Java Version: 1.7.0_80 Up-time: 2d 9h CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-b1c1b55-dd016e7 (MC: 1.9) Denizen Version: Core: 1.10 (Build Unknown), CraftBukkit: 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT (build 510) Active Plugins (9): 2Vault: 1.5.6-b49, 2WorldEdit: 6.1;no_git_id, 2WorldGuard: 6.1, 2PermissionsBukkit: 2.4, 2Citizens: 2.0.17-SNAPSHOT (build 1318), 2Denizen: 0.9.8-SNAPSHOT (build 510), 2dynmap: 2.3-SNAPSHOT-1132, 2Depenizen: 0.2.2 (build 268), 2Magic: 6.0-SNAPSHOT, Loaded Worlds (3): world, world_nether, world_the_end Online Players (1): tribness7(tribness) Offline Players: 4 Mode: online 18:35:46 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_BraceletKgPlugins'... 18:35:46 [INFO] d fQueue 'EXCOMMAND_BraceletKgPlugins' Executing: RUN "head_teste" "instantly" 18:35:46 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@tribness ---------+ 18:35:46 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bHEAD_TESTEe(TASK)8' instant='btrue8' 18:35:46 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_BoundSignalCarlos'... 18:35:46 [INFO] d fQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_BoundSignalCarlos' Executing: DEFINE "blob" "" 18:35:46 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@tribness ---------+ 18:35:46 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ=='. 18:35:46 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eHEAD_TESTE_BoundSignalCarlos8' definition='bblob8' value='beyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ==8' 18:35:46 [INFO] d fQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_BoundSignalCarlos' Executing: ADJUST "i@human_skull" "skull_skin:|" "save:head1" 18:35:46 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@tribness ---------+ 18:35:46 [INFO] d f...remembering this script entry as 'head1'! 18:35:46 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@ccf2b20b-6085-40c7-aa14-41f90c8f4f5f'. 18:35:46 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ=='. 18:35:46 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bi@human_skull8' mechanism='bskull_skin8' mechanism_value='bp@ccf2b20b-6085-40c7-aa14-41f90c8f4f5f|eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ==8' 18:35:46 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'HEAD_TESTE'! fWoah!! An exception has been called with this command! 18:35:46 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'HEAD_TESTE'! fInternal exception was thrown! 18:35:46 [SEVERE] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "p@ccf2b20b" 18:35:46 [SEVERE] java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] java.lang.Long.parseLong(Unknown Source) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] java.lang.Long.valueOf(Unknown Source) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] java.lang.Long.decode(Unknown Source) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] java.util.UUID.fromString(Unknown Source) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dItem.adjust( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.AdjustCommand.execute( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.RunCommand.execute( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen.onCommand( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PlayerConnection.a( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ 18:35:46 [SEVERE] java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] Source) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:45) 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.MinecraftServer.D( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.DedicatedServer.D( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.MinecraftServer.C( 18:35:46 [SEVERE] 18:35:46 [SEVERE] Source) 18:35:46 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: ADJUST "i@human_skull" "skull_skin:|" "save:head1") 18:35:46 [INFO] d+---------------------+ 18:35:46 [INFO] d fQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_BoundSignalCarlos' Executing: INVENTORY "open" "d:in@generic[size=9;title=Party<&sp>Menu;contents=li@=]" 18:35:46 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@tribness ---------+ 18:35:46 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '2'. 18:35:46 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&sp> with ' '. 18:35:46 [INFO] d fMissing saved entry object 'result' 18:35:46 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'entry[head1].result'. 18:35:46 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'HEAD_TESTE'! fTag is invalid! 18:35:46 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[open]8' 8Inventory='ein@generic[size=9;title=2Party Menu]8' slot='b18' 18:35:46 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'HEAD_TESTE_BoundSignalCarlos' in 5ms. 18:35:46 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'EXCOMMAND_BraceletKgPlugins' in 5ms. 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing outside scripts... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing unnamed script... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/parties.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/Cuboid maker.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/necromancer_entities.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/wallet_upgrader.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/player_start.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/teste.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/snowballs_damager.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/head_teste.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/cam_making.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/WaterCaster primary skill handler.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/Ranger primary skill handler.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/server_items_helmets.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/statistics_for_players.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/world_damage_handler.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/procedures.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/Hunter primary skill handler.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/world_cuboids.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/test_tools.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/ranged_attack.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/player_sidebar_info.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/free_flight.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/world_yaml_loader.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/temporary_yaml.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/server_items_chestplate.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/server_items_leggings.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/getstats.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/plmenu_handler.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/world_minecraft_mobs.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/lorebook.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/debug.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/server_items_boots.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/inventory_npc.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/rhudahsv2.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/equipment_handler_v2.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/stormcaster_primary_skill_handler.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/teleportenpc.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fProcessing '/retribution.yml'... 18:36:13 [INFO] d aOKAY! fAll scripts loaded! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FARMER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CAM_MAKING_LOOK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PROFESSOR_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MULTIPLIER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BANDIT_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEASANT_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SWAMPLAND_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ECONOMICS_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BASIC_INVENTORY as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ZOMBIE_BABY_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HEAVY_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALLET_UPGRADER as type ASSIGNMENT 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FOREST_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STORM as type COMMAND 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BUILTIN_LOAD_TESTER as type COMMAND 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PARTY as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SNOWBALLS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WAR_ZONE_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SPRINTERS_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVENTORY_EFFECT as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVITE_CHECKER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MASTER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HELOTS_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MASTER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script TELEPORT as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PERIOIKOI_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORTUNE_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALLET_UPGRADER_INTERACT as type INTERACT 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STATS_CHANGER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVENTORY_NPC_TASK_GOODBYE as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LEGS_MENU_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HEAVY_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVENTORY_SHOP_WORLD as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script RHUDHAS_V2 as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script TELEPORTENPC_INTERACT as type INTERACT 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SNOW_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVENTORY_NPC as type ASSIGNMENT 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LEVEL_UP as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORSAKEN_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script KICK_PARTY as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ZOMBIE_PIG_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ARMOR_CAP as type PROCEDURE 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORTUNE_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ADMIN_BOOTS_INVENTORIES as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HEAVY_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FREE_FLIGHT as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORSAKEN_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script NECROCASTER_WORLD as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ARMOR_AMOUNT as type PROCEDURE 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_ENCHANTMENT_3_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CLASS_CHANGER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PROFESSOR_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PERIOIKOI_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SLAVE_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ZOMBIE_PIG_BABY_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_UNEQUIP as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BANDIT_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BOMBER_ZOMBIE_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script KEEPER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PERIOIKOI_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BANDIT_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script TELEPORTE_INV_MENU as type INVENTORY 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CHARGETP as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MOUNTAIN_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WICKED_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CHEST_MENU_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WIZARD_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script KEEPER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script RHUDAHS_CLEARER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FARMER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script THUNDERSTORM_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEACEKEEPER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STORMCASTER_PRIMARY_SKILL_HANDLER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_ENCHANTMENT_1_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ANCIENT_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALLET_CHARGER_GOODBYE as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WIZARD_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HUNTER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SPRINTERS_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HEAD_TESTE as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script VEST_POCKETS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HUNTER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script KEEPER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DEFENSIVE_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_ENCHANTMENT_2_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_ENCHANTMENT_1_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DESERT_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HO_YEAH as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script EQUIPMENT_HANDLER_V2 as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEACEKEEPER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script TELEPORTE_MENU_HANDLER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STUDENT_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_EQUIP as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MASTER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SAFE_ZONE_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HELMET_MENU_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script RHUDAHS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DAMAGE_CALC as type PROCEDURE 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STATISTICS_FOR_PLAYERS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DEFENSIVE_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALKER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HORSE_ENCHANTMENT_2_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HELOTS_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WATERCASTER_PRIMARY_SKILL_HANDLER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FOREST_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALLET_YAML as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ECONOMICS_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script KEEPER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVENTORY_CHANGER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WICKED_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script TRAVELLER_BACKPACK_INV as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CREATE_PARTY_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BOOTS_MENU_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORSAKEN_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FRIENDLY_WEATHER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PROFESSOR_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ADMIN_HELMET_INVENTORIES as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SOLDIER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script UPDATE_STATS as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CUBOID_TOOL as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DESERT_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WICKED_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MOUNTAIN_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SWORD_MENU as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FOREST_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DRUID_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ECONOMICS_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEASANT_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HEAD_SHAKER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script NIGHTMARE_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script OPEN_MENU as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SLEATFROST as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script TRAVELLER_BACKPACK as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HORSE_ENCHANTMENT_3_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MOUNTAIN_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HELOTS_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PHANTOM_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SLAVE_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BOOTS_MENU_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script VEST_POCKETS_INV as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HUNTER_PRIMARY_SKILL_HANDLER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DEFENSIVE_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WIZARD_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BAT_RUN as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CREATE_PARTY as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STUDENT_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script RANGER_PRIMARY_SKILL as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SLAVE_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ANCIENT_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ENTITY_CHECKER as type PROCEDURE 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_ENCHANTMENT_2_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LIBRARIAN_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LEGS_MENU_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SNOW_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SWAMPLAND_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LIBRARIAN_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STUDENT_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEACEKEEPER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORSAKEN_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DEFENSIVE_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SOLDIER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HELOTS_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DROP_DEFINER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BELT_POCKETS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DRUID_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MULTIPLIER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WICKED_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WORLD_DAMAGE_HANDLER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALLET_SIZE_CHECKER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FOREST_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SNOW_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script AXE_MENU as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALLET_CHARGER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SOLDIER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script NIGHTMARE_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAINS_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FARMER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORTUNE_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FARMER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LEAVE_DISBAND as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SHINING_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MESSAGE_WITH_NO_SPAWN as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ZOMBIE_ADULT_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MULTIPLIER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LOREBOOK as type BOOK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script RHUDAHS_HANDLER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVENTORY_NPC_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HORSE_ENCHANTMENT_2_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DEBUGBOARD_EVENTS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script KICK_PARTY_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FAREWELL as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INV_OPEN as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PHANTOM_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MULTIPLIER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SHINING_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script THUNDERSTORM_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALKER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CHAINING_LIFE_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BASIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE as type PROCEDURE 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script NIGHTMARE_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PROFESSOR_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script RETRIBUTION as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DESERT_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MASTER_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MONEY_TRAVEL as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVITE_PARTY as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HELMET_MENU_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEASANT_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BLACK_SKELETON_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SOLDIER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HORSE_ENCHANTMENT_1_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script TELEPORTENPC as type ASSIGNMENT 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BOW_MENU as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script EFFECT_TELEPORT_FINAL as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MY_GLASS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLMENU_HANDLER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PARTY_TAB_HANDLER as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SWAMPLAND_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HEAVY_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAINS_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_STATS_CHANGES as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PHANTOM_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LEAVE_PARTY_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVENTORY_NPC_INTERACT as type INTERACT 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script GETSTATS as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SLAVE_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PHANTOM_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FORTUNE_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALKER_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ECONOMICS_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script EQUIP_TYPE as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LIBRARIAN_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ANCIENT_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALKER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PERIOIKOI_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script INVITE_PARTY_TASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_START as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAINS_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CUBOID_EVENTS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WIZARD_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PL_HEALTH as type PROCEDURE 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WORLD_CUBOIDS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CAM_MAKING as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAINS_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PLAYER_ENCHANTMENT_3_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ANCIENT_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WALLETTASK as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script STUDENT_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DESERT_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ADMIN_CHESTPLATE_INVENTORIES as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SPRINTERS_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script ADMIN_LEGGINGS_INVENTORIES as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WORLD_MOBS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HUNTER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEASANT_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HORSE_ENCHANTMENT_3_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MOUNTAIN_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SHINING_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script PEACEKEEPER_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script FARANDALE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SWAMPLAND_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WORLD_MINECRAFT_MOBS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script LIBRARIAN_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BELT_POCKETS_INV as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HUNTER_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script MESSAGE_WITH_SPAWN as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script WORLD_YAML_LOADER as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script NIGHTMARE_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SIDEBAR_PL_INFO as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script THUNDERSTORM_CHESTPLATE as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script RANGED_ATTACKS as type WORLD 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script OPEN_MENU_GOODBYE as type TASK 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SHINING_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script BANDIT_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script HORSE_ENCHANTMENT_1_ON as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script CHEST_MENU_OFF as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script THUNDERSTORM_LEGGINGS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SOLARIS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DRUID_BOOTS as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SPRINTERS_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script SNOW_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fAdding script DRUID_HELMET as type ITEM 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fScanning 30 world scripts... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [CommandSmart...] fLoaded Command SmartEvent. 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [CuboidEnterE...] fLoaded Cuboid Enter & Exit SmartEvent. 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [FlagSmartEvent] fLoaded Flag SmartEvent. 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [PlayerEquips...] fLoaded Player Equips Armor SmartEvent. 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fReloading script events... 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, SystemTime matched for 'system time minutely'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, BiomeEnterExit matched for 'player exits notable cuboid'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, BiomeEnterExit matched for 'player enters notable cuboid'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityBreaksHanging matched for 'player breaks block'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityChangesBlock matched for 'player changes xp'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'entity damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'entity damages'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'wolf damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'wolf damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'PLAYER damages entity with:bow'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'entity damaged by arrow'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'entity damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damages'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDamaged matched for 'player damaged by player'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDies matched for 'entity dies'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDies matched for 'entity dies'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDies matched for 'player death'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDies matched for 'player dies'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDies matched for 'entity dies'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityDespawn matched for 'entity despawns'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityEntersVehicle matched for 'player enters notable cuboid'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityExitsVehicle matched for 'player exits notable cuboid'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityHeals matched for 'player heals'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityKilled matched for 'player kills entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityKilled matched for 'player kills entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityShootsBow matched for 'player shoots bow'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntitySpawn matched for 'entity spawns'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityTames matched for 'player tames entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, EntityTeleports matched for 'player teleports'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, ItemDespawns matched for 'entity despawns'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, ItemMerges matched for 'item merges'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerScrollsItem matched for 'player scrolls their hotbar'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, ItemSpawns matched for 'entity spawns'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerBreaksBlock matched for 'player breaks block'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerItemBreak matched for 'player breaks block'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerChangesXP matched for 'player changes xp'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerDropsItem matched for 'player drops item'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerItemTakesDamage matched for 'player item takes damage'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerJoins matched for 'player joins'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerJoins matched for 'player join'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerJoins matched for 'player joins'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerLogin matched for 'player login'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerPicksUp matched for 'player picks up item'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerPicksUp matched for 'player picks up RHUDAHS'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerPicksUp matched for 'player picks up item'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerPlacesBlock matched for 'player places block'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerPlacesHanging matched for 'player places block'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerQuits matched for 'player quits'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerQuits matched for 'player quit'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerQuits matched for 'player quits'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerQuits matched for 'player quit'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRespawns matched for 'player respawns'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRespawns matched for 'player respawns priority:0'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks Traveller_backpack_inv in inventory'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks Vest_pockets_inv in inventory'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks Belt_pockets_inv in inventory'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks in inventory'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks block with cuboid_tool'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, PlayerRightClicksEntity matched for 'player right clicks'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, ProjectileHits matched for 'player shoots bow'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'entity damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'entity damages'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'wolf damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'wolf damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'PLAYER damages entity with:bow'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'entity damaged by arrow'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'entity damages entity'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damages'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damaged'! 18:36:13 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fEvent match, VehicleDamaged matched for 'player damaged by player'! 18:36:14 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_BernardFlyAcceptable'... 18:36:14 [INFO] d fQueue 'EXCOMMAND_BernardFlyAcceptable' Executing: RUN "head_teste" "instantly" 18:36:14 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@tribness ---------+ 18:36:14 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bHEAD_TESTEe(TASK)8' instant='btrue8' 18:36:14 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_PossibleSuggestPlans'... 18:36:14 [INFO] d fQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_PossibleSuggestPlans' Executing: DEFINE "blob" "" 18:36:14 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@tribness ---------+ 18:36:14 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ=='. 18:36:14 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eHEAD_TESTE_PossibleSuggestPlans8' definition='bblob8' value='beyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ==8' 18:36:14 [INFO] d fQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_PossibleSuggestPlans' Executing: ADJUST "i@human_skull" "skull_skin:|" "save:head1" 18:36:14 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: ADJUST/p@tribness ---------+ 18:36:14 [INFO] d f...remembering this script entry as 'head1'! 18:36:14 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@ccf2b20b-6085-40c7-aa14-41f90c8f4f5f'. 18:36:14 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ=='. 18:36:14 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eADJUST8': object='bi@human_skull8' mechanism='bskull_skin8' mechanism_value='bp@ccf2b20b-6085-40c7-aa14-41f90c8f4f5f|eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0NTc4MDUzMDQxMTcsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImNjZjJiMjBiNjA4NTQwYzdhYTE0NDFmOTBjOGY0ZjVmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ0cmlibmVzcyIsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS8zM2ViZWM5YTM2YTE2ZjdhMWNjMWE2ZWI2MDY3ZjE3YjkyODhlM2EyM2M1NDY3Nzg4ZmE5NzMzYzY4ZGMxIn19fQ==8' 18:36:14 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'HEAD_TESTE'! fWoah!! An exception has been called with this command! 18:36:14 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'HEAD_TESTE'! fInternal exception was thrown! 18:36:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "p@ccf2b20b" 18:36:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.Long.parseLong(Unknown Source) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.Long.valueOf(Unknown Source) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.Long.decode(Unknown Source) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] java.util.UUID.fromString(Unknown Source) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dItem.adjust( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.AdjustCommand.execute( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.core.RunCommand.execute( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$ 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen.onCommand( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PlayerConnection.a( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ 18:36:14 [SEVERE] java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] Source) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:45) 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.MinecraftServer.D( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.DedicatedServer.D( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.MinecraftServer.C( 18:36:14 [SEVERE] 18:36:14 [SEVERE] Source) 18:36:14 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: ADJUST "i@human_skull" "skull_skin:|" "save:head1") 18:36:14 [INFO] d+---------------------+ 18:36:14 [INFO] d fQueue 'HEAD_TESTE_PossibleSuggestPlans' Executing: INVENTORY "open" "d:in@generic[size=9;title=Party<&sp>Menu;contents=li@=]" 18:36:14 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@tribness ---------+ 18:36:14 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '2'. 18:36:14 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&sp> with ' '. 18:36:14 [INFO] d fMissing saved entry object 'result' 18:36:14 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'entry[head1].result'. 18:36:14 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'HEAD_TESTE'! fTag is invalid! 18:36:14 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eINVENTORY8': 8actions='e[open]8' 8Inventory='ein@generic[size=9;title=2Party Menu]8' slot='b18' 18:36:14 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'HEAD_TESTE_PossibleSuggestPlans' in 5ms. 18:36:14 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 'EXCOMMAND_BernardFlyAcceptable' in 6ms.