basementquesttest: type: assignment actions: on assignment: - trigger name:click state:true interact scripts: - 10 basementzombiequesttest basementzombiequesttest: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - chat "&e&oHe- Hey you! Umm I- Did my wife send you?!" - wait 2 - chat "&e&oOh nevermind, look I got a problem that needs fixing quick like!" - wait 3 - chat "&e&oIts a little dangeous do you think you could do it?" - inventory open d:in@quest_Inventory chat trigger: accept: script: - narrate "Quest Started: The Basement" - wait 1 - chat "&e&oOh good! So me and my wife started hearing noises coming from our basement" - wait 3 - chat "&e&oAt first we thought it had been these big rats we've been seeing, but I don't think its that anymore" - wait 3 - chat "&e&oSo when it started to bother my wife I went down here and what do ya know there are holes in my wall" - wait 3 - chat "&e&oAt night the thing down there usually comes out but its too stupid to use the ladder, I just need you to go down there and kill it! I'll even pay you!" - wait 4 - narrate "The Basement: Investigate the strange creature" - listen kill type:npc target:<99> qty:1 script:Zombiekillbasetest - zap step:2 deny: script: - wait 2 - chat "&e&oThen could you go find someone who has enough balls to investigate?" 2: click trigger: script: - random 3 - chat "&e&oI still hear the noises, please kill that thing soon!" - chat "&e&oPlease kill it before it kills my family!" - chat "&e&oWhat are you waiting for?!" 3: click trigger: script: - chat "&e&oThank ye so much for killing that thing, now my wife and I can sleep peacefully!" - wait 2 - chat "&e&oHere take this as a reward, it isn't much but its all we got!" - give money qty:250 - wait 2 - narrate "You've been rewarded 250 gold coins" - wait 1 - narrate "Quest Complete: The Basement" - zap step:4 4: click trigger: script: - chat "&e&oHopefully I can get this hole fixed, you have our gratitude &6!" Zombiekillbasetest: type: task script: - narrate "You have slain the Undead Brute" - wait 2 - narrate "Return to Gregory Doran claim your reward" - zap step:3 script:basementzombiequest quest_Inventory: type: inventory title: "<&6>Quest Chat" size: 3 slots: - "[i@yes] [] [i@no]" yes: type: item material: "35:5" display name: "<&a>Yes" lore: - "Clicking yes will acceot the current quest given" - "<&a>$<&f>6" no: type: item material: "35:14" display name: "<&4>No" lore: - "Clicking no will deny the current quest being given!" bartender_Inventory_Handler: type: world events: on player clicks in bartender_Inventory: - determine cancelled on player drags in bartender_Inventory: - determine cancelled on player clicks yes in bartender_Inventory: - zap step:accept on player clicks no in bartender_Inventory: - zap step:deny