TutorialMiner: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 TutorialMinerQuest TutorialMinerQuest: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - ^zap step:2 ## Remember to zap to stage 2 but all this is the same as before. - narrate "<&a><&l>Miner: <&f>Hello there." - wait 2 - narrate "<&a><&l>Miner: <&f>Go get me some Mithril Ore." - wait 2 - zap step:3 2: click trigger: script: - narrate "You can't do that right now." - wait 5 3: click trigger: script: - zap step:2 - if == 1 && { ## Simple IF..THEN..ELSE.. - ^take iron_ore qty:3 ## This is the command to take items from the player, note the ^ that means it happens instantly. Without that there will be a 0.5s delay. - narrate "<&a><&l>Blacksmith: <&f>Perfect this will do, just a moment" - wait 2 - narrate "<&o>The Blacksmith starts hammering on his anvil." - wait 2 - narrate "<&a><&l>Blacksmith: <&f>There you go! A nice and sharp sword." - give i@SteelSword ## This is the give command, it is a custom item which we will look at alter. - wait 3 - zap step:4 ## And we go to the last stage, the final stage for this NPC. } else { - zap step:2 - narrate "<&a><&l>Blacksmith: <&f>Sorry I need 3 iron ore before I can make a sword." - wait 4 - zap step:3 ## We zap back to step 3 as he has not cleared it yet. } 4: click trigger: script: - zap step:2 - random { ## This random command is very useful to make NPCs a little more interesting. - narrate "<&a><&l>Blacksmith: <&f>Goodluck on your travels!" ## The rest of the script is just a basic textline and making sure to zap to stage 2 and back to stage 4 at the end. - narrate "<&o>The Blacksmith is too busy to notice you." - narrate "<&a><&l>Blacksmith: <&f>May my tools protect you." } - wait 3 - zap step:4 ClickMithrilOre: type: world events: on player right clicks at ARMOR_STAND: - if == e@141d286a-d697-4932-9441-a0232191b4c4 { ## This is the exact entity id of the Armorstand, Joey can enable a script that narrates this id when you right click Armorstands. - if == 1 { - narrate "<&o>I can't carry anymore." - wait 1 } else { - ^narrate "<&o>You gather some Mithril Ore." - ^give i@MithrilOre qty:1 - ^flag player DwarfMithrilOre:1 } }