35:00 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'DSPAWNER_WORLD'! fInternal exception was thrown! 19:35:00 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException: location cannot be null 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.citizensnpcs.npc.CitizensNPC.spawn( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dNPC.adjust( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.AdjustCommand.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.oncePerSecond( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.DenizenCore.tick( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen$ 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.D( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.MinecraftServer.C( 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [SEVERE] 19:35:00 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: ADJUST "" "spawn:") 19:35:00 [INFO] d+---------------------+ 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH "CALLBACK" 19:35:00 [INFO] d fQueue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' Executing: FOREACH "CALLBACK" 19:35:00 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'DSPAWNER_WORLD_RegardsMinisterCraft' in 60ms.