BillyGalbreath: Interact Scripts: - 1 BillyGalbreathStart - 2 BillyGalbreathEnd Reward: type: item material: diamond #color: color goes here display name: A Collectors Diamond lore: - A prized diamond from BillyGalbreath himself. #enchantments: #- Enchant goes here BillyGalbreathStart: type: Interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - narrate "Hey, you there!" - wait 1 - narrate "I have a special request of you!" - narrate "Will you help me?" chat trigger: 1: Trigger: /Yes/. I will. script: #Tell the player what to do. - narrate "I need you to bring me a few things." - WAIT 1 - narrate "I need: 1 Diamond, 1 Book, and 3 Redstone." - WAIT 1 - narrate "Come back when you have them and I will reward you!" #Set this script as finished, so we know they're on the quest - FINISH #set this script to step 2. So the player gets the hint message. - zap step:2 2: trigger: /No/. I will not. script: - narrate "Alright, you're missing out." 2: click trigger: script: - narrate "Come back you have 1 Diamond, 1 Book, and 3 Redstone!" BillyGalbreathEnd: type: Interact list: #Here we check if they are on the quest and have the items. - FINISHED BillyGalbreathStart - ITEM 331 3 - ITEM 264 1 - ITEM 340 1 steps: '1': click trigger: Script: #Engage is used to keep the player from clicking twice. - ENGAGE - TAKE 331 QTY:3 - TAKE 264 QTY:1 - TAKE 340 QTY:1 - narrate "Thank you so much! Take this as your reward." - GIVE player i@Reward - WAIT 1 - narrate "Bring me those items again, and I'll give you another!" #Always disengagae after an Engage - DISENGAGE