#-------------------------# #--GadgetTool--v0.1-----# #--------------------# #----------------# ############ ###CONFIG### ############ gadget_config: type: yaml data GadgetTool: #----DEFAULT ITEM-----# #--Default: compass---# DefaultItem: compass #---------------------# ########## ###ITEM### ########## gadget_item: type: item material: display name: GadgetTool lore: - Versitile shapeshifting tool. - Use carefully and wisely. - Mode<&co> Default ############# ###COMMAND### ############# gadget_command: type: command debug: true name: gadget description: GadgetTool command. usage: /gadget aliases: - gg permission: gadget.command allowed help: - determine > script: - if { - announce to_console "<&c>This command is for players only!" - queue clear } - if { - narrate "<&c>Sorry, you don;t have permission to perform this command!" - queue clear } - give i@gadget_item