rotatingplate: type: world events: on player steps on huge_mushroom_1 in event: - wait 1t - while { - rotate 1 duration:0.3 - wait 20t } rotatingplate2: type: world events: on player steps on black_wool in event: - wait 1t - while { - shoot origin: destination: speed:0.5 duration:0.5 force_along no_rotate no_damage - wait 40t } rotatingplate3: type: world events: on player steps on huge_mushroom_2 in event: - wait 1t - shoot origin: destination: speed:1 duration:0.5 force_along no_rotate no_damage ChristmasGuide: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasGuidescript ChristmasGuidescript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - engage - chat "Happy Christmas and welcome to Santa's Castle!" - wait 3 - chat "We are Santa's elfs, we make all the candy and the presents." - wait 5 - chat "However, it seems we elfs are in a bit of a pickle this year." - wait 4 - chat "A lot of the Elfs are sick and there is still a lot of work to be done." - wait 5 - chat "Follow the path and over the bridge you will find Santa's room." - wait 4 - chat "Talk to him and see if you can safe Christmas!" - wait 5 - disengage Christmas1: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 Christmas1script Christmas1script: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if == true { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas! Take this small gift." - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "I hope you have a great time." - chat "This is the time of the year when you can eat anything you want." - chat "Here is a small present for your hard work." - chat "Oh! Look at all of these presents, I don't think anyone would mind if you took one." - chat "Awesome, you worked really hard this year. Take this." - chat "Ah you are one of the good kids, take this." } - give i@ChristmasPresent qty:1 - ^flag player "Christmas1:true" - wait 1 - disengage } ChristmasSanta: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasSantascript ChristmasSantascript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if == 4 { - engage - chat "Thank you for saving Christmas!" - wait 1 - disengage } else { - if == 3 { - engage - chat "What you say? Bob the Griefer?" - wait 2 - chat "Yes, I see. He has been a problem here lately." - wait 2 - chat "You saved Christmas, thank you and take this small reward." - wait 2 - give i@Snowglobe qty:1 - chat "The Elfs have also got some presents for you, make sure to talk to all of them." - wait 2 - flag player ChristmasSanta:4 - disengage } else { - if == 2 { - engage - chat "I see you have some Candy Canes there, delicious things." - wait 3 - chat "There is a lot of sugar in them so expect some sugar rush." - wait 3 - chat "Now that you have helped us make some candy we could also use some help at the Present Factory." - wait 4 - chat "I can hear the Head Elf complaining from here.." - wait 2 - disengage } else { - engage - chat "Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!" - wait 1 - chat "Welcome to my Castle, ." - wait 3 - chat "I see you have been good this year, done many adventures I see." - wait 4 - chat "May I ask you for one more small adventure?" - wait 3 - chat "You see, the elfs have suddenly became very sick and there is still much work to be done." - wait 4 - chat "You should go check on the Chef Elf in the living quarters just on the other side of the bridge and see if he needs your help." - wait 1 - disengage } } ChristmasChef: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasChefscript ChristmasChefscript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if >= 2 { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - if == 2bis { - engage - chat "Well done, I'll take those ingredients." - wait 1 - chat "Here, take some candy for your hard work." - wait 1 - ^chat "Go see Santa again." - ^take red_dye qty:8 - ^take sugar qty:8 - ^take speckled_melon qty:8 - ^give i@ChristmasCane qty:8 - ^flag player ChristmasSanta:2 - disengage } else { - engage - chat "Hello there young one. Are you here to help?" - wait 2 - chat "If you are then I need you ..." - wait 1 - chat "OI HENK I SEE YOU THERE, NO SLEEPING YET!" - wait 1 - chat "I need you to help us make some Candy Canes." - wait 2 - chat "Go see the librarian, he will have help you gather the right ingredients.." - wait 4 - chat "Once he inspects their quality come back to me." - wait 1 - disengage ChristmasLibrarian: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasLibrariancript ChristmasLibrarianscript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if == 2 { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - if == 2bis { - engage - chat "Go see the Elf Chef." - wait 1 - disengage } else { - if == 1 & == 1 & == 1 { - engage - chat "I see you got all the ingredients..." - wait 1 - chat "Hmmm .... yes .... these seem to be fine." - wait 1 - chat "Bring these to Chef." - flag player ChristmasSanta:2bis - disengage } else { - engage - chat "You want to make some Candy Canes?" - wait 2 - chat "Since you do not have our Elf Magic you will just have to get the supplies." - wait 3 - chat "Go talk to the Elf Dyer, Elf Alch and right click the Spade at the Sugar Supply Room." - wait 1 - chat "Once you have done this come and see me again." - disengage } } ChristmasDyer: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasDyercript ChristmasDyerscript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if == 1 { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - engage - chat "I am a bit busy right now..." - wait 2 - chat "Oh, you want some dye? Here." - wait 1 - give red_dye qty:8 - ^flag player ChristmasDyer:1 - disengage } ChristmasAlch: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasAlchcript ChristmasAlchscript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if == 1 { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - engage - chat "Ssssssh, it's brewing..." - wait 2 - chat "<&o>Here take this quietly." - wait 1 - give speckled_melon qty:8 - ^flag player ChristmasAlch:1 - disengage } ChristmasHeadElf: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasHeadElfscript ChristmasHeadElfscript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if >= 3 { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - if == 3bis { - engage - chat "WHAT?! SOMEONE STOLE THE CORE?!" - wait 1 - chat "OH NO NO NO...." - wait 2 - ^chat "You must find the Factory Machinist, he is probably sleeping somewhere warm." - flag player ChristmasSanta:3abis - disengage } else { - if == 2 { - engage - chat "Santa sent you to help us out?" - wait 2 - chat "Bless him. You see the factory has suddenly stopped working." - wait 3 - chat "I have no time to go down there and check so could you go down and check what is going on?" - wait 1 - chat "Just go down the stairs and see if you can find an Elf." - wait 1 - disengage } else { - engage - chat "Sorry, I am busy with the presents list." - disengage } ChristmasMachinistElf: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasMachinistElfscript ChristmasMachinistElfscript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if >= 3 { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - if == 3abis { - engage - chat "Hmmm.. Factory problems?" - wait 1 - chat "That can wait.. I.. sleep.." - wait 2 - ^chat "WAIT WHAT?! The core is gone?" - wait 1 - chat "Well let's find out who stole it then, let's go before they know I was sleeping." - wait 3 - execute as_server 'tp 929 29 988' - disengage } else { - if != true { - if == 3bis or == 2 or == 2bis or == null { - engage - chat "ZZZZZzzzzzzz...." - wait 1 - disengage } else { - engage - chat "You have the Core, phew you saved my bottocks." - wait 2 - chat "Now I need to restart the factory again." - ^take i@FactoryCore qty:1 - wait 1 - chat "Go see Santa." - flag player ChristmasSanta:3 - execute as_server 'tp 979 46 1015' } ChristmasFactoryElf: type: assignment interact scripts: - 10 ChristmasFactoryElfscript ChristmasFactoryElfscript: type: interact steps: 1: click trigger: script: - if >= 3 { - engage - random { - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Merry Christmas!" - chat "Enjoy the holidays!" - chat "Happy Holidays!" - chat "Work, work and even more work." - chat "I love this time of the year." - chat "CANDY! CANDY! CANDY! .. I love candy." } - wait 1 - disengage } else { - if == 2 { - engage - chat "Someone stole the Factory Core." - wait 2s - chat "Go tell the Head Elf, here I'll guide you back." - flag player ChristmasSanta:3bis - execute as_server 'tp 979 46 1015' - disengage } else { - engage - chat "Who are you?" - disengage } ChristmasHatSnowloop: type: task script: - foreach { - if == i@ChristmasHat { - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 - ^playeffect ,,-]> effect:SNOW_SHOVEL qty:25 } } - run ChristmasHatSnowloop instantly delay:100t Spade: type: world events: on player right clicks at ARMOR_STAND: - if == e@39367811-6cd0-4251-aac5-5a425809189b { - if == 1 { - narrate "It seems I already took some sugar." - wait 1 } else { - narrate "You gather some sugar." - give sugar qty:8 - flag player ChristmasSpade:1 } } ChristmasPresentOpen: type: world events: on player right clicks with i@ChristmasPresent: - determine passively cancelled - take i@ChristmasPresent qty:1 - random { - give i@ChristmasCandy qty:1 - give i@ChristmasCandy qty:2 - give i@ChristmasCandy qty:3 - give i@ChristmasCandy qty:2 - if != 1 { - ^flag player ChristmasHat:1 - give i@ChristmasHat qty:1 } else { - give i@ChristmasCandy qty:1 } } ChristmasFood: type: world events: on player right clicks with i@ChristmasCandy: - determine passively cancelled - take i@ChristmasCandy qty:1 - heal 5 - narrate "You restore 5 Health." ChristmasFood2: type: world events: on player right clicks with i@ChristmasCane: - determine passively cancelled - take i@ChristmasCane qty:1 - heal 2 - cast Speed d:30 p:1 - narrate "You restore 2 Health." Snowglobesummon: type: world events: on player right clicks with i@snowglobe: - determine passively cancelled - if == true { - narrate " cooldown remaining." } else { - summon snowman - summon snowman - summon snowman - ^flag player "snowglobecooldown:true" duration:1800S } BobGrieferDies: type: world events: on npc dies: - if == n@756 {" - if != 1 { - ^flag BobGriefer:1 - ^drop i@FactoryCore qty:1 } } ChristmasCandy: type: item material: red_dye display name: <&c><&l>Christmas Candy enchantment: - LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS:1 lore: - <&7><&o>Delicious sugar-glazed candy. - <&7><&o>Made by the Christmas Elfs. - <&f> - <&2>Use: <&a>Restores 5 Health. ChristmasPresent: type: item material: human_skull[display_name=Poke;skull_skin=23d1e808-f13e-465e-85a1-3aafd83345b6|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDQxZmJlYTljMmQxOTA0MGU1NjdmMzg3YWI0NmIyZjhhM2ExZGE4ZWVjOWQzOTllMmU0YWRjZjA1YWRhOGEyYSJ9fX0] display name: <&2><&l>Christmas Present lore: - <&7><&o>A lovely present from Santa's Elfs. - <&7><&o>I wander what is inside of it? - <&f> - <&2>Use: <&a>Opens the present. ChristmasHat: type: item material: light_blue_carpet display name: <&2><&l>Christmas Hat lore: - <&7><&o>A lovely present from Santa's Elfs. - <&7><&o>When wearing this on your head it - <&7><&o>will always feel like it's Christmas. ChristmasCane: type: item material: blaze_rod display name: <&c><&l>Christmas Canes lore: - <&7><&o>Delicious sugar-glazed candy. - <&7><&o>Made by the Elf Chef, - <&7><&o>contains a lot of sugar. - <&f> - <&2>Use: <&a>Restores 2 Health. - <&2>Use: <&a>Gives a Speed boost. FactoryCore: type: item material: clay_ball display name: <&6><&l>Factory Core lore: - <&7><&o>This powers the present factory. Snowglobe: type: item material: human_skull[display_name=Poke;skull_skin=be6b6cbc-223a-4c98-b205-b00b7c545579|eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmRkNjYzMTM2Y2FmYTExODA2ZmRiY2E2YjU5NmFmZDg1MTY2YjRlYzAyMTQyYzhkNWFjODk0MWQ4OWFiNyJ9fX0] display name: <&b><&l>Snow Globe lore: - <&7><&o>A lovely present from Santa. - <&7><&o>It contains living snowmen. - <&f> - <&2>Use: <&a>Summons 3 Snowmen.